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Catharine Arnston is the founder and CEO of a company called Energybits which produces some of the world's best Spirulina and Chlorella products. Catharine has a 30-year career as an international Attache for the Canadian and British Governments, publisher of an international magazine and founder of three startups. But in 2009 when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist to change her diet to an alkaline one because it would help her heal, Catharine put her career on hold to help her sister. In the process, she discovered algae, the most alkaline, nutrient-dense plant in the world that no one seemed to know about. Catharine Arnston knew algae would be a game-changer for the world if she could just help people understand it and so she founded her company Energybits. Algae is a multi-billion dollar crop in Asia where it has been used for decades. Algae is endorsed by NASA and the UN as the most nutritionally dense food in the world. There are over 100,000 studies documenting its benefits, some of which include increased energy, improved focus, strengthened immune system, reduced inflammation, removal of toxins, enhanced longevity, improved sports performance, removal of hunger, and revitalized skin and hair health. All this from a 4 billion-year-old, single-cell organism that has forty vitamins and minerals, the highest concentration of protein n the world, and one ingredient. The only thing wrong with algae is that it is virtually unknown outside of Asia.  This podcast interview with Catharine Arnston is set to help change that in our corner of the world By the end of this interview you will be rushing out to get yours. Workout FuelGive your body the protein and micro-nutrients it needs to perform without sugar or artificial sweeteners.

The Perfect Travel FoodBits are easy to pack and eat on the run. Whether you travel by plane, train or automotive, Bits have your back.

Daily Greens in One MinuteMaking sure your family eats veggies doesn't need to be a struggle. Think of Bits as your daily greens insurance!

plateNo MoreHangry

Spirulina is a cultivated algae that has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples in Mexico and Africa. It has the highest concentration of protein on earth - triple that of steak - as well as the second-highest concentration of an Essential Fatty Acid called GLA (second only to mother's milk). Spirulina is loaded with antioxidants and unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin and SOD.

Chlorella algae are harvested in freshwater tanks and have been used for over fifty years in Asia. It has a remarkable ability to help remove toxins and help build the immune system. All naturally. Chlorella contains over 40 nutrients, including all the B vitamins, iron, zinc, and many minerals. It offers so many benefits we would never have enough room here to list them all.

"When it comes to nutrient density for omnivores, vegans, vegetarians and anyone looking to optimize their diet with dense quantities of protein, amino acids, fatty acids, DHA, antioxidants and more, you simply cannot beat chlorella and spirulina. But not all algae is created equal, which is why I swear by ENERGYbits® as my go-to algae source, bar none."

LANDAlgae produces 100x more protein than cattle and creates zero waste. This efficient nutrition protects our land.

AIRAlgae provides over 80% of earth's oxygen and even removes CO2. Thanks to algae, we breath deeper and better. Ohmmm.

WATERWater is a precious resource. Algae farming uses 20% less fresh water than WORRY-FREE SOURCING

SAFE.Energy bits grow their algae outdoors in carefully monitored fresh water tanks fed by triple-filtered spring mountain water. You can't find a water source or algae that is purer or cleaner.

PURE.Energy bits use sound vibrations to crack our chlorella, passing the chlorella through a sound chamber. Most chlorella companies use an older technique to crack the chlorella. They tumble it with glass beads that leak lead into the chlorella. If you live in the USA or Canada use the code Lisa at checkout for a 20% discount at www.energybits.com.If you are in Australia you can order from www.eatcleanlivedirty.com.au but the discount code won't apply. We are hoping in future to bring this product to our NZ customers so stay tuned.   We would like to thank our sponsors for this show: www.vielight.com Makers of Photobiomodulation devices that stimulate the brains mitocondria, the power houses of your brains energy, through infrared light to optimise your brain function.  To get 10% off your order use the code: TAMATI at www.vielight.com  For more information on Lisa Tamati's programs, books and documentaries please visit www.lisatamati.com  For Lisa's online run training coaching go tohttps://www.lisatamati.com/page/runningpage/Join hundreds of athletes from all over the world and all levels smashing their running goals while staying healthy in mind and body. Lisa's Epigenetics Testing Programhttps://www.lisatamati.com/page/epigenetics/Get The User Manual For Your Specific GenesWhich foods should you eat, and which ones should you avoid?When, and how often should you be eating?What type of exercise does your body respond best to, and when is it best to exercise?Discover the social interactions that will energize you and uncover your natural gifts and talents.These are just some of the questions you'll uncover the answers to in the Lisa Tamati Epigenetics Testing Program along with many others.There's a good reason why epigenetics is being hailed as the "future of personalized health", as it unlocks the user manual you'll wish you'd been born with!  No more guesswork.The program, developed by an international team of independent doctors, researchers, and technology programmers for over 15 years, uses a powerful epigenetics analysis platform informed by 100% evidenced-based medical research.The platform uses over 500 algorithms and 10,000 data points per user, to analyze body measurement and lifestyle stress data, that can all be captured from the comfort of your own home

 For Lisa's Mental Toughness online course visit: https://www.lisatamati.com/page/mindsetuniversity/Develop mental strength, emotional resilience, leadership skills and a never quit mentality -Helping you to reach your full potential and break free of those limiting beliefs.  For Lisa's free weekly Podcast "Pushing the Limits" subscribe on iTunes or your favorite podcast app or visit the website https://www.lisatamati.com/page/podcast/  Transcript of The Podcast  Speaker 1: (00:01)Welcome to pushing the limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential with your host, Lisa Tamati, brought to you by www.LisaTamati.com.

Speaker 2: (00:13)If your brain is not functioning at its best, and check out what the team at www.veilight.com do now, be like producers, photo biomodulation devices. Your brain function depends largely on the health of the energy sources of the brain cells. In other words, the mitochondria and research has shown that stimulating your brain with near infrared light revitalizes mitochondria. I use these devices daily for both my own optimal brain function and also for other age related decline issues and also for my mum's brain rehabilitation after her aneurism and stroke. So check out what the team do at www.veilight.com. That's V I E L I G H T .com and use the code Tamati at checkout to get 10% off any of their devices. Pushing The limits this week. I have a wonderful guest, uh, who you're about to hear from Catherine Ernston of www.Energybits.com. Now, Catherine is the CEO and founder of a company that deals with spirulina and chlorella.

Speaker 2: (01:18)Doesn't sound very interesting, but I can assure you this interview will have your mind blown as to how beneficial spirulina and chlorella are for your health. Um, and we will do a really deep dive. There's um, did you know that spirulina has 64% protein, that it has over 40 vitamins and minerals, that it is backed by the United Nations and by NASA they use it for astronauts in outer space. It is an eco-friendly crop. It's got over 100,000 studies done on it, showing the different benefits of these, uh, blue green algae. Um, and the founder, Katherine Amston, got into this through her sister having breast cancer. And through that she decided she wanted to help her sister and started to look at the plant based diet. She started to look at what alkalizing diets were all about and she stumbled across Algie and found out just how powerful it is.

Speaker 2: (02:21)And so for the past decade, Katherine has been on a mission to let them world know just how important the nutrients I'm involved with a spirulina and chlorella. So it's a really, really interesting conversation. Make sure you stay to the end. Right. I just want to remind you too, I have my book, we'll link this coming out and just a couple of weeks time from the time of this podcast. It's the story of bringing my mum back after a major aneurism and left her with massive brain damage and hardly any higher function left. And we were told that she would never do anything again and that she wouldn't be with us long at stage. My mum had no ability to speak to communicate. She had no memory. She had no ability to control any bodily function, so the lights were on and no one was home. And this is a book about the desperate search for answers and looking outside the box and everything, the protocols, the therapies, the doctors, the research that I did, uh, and the work that I've done with her over the past four years to now have it back to full health again.

Speaker 2: (03:25)So it's really heartwarming and amazing book. I've spent two years in writing this book and I really hope it's going to help thousands and thousands, if not millions of people. If I had my way, there's so many people suffering out there from brain injuries who need to know. Um, and this is not just for strokes or aneurysms, but across the board, all different types of brain dysfunction, whether it be Alzheimer's, dementia, strokes, uh, concussions, uh, aneurisms, all of these things. Um, this is a real good book if you facing any of those things, but also for anyone who wants to know about mindset and mental toughness and overcoming massive challenges when the odds are stacked against you, um, and who hasn't faced situations like that. If you're a human, you sort of get check these things at life. So I'd really love you to go over and check that book out.

Speaker 2: (04:15)It's on my website now available for preorder at www.lisatamati.com hit the shop button and that will take you through to my shop with my books and my jewelry collection. So make sure you check that out. If you do that now you would also get access to mindset you, which is my online mental toughness and emotional resilience course, uh, that's valued at $275. You'll get that for free if you order the book before it launches on the 11th of March, but only up until then. Okay. So make sure you go and do that now. Um, and I really appreciate that right guys over to Catherine Amston

Speaker 3: (04:53)well, hi everybody. Welcome to the show. Once again, it's wonderful to have your loyalty back with us for another exciting episode of pushing the limits. Today, I have the amazing Kathryn Anson with me. How are you doing Catherine? I am a well and wildly excited for being here. Now, Katherine has been traveling for the last couple of weeks, then conferences, so and so have I. So we're both sitting here very tired but very passionate about what we do. So Catherine is in Canada, sorry. She is a Canadian but she's living in Boston. Um, and she is the founder and CEO of a company called ENERGYbits, uh, which, uh, is a company that deals with spirulina and chlorella. So we'll start there. Katherine, can you tell us a little bit of your background and why you ended up down the spirulina and chlorella? I know algae who knew algae could become the love of my life?

Speaker 3: (05:51)Uh, well I, you know, I started with a traditional career. I have an MBA, was doing international business, blah, blah, blah. And then my younger sister in Canada in Toronto, uh, developed breast cancer. And fortunately her oncologist advised her to change her diet to an alkaline one because they said it would help her with her healing process. She was going to do the chemo, but they didn't tell her what it was or why it worked. So she called me. Cause of course I love my sister, but also I'm just a really good researcher. I probably should have been a scientist. I said I have no idea what I'll go on a diet is, but you know, I know how to get on the internet and we'll figure this out. And it turned out to be mostly a plant based diet because of the phytonutrients and mostly the chlorophyll that helped build your immune system.

Speaker 3: (06:34)And so when you're doing chemo, having a strong immune system is critical. I mean it's important at anytime, but certainly when you're doing chemo. So she did change her diet. She did heal from her, uh, breast cancer and 10 years later she's still cancer-free. And in the process of helping her with her research, I read about 10 books on plant based nutrition. Now this is 10 years ago, nobody was talking about plant based nutrition then as they are now, it's mainstream now. And I was like this outlier and I said, I was crazy, blah blah blah. But I just saw the science. I said, no, this is, this is important stuff. Somebody should tell the rest of the world that, well I have no nutrition background, but I saw what it did for my sister. I know I can help other people. I'm going to give it a shot.

Speaker 3: (07:16)I have no idea how I'm going to do it, what kind of education I'm going to get. But I gave up my 25 year corporate career for a year for a health coaching certificate. But you know, gave me a little bit of science. Um, after I graduated, I taught nutrition for a year at corporations and hospitals anywhere who would let me in, cause I put a curriculum together and to try to teach people how to, you know, to incorporate more greens into their diet. And I learned two important lessons from that. One is that everybody knows they do need to eat more greens and to most people either don't like them or it's too much work or their kids or their husbands won't eat them. So they're, they're stuck. So I thought, okay, if I'm going to help people get healthier, prevent all these chronic illnesses or recover from them, I've got to find something that's green, fast, easy, doesn't require any work.

Speaker 3: (08:11)And back to the internet. I went and I started digging around trying different things and I found the algae. Now I found it for my sister originally but hadn't really dug deep into it. So I dug deep and I was like, Alison wanted landfall in the rabbit hole because I found out that algae is the most nutrient dense fit in the world. It's the most alkaline fluid in the world. It's the most studied food in the world. There are 100,000 studies documenting the various athletics, um, physical, mental, any aspect of algae. It pulls out toxins, you name it, but there's 100,000 studies. And the problem is this knowledge hasn't gotten out of the scientific community and into the consumer world, but it has an Asia where it's a multibillion dollar industry and they've been using it for 50 years. And you know, in Japan, they don't take supplements.

Speaker 3: (09:03)They just take chlorella, algae every day. And I point out to people that in Japan they have some of the best longevity, the lowest cancer rates, the best skin and hair. And I think a lot, you know, some of it is I attribute to the algae. So when I started seeing how powerful algae was and how easy it was to take, cause you could just swallow it and you're done. Um, and you know, it's endorsed by the United nations as the answer to world hunger is adores by nationals, the most nutrient dense food in the world. And they feed as the astronauts. I thought, okay, that's it. I'm spending the rest of my life to help people understand algae because I think it's the last chance we have to get nutrients into our bodies at the same time. By the way, we're also helping the environment because it's ecofriendly sustainable and we can talk about all that as well. So it's been a very exciting, challenging ride because everyone in my family and my friends thought I was off my rocker, but, um, but I, and I was on a show called shark tank. I don't know if you're familiar. Yeah. And, um, they made fun of me of course. And they said, we don't think you're in love with being an entrepreneur. You're just in love with algae. And I said, well, you're right. I am in love with algae and if you knew as much as I did about algae, you wouldn't love it.

Speaker 3: (10:15)Oh man. There I am. 10 years later, uh, I feel algae is my, my, uh, super child that I'm, I'm helping to coax into the world. Uh, and it's about to be discovered in a big way. In fact, um, here in America there's a, um, uh, fast, uh, food. It's healthy food. It's called sweet greens, very, very healthy chain. They've got a hundred, a hundred and some stores. And just today they announced that their, um, their, their biggest effort this year is they're going to create a kelp salad bowl. Kelp is, they said, wow. You know, 2020 is the year of Kelp. And of course, kelp is part of the algae story. It's all part of the same family. So it's like, okay, we're getting closer. I have to stop you there because you need five minutes. You've just given us a condensed version of 10 years and there's a number of areas we can go down the list.

Speaker 3: (11:09)So, uh, we talking, so algae, so the blue green algae, we're talking spirulina in chlorella and in particular, right? We talking spirulina being one of the most perfect foods on the planet, the most nutrient dense. Is that correct? Yes. So, um, I'll step back a little bit cause it really helps me, it took me a while to figure this out. So I'm eager to share the simplicity of it. It's like anything, once you know how to do something, it's easy. But until then it's a big mystery, right? So algae is just another food group. You know, we have fruits and we have vegetables. algae is a its own food group and it subdivides into two subgroups. So let's take fruits for example. Um, you might have bananas and apples as two subgroups. Well, within algae you have, um, seaweed or kelp and micro algae.

Speaker 3: (12:02)And then taking the analogy of the fruits with apples, there's different types of apples. There's granny Smith apples, there's delicious apples. Well within the micro algae category, there are two main types. There's blue green and green, and one blue green algae is spirulina and one green algae is chlorella. Now these two are really the only two that are harvested as a crop. So it's number one to point out that algae, spirulina and chlorella are not a supplement. They are a food crop. And also equally important is they are not grown in the ocean. They are grown and cultivated in fresh water. It's called a hydroponic. A lot of lot of farmers grow hydroponic salad and tomatoes. algae is the same way. It's just grown in fresh water. Now I mentioned this because there are thousands and thousands and thousands of other strains of blue, green and green algae all growing in oceans, lakes, swamps, warming pools, your aquarium.

Speaker 3: (13:08)And those are all poisonous and toxic. So if anyone is listening to this and they, and they go online and they read about toxic blue green algae, yes. That if it came from the ocean, not spirulina or chlorella, they are not toxic. And the reason why is cause algae will absorb whatever's in the water. So if it's in a contaminated water supply, of course it's going to be toxic. And I spent, I've spent a lot of years making sure that because we sell our products from doctors and functional medicine and wellness clinics, so they needed to be sure ours was pure and clean. So we do third-party lab tests here in the United States by an FDA approved lab. We even test for neurotoxins. Well, I think I'm the only company, algae company in the world that proves that there are no neurotoxins that are algae.

Speaker 3: (13:58)So I just mentioned this because people will go to the internet and they'll start Googling algae and they'll find some information about toxins and then there'll be panicked. And I want to assure you there is no, there are no toxins. Certainly not an R spirulina or chlorella because we grow them very carefully and monitor them and test them, but they're grown in fresh water. It's a crop, not a supplement. Gotcha. And now if we go into the breakdown of, of the spirulina in the, um, chlorella or as far as the, the, it's, it's packed with protein. It's packed with um, pretty much everything to sustain. When I, when I started looking into it, I'm going, well we actually, we don't need to eat anymore. We can just say spirulina. That's true. She didn't live forever on spirit and although the only nutrient it does not have is vitamin C, which is really interesting.

Speaker 3: (14:55)But other than that, or not much vitamin D, but other than that, in fact I'm the one and I should put a press release about it. I would about this. I know, I noticed, I saw it years ago, I saw a chart that identified all the nutrients in mother's breast milk, especially all the amino acids. Yes. Gosh, that looks awfully familiar. And sure enough, I checked our amino acid profile in spirulina. Exactly the same aminos. Exactly the same portions. So, and that helped explain to me why in Japan if babies are born and they cannot digest mother's breast milk, the only thing that keeps them alive is spirulina and water in it. Now I understand it's because the nutrient profile is very similar to two mother's breast milk. But of course, everyone knows mother's breast milk is the perfect food after the age of two, it's a little tough to get right.

Speaker 3: (15:44)And actually I was just, I've just been reading a study on um, uh, brace, smoke and its anticancer properties with the, uh, what is it? The LBM and the, the, Oh, there's the name of it. One of the, and I wonder if part of it is cause it say well, you know. Yeah. Um, so, uh, and we can talk to, I would like to explain to your listeners the difference between the two allergies because they, they do completely different things in your body. But just while you're talking about the cancer thing, um, as I mentioned, spirulina is a blue green algae and chlorella is a green algae. And the rate, the reason why they're called that is because spirulina has two pigments in it. The one that everybody knows is chlorophyll, which is a green pigment and that, and chlorella only has the green, but spirulina has another pigment in it that's blue and it's called phycocyanin.

Speaker 3: (16:34)Now, the interesting, and we won't dwell too much on this, but the interesting thing about phycocyanin as it relates to cancer, is that it has what's called anti-angiogenesis properties. I know that's a mouthful, but basically what it means is that when there are cancers or tumors, they find a way to literally hijack the blood vessels to reroute them to feed the cancer or the tumor. And there are different nutrients that will stop that process. Cause that process where they hijack the blood vessels is called angiogenesis. And so something that's anti angiogenesis stops that process. And this pigment called phycocyanin has been proven to be able to do that. Well, if you have a blood cancer, obviously it's not going to help because there's no cancer or tumor. Everything else, it's, it's very powerful. So, um, but aside from that, spirulina is generally known as an energizing algae, um, and it has the highest concentration of protein as you mentioned in the world.

Speaker 3: (17:39)Now, this is why in 1974 the United nations had a global conference on spirulina and, and endorsed it and it, and still does as the answer to world hunger because it has three times the amount of protein in it that animal protein. And of course it's a crop that you can grow. So it still is the answer to world hunger. And if I can get my company growing and we get to be as big as I want it to be like, believe me, that will be one of the things that I try to help accomplish in my lifetime is to teach other people in other lands to grow this, to feed their, you know, their countries and yeah, people. But so, so the reason why spirulina is so energizing, number one is it has all this protein and the proteins already in amino acid form, which means your body as an athlete, you know this, you have your, you already doesn't have to break down the protein to get access to it.

Speaker 3: (18:34)And what's even cooler is that, and most people don't know this, but spirulina is technically a bacteria. It does not have a cellulous wall. So the reason why this is important, particularly for athletes is because again, there's nothing for your body to break down to get access to the protein and the other Koreans. So it's absorbed virtually instantly. And uh, so normally do you get all the aminos? It's loaded with B vitamins, which convert the glucose into energy. And it also has the highest concentration of iron in the world. Iron carries oxygen in your blood. It helps my body. I know. It helps your body. Yeah. Oh yeah. It's pretty cool. I can, I can go even geekier on the oxygen today cause I've got, you know, like a lot of athletes have anemia, like problems since runners, amino acids are a part of, you know, the, the things that I get my all my athletes on so that they can get access to it.

Speaker 3: (19:32)So anything that, um, and, and since listening to you on, um, our mutual friend boomer, uh, Edison's podcasts, I've had my husband now who's training for an ultra marathon in four weeks time. I'm tasting this Berliner and his regime as it was for us, for his training, um, and finding fantastic results. And I've never, I never made the connection before between, okay. You know, I knew about spirulina, I knew the basics, but I didn't understand it could actually be the perfect food for endurance athletes. It is the perfect, we in fact field, so many Olympic athletes during the associate winter Olympics that I sent two of my team over to Sochi and because I'm Canadian and we were getting known by the Canadian Olympic teams, we had full access to the Canadian Olympic village and I had a previous Olympic athlete on my U S team here. And so we got complete access to the us Olympic village as well. So it was pretty, it was pretty cool.

Speaker 3: (20:32)Uh, athletes who competed in that winter Olympics were metaled and they publicly, uh, I have declared, you know, the, you know, congratulate us for helping them get there. So it was, it was a pretty low, yeah, we interested to tastes of it more, uh, with your products and the, um, in the, in the super long distance. And endurance's which is my background and we train a lot of experts in that area. So how would, what sort of results you could get if you were doing like mega long distances? Cause uh, digestive issues are a major problem for ultra endurance athletes like GI pain. Um, jeez, because all your bloods in your muscles of course, when that's right in your yeah, it's not doing well as far as, so the big problem comes in, how do you get enough energy in while you're running for two days, three days, whatever the rice is.

Speaker 3: (21:24)Um, and this could be a perfect solution for a whole, well, April, it is the perfect solution. And in fact, I used to speak at triathlon clubs about this and they used to at first nail me because they said, well, I don't believe how anything with one calorie per tablet can give me energy. So I had to do the deep dive in the science and I have all the answers. Why not only that, I have anecdotal evidence because I can give you a list of, you know, 20 ultra runners who were run a hundred miles only on our algae and water. That's it. Nothing else. Wow. And to your point about the, um, anemia, um, I've learned for a long time, there's something called the foot strike. There's something about when the athlete's foot hits of Ash halt, it causes the iron to dissipate. And it's a real problem for, for Addie.

Speaker 3: (22:18)Yeah. Yeah. That's Brenner's, Vimeo, yadda. Well, this is my answer. I'm really excited because I have to have constant, um, like iron infusions. Um, Oh, Oh, Oh. And my, my, and I'm not alone in this problem. There are a lot of female athletes especially, um, who are always at the bottom means, and of course their performances in and P because you can't carry enough blood and enough oxygen and, okay. Well we'll, we'll get you hooked up with some our cause. So, so the, uh, so the spirulina, you also have to be sure you take enough of it. We'd say we recommend 30 tablets for someone who's going on a run. Oh wow. Okay. So you know, if you only take three or four or you can, if you're just a mild runner, you know, he can take three, four. But if you're going to do a, you know, more than three or four miles, we suggest the full 30 tablets and there is never, this is why the athletes love it.

Speaker 3: (23:11)Not only do they get the energy, it's steady energy. It's not a rush. It's not a crash. It's just steady. It's not just physical, it's mental. Because you also know as you fatigue, the first thing that goes is your focus, but you never get stomach distress because it literally gets absorbed into your bloodstream before it hits your, your GI track. It's that because there's no, you know, selling as well. Yeah. Yeah. The protein is already in aminos and all the other, um, the iron and the B vitamins and they make it three. Everything is attached to the amino. Everything just gets absorbed so quickly. It's, it's, um, it's amazing. So it's also got a mega three. So does it have B12 or is the B12 missing? Yes, it does have. B12. Um, and I'm, I have to admit, I'm on the fence. I don't promote the B12 because I honestly don't know whether it's functioning as a B12, but it's there.

Speaker 3: (24:07)Cause we do the, you know, the lab test and it does have a mega three, so it's a sustainable source of, of Omega three. And it's also vegan of course. excuse me. So, uh, it's, uh, it has things like boron, which helped with your, your, uh, mental focus in the telomeres, um, and helps with coordination. So there's, I have a document I'll send you that itemizes about 20 different reasons why spirulina is the perfect fuel in every single possible way. Um, so it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's super excited to try have half of our athletes and I've always seen what being like my husband obviously not dosing him up enough. I think I need to get more. Yeah. Well and, and you just, um, and so when you go on the long runs and then every, you know, hour, a couple hours, when you're starting to feel a little fatigued, take another 10 or 15 you'll, it's like anything, you kind of have to play around with it and see what works for your body.

Speaker 3: (25:05)But in general, spirulina is that energizing algae helps with your physical energy, your mental focus. It satisfies hunger. So we have a lot of people who are biohackers keto, paleo who use it for intermittent fasting because it is ketogenic. It does not decrease your ketones or both. We've had a test that I was just at a Quito conference where I, I saw boomer, uh, and, and so it's very in embrace it also a lot of people when they're on the keto diet or they're not eating many greens cause they don't want the carbs. Uh, so this answers your solution cause there's zero carbs but it has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world, but you need to maintain your health. So it's truly the perfect food. And, um, as I say, spirulina, I will say it doesn't taste very good. So people either swallow it or put it into a smoothie. So that's your best way to, it's totally chewable. I, I do eat mine, but you know, it's my company and it's sort of like my dropped, so to sneak. So don't feel we, in fact, we have these sassy stickers that we send, we give out at particular, you know, some only select events, but then the sticker says it's okay to swallow.

Speaker 3: (26:25)We have a sense of humor, right. Probably not as bad as much nutrients as both of those things. Well, you know, there is so much nutrition that um, even if you take five a day, it's probably more nutrition than your body is getting an entire week. It's that crazy. Yeah. So between protein and the 40 vitamins and minerals and all the B vitamins and the Omega threes, it's off the charts, the antioxidants and we, it really, it's off. The antioxidants was an interesting one. So it helps. So it can help your LDL your cholesterol, LDL and your triglyceride profile too, can't it? Yes. Yes. oxidation. I understand. So it can help reduce the oxidation effect that, yeah. Yep. Absolutely. And while we've had people who, who have the first normal blood pressure reading after even two days of taking the spirulina, it's that fast. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty, Oh, all drug free.

Speaker 3: (27:23)Noninvasive, just nutrient dense mother nature at her best. It's, it's pretty cool. Ready, simple answer. Like, so some of them were like a brain injury, like my mother. Um, what sort of like dosages would you say for here? Like if I had not been giving her enough? Probably. Um, and is it safe to go to a higher amount because it is only a food, isn't it? Yes, it, I tell people, well, you can't, you can't overdose on salad. Um, so we sell single servings of her of 30 tablets. And originally we were telling everybody to take 30 tablets a day or 30 tablets before a workout. Um, that's because we were working initially with elite athletes and that's how many it took for them to feel the improvements. But now we're really working with a lot of consumers who are very nutrient deprived. So any small amount will will make a difference. So we're suggesting three or four or five a day, but you know, feel free to take 30. And I personally have about a hundred a day and half for the last eight years. So, so there's no bloody good.

Speaker 3: (28:28)You would be surprised how old I am. Um, so for my age, I do look very young. I was in LA recently and I took a sub, a train, a rapid train. I was in a suburb and taking the train to, into LA and um, seniors could ride for 35 cents and I qualified as a senior. I'm a senior now. Why? To go just and, and I'm very much like into the, like I'm, I'm, I'm getting old too. I'm 51 at the moment and I'm like, I want to age like a superstar. I don't want to give the normal aging things. I'm like, Oh no, it's not. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not aging gracefully and nor should you and I'm way over, I'm way over that. So, uh, so obviously you're doing something right. So blue, green algae.

Speaker 3: (29:28)So chlorella. So, and also by the way, fear Lena was the first life on earth almost 4 billion years ago. Chlorella developed about a billion years afterwards. And it does belong to the plant kingdom, although technically it is not a plant. It's a sea vegetable because it doesn't have any phytates or um, any of the anti-nutrients that you know, that, um, can cause some problems with people. So it's, it's its own little category. So chlorella, unlike spirulina, does not give you energy, but what it does is it build your immune system and pulls out toxins. So it helps you cover from anything. It helps you recover from any kind of illness. In fact, it prevents them. Uh, and it does this in a number of ways. First of all, it has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Remember, that's what got my sister her. The oncologist advised her to change her diet to an alkaline one because of the chlorophyll which builds your immune system.

Speaker 3: (30:27)Chlorophyll is a fat-based pigment. And why that's important is because your health starts at the cellular level. So it's the cell walls and the mitochondria. Now if the cell walls are not healthy and they need healthy fats to be healthy, um, that causes, um, disruption in your homeostasis and nutrients can't get in and toxins can't get out. So chlorophyll, you know that people always say how greens are cleansing. Well, this is what's cleansing about it. It's the chlorophyll that heals the cell walls. So did you can get in and toxins can get out and at the toxins. And if neither of that is happening, your mitochondria is suffer, your ATP is lower. You start to get rogue cells that don't communicate that which lead to cancer cells and it's a downward spiral from there. So chlorophyll is very important to maintaining your health. And there is nothing in the world that has more chlorophyll than chlorella.

Speaker 3: (31:22)It even has 25 times more chlorophyll than liquid chlorophyll because liquid chlorophyll is made from alfalfa sprouts. It has a, I think 200 times more chlorophyll in spinach, a thousand times more than you know, cabbage. And I have this all on a chart from the Linus Pauling Institute showing all the different concentrations. Um, so, so chlorophyll very, very important. But in chlorella. Second, chlorella has never, I said spirulina has no celly. This wall with chlorella has the hardest in the entire plant. Kingdom is that hard cell wall that attaches to toxins and pulls them out. So oppose that led mercury. Aluminum athletes use it after any kind of sport because it pulls out lactic acid so your muscles aren't sore the next day. Um, people use it for, um, after drinking wine, beer or anything because it attaches to the alcohol. Well, the, the chemicals, the toxins that are released by the alcohol and pulls them out.

Speaker 3: (32:21)So you are sober in an hour and a half and you never have a hangover. Seriously. I know. It's crazy. Good old chlorella. So it pulls out toxins. We have customers who use it to pull out excess chemotherapy after their treatments. You need to wait two days after your treatment because it will identify the chemotherapy as a toxin. And we want you to be sure to get your treatment and then pull it out. But they used it at a Chernobyl Hiroshima Fukushima, because in Asia, they all know that chlorella is the only thing that pulls out radiation. So in fact, after the Fukushima disaster seven years ago, the entire Asian supply of chlorella was bought up and there was nothing available for two months because it takes a month, bro and a month to dry and all that sort of stuff. So, um, so it's been documented, um, all around the world for pulling out toxins.

Speaker 3: (33:15)We work with, um, a biological dentist who use it to, um, when they pull up, um, AMA grams because of course it's mercury and they use it for themselves as well as their patients. Cause of course they're inhaling the fumes from the feet. Wow. Chlorella also has the highest concentration of RNA and DNA in the world, which is important as you age because this will help your, your own RNA DNA to grow back healthier. It has something called chlorella growth factor, which speeds up the growth of yourselves. So if you injure yourself or have surgery that combined with the RNA and DNA and all the other stuff, you heal literally half the time. It's unbelievable. It's really unbelievable. Chlorella also has the daily requirement of a vitamin called vitamin K too. Now, listeners aren't familiar with K two. It's a very important vitamin only discovered 25 years ago.

Speaker 3: (34:08)Um, they attribute a lot of heart, a heart disease and Alzheimer's to too much calcium in your blood vessels or your brain wrinkles in your skin from too much calcium. Um, uh, kidney stones. How much calcium, cause we're all taking calcium and we're all taking of calcium going into the softest. It's absorbed in the wrong places. Zorba in your bones. So what's happening is gathering in your soft tissue like your blood vessels, your brains and only K2 will activate the two proteins that move it out of soft tissue and put it into your bones. So at the same time, it prevents osteoporosis, which is a classic problem for, for women. Um, and the only places you can get K2 from naturally from food is grass fed animal protein. I know you guys have a lot of grass fed animals in New Zealand. Um, there's a disc called natto, which is a Japanese dish, which is really slimy and nobody likes to eat it.

Speaker 3: (35:06)But I found out I did lab test. It's also in the algae, there's twice as much in the chlorella as there is in the spirulina. So it has your daily requirement of K2 in the chlorella. I mentioned this because, Oh, in general, I want people to understand that spirulina is an energizing algae and chlorella is a wellness and health and detox algae. It's a wellness LG. So if you want to recover from anything or prevent any illness, chlorella is your answer. Um, and spirulina will always give you energy and help keep you focus. So there's two of them. Yeah, I didn't understand that distinction. And I mean I've hooked into the, the um, vitamin D Kate in K2 and vitamin a, um, combination to get the calcium out of the soft tissues and then to the bones where it shouldn't be. Yeah. I didn't realize that the K2 was incorrect.

Speaker 3: (35:59)So that's a real, yes. Well, I think I'm the only one that I think I'm the only one that knows that as I'm this closet researcher and I'll be, cause I need to know the answers. I need to know why this works so well because nobody else has explained algae the way that I explained it. And I could only, as you know, you only become um, you become a good teacher when you have dug deep into complex matters and then you, you find a way to simplify them for people. So I was, I needed to go through the complexity and now, I mean simplify them for people so they don't have to, but I have the research in case they want the backstory so they know that it's all legitimate and documented and all that sort of stuff. So I'm pretty amazing. And so in people, when people ask me when to take the algae, well you could take either of them alone, together with food instead of food morning, noon, night.

Speaker 3: (36:57)However, in most cases people want energy in the morning and during the day, maybe before a workout, before an important meeting or a school or whatever. So take your spirit, you know, whenever you want energy and take your chlorella at anytime you want to eat it. Uh, but certainly at nighttime, because if you've done a workout, it will pull up the lactic acid. If you've had any wine or cocktails, they'll pull the alcohol out. Um, it helps your, your body goes through detox cycle when you sleep anyways. So this Patil is facilitates the detox. Speaking of which, uh, about the brain health. You know, when you're sleeping, your brain has a lymphatic system of its own. What? And so the important, one of the many important reasons for getting a deep sleep is it will not activate. And unless you're in that, I think Delta, whatever, again, number one sleep pattern.

Speaker 3: (37:49)So, so it washes your brain. And so while it's cleaning out these talks as it's pulling out things like aluminum that caused things like Alzheimer's. So if you have the chlorella in your system while you're sleeping, it will facilitate that cleansing process, not only of your body, but of your brain. I mean it's going to happen anyways. But the true, you know, street washing, if you want to say of your brain occurs when you're sleeping, yes. Go. So it's important to have the chlorella when you're sleeping. I think every single person in the world should be taking chlorella every single day because, um, I was reading, there's something like 280 chemicals in America that have been released since world war II and about 200 of them, of the 200 have been tested. So there's, we're surrounded in our, in our air, in our clothing, and you've got to get those things out, uh, and were there also buried in ourselves.

Speaker 3: (38:42)So, um, until you get rid of them, they're just going to cause silent damage and inflammation. So it's in all of us is adding to the aging, you know, we, we, we have in this society, we have this belief that aging is inevitable, but you know, like there's so many aspects to it. And if we tackle them one by one, I'm sure you know, if you're a divest Bree fan or not, I don't know. But yeah, not attacking all the different pillars of aging and you know, one of them being like this sort of stuff, getting into this stuff, getting the right nutrients and the right amounts at the right times and understanding we don't have to age like how our grandparents aged or even our parents age, you know, we've got a chance at it in this day and age that we can change our, uh, you know, the time that we are going to be healthy for and the time that we going to live for.

Speaker 3: (39:33)And you and I being, you know, North of, uh, 40, both have a vested interest in making this crackly. Yeah. Well, um, the other good thing about chlorella is it actually tastes pretty good. So, um, particularly if you put a little sea salt on it or eat it with the best is if you eat it with macadamia nuts, which is great because macadamia nuts are loved by the keto community. And when you eat macadamia nuts and chlorella are at least ours, it tastes like you're eating potato chips. I swear to God, it is unbelievable. And so if you can learn to like my tastes pretty good with almonds as well, or banana chips or coconut chips or whatever, but the macadamia and the chlorella and a little bit of sea salt is the magic just snack guys. And not only is it a healthy snack, it's truly a healing snack.

Speaker 3: (40:27)You can be pulling out toxins and you can be building your RNA and DNA and you can be cleansing yourselves at the same time. I mean it's, that's why I call it efficient nutrition. It can do all of these things so effectively in such small quantities like nothing else in the world. So it's pretty funny. I'm now starting to see why you are so passionate about, Oh, I know with all that responsibility to share this. So funny. You know like you, you with your sister starting off of the studio. I've been on a journey with my mom and ma and my own health as well. And you just like, you get the answers and this is why I do this podcast and you're like, I want to share this one. Everybody knows this. I go like dog. And so you like this, what we try to give your knowledge to, to people and to share it and, and you just can't have a big enough impact fast enough.

Speaker 3: (41:20)I know, you know. Well, I'm so glad you know that podcasts have developed because people like you, um, have an audience that is eager to learn. I'm eager to, I'm eager to educate, but you know, the average person on the street doesn't want to learn. They want to go home and eat their crappy food and watch TV. You know, I don't even know. I haven't had a TV in 10 years. And it's like, why would you watch television when you can learn about the science of things that are going to change people's lives? I mean, seriously. Here may, I'm sitting on the plane in between conferences and I'm either listening to a recording from some scientific lecture or, or I'm, uh, reading something and every moment is filled with stuffing things in my brain. And sometimes it gets to the point where I have to actually stop and go, no, I am going to just watch a movie or something because the brain fried. But I'm like, uh, time is short and I've got so much to cram in there. Keeps popping out the other side. I know that, right.

Speaker 3: (42:25)Well that is shining in that. And I'm so grateful to folks like you and also other vendors who are trying their best to get products to the community that wants to preserve their health or, or encourage their families to preserve their health. Because we're so surrounded with sugar and carbs and toxins and, uh, we have to be proactive too and take charge of our lives because nobody else is gonna do it for us. And ICP, all the people with walkers. And I'm thinking, that's not going to be me. So, yeah. And, and, and, and that's, we've, we've lived, we've grown up in a world where you were told, the doctor knows everything you're like of doctor is God and what they say goes in and, and this nothing, nothing. He gets doctors. Um, but we cannot give up a responsibility for our own health to somebody else because that busy, they've got a hundreds of patients, they've got 10 minutes to see you.

Speaker 3: (43:23)They are definitely influenced by the pharmaceutical companies. You cannot rely on that as being the only place that you get your information to ask to be responsible. And we live in a day and age where we can be responsible, we can go, we can't access the studies we can. And not everyone's a science news like we are. Um, but you can still find some really good information even on a surface level. Um, and this is why it's important that people take ownership of their own health in ways we even eat better, get connected with nature, you know, understand what these rhythms in our bodies so that we can optimize it. Well, it's a, it's a great time because, um, uh, you know, I'm also a Reiki healer and I've just, I've been interested in nature all my life and, and it's, and I do yoga and I also do high intensity workouts and it's not woo woo.

Speaker 3: (44:15)Like, it's just, you start to understand that we're all connected and if you treat your body, uh, holistically and the environment holistically, you will just feel better and you'll be more loving and you'll just, everything will work better. So anyways, I truly believe algae is part of that solution. Also from an environmental perspective because you know there are a lot of the oceans are being overfished for their fish oil. The algae. Where do you think the fish get the Omega three from? They get it from algae. They only can, yeah, that's where it comes from. So go to the bottom, the original source of the mega three, get it from the algae yourself. By the way, almost all um, fish oil goes rancid in the PR and the production basis three a day and the Omega three and algae never goes rancid. Speaking of which, our bags, we have to put an expiry date on it.

Speaker 3: (45:07)So it's usually two or three years out, which is pretty long and its own right. But technically it never goes bad cause it's just a dried vegetable. And you could keep this for 10 years and open it up and still be fine. Absolutely fine. So mom, and that's because algae is a unique, um, as I said, it's not really a plant. Um, I read recently a group from national geographic went up to the Antarctic and they took a chunk of ice that was carbon dated to almost 4 billion years old. And they took it back lab. Yeah. And they, some of it in a Petri dish cause they saw some algae was attached to the ice and they, and they put on it and the LG started growing like over 300 years old and starts growing again because LG never dies. It just goes dormant. Isn't that crazy? It's amazing. So if we ate the LG thin, perhaps we won't ever die. It would be great to have people taking it because I'm going to live forever. So I need friends who are going to be with me, take my allergies. I'll have someone to hang out with.

Speaker 3: (46:11)You got to have that attitude at least. So we can't lie. We can, we can do me and Dave Asprey will be the last one standing and stuff. And with the chlorella, I, um, I remember you saying on boomers podcast that it does have a hard cellular wall. So the way that it's broken down that cellular wall so that you can digest it as a human, um, has implications from where you should get your core hours. Yes. Well, thank you for mentioning that. So I, um, first of all, the whole, um, LG industry has started with chlorella in Japan and there's a company called sun chlorella that started this all but 50 years ago. And I'm very grateful to them because it took them 10 years to figure out how to grow chlorella for mass consumption. And they, and they, that they're the ones that found out that you had to crack the cell wall because it is so hard.

Speaker 3: (47:06)Um, and if it wasn't cracked, your body would not be able to absorb the nutrients. So, uh, it still will pull out toxins, but you won't get any of the nutrients. So they developed and patented a technique called dynamo, which, um, virtually the entire industry uses, uh, chlorella industry because of course, spirulina has no cell wall. Um, and they, they tumble the chlorella with glass beads. Now what happens is the glass heats up and there was always concerned that led from the glass leaked into the chlorella and they always declined and said, no, that didn't happen. Didn't happen. But, um, about 10 years ago, just when I was starting the company, the state of California tested their chlorella and did find it had excess amounts of lead in it. So they said, well, you can either stop selling here or put a warning on your package, which is what they did.

Speaker 3: (47:55)So by sun, chlorella and America, you'll see a warning on the package. But the bigger problem is it's not just them that uses this tec

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I am getting my mojo back with regards to my health and running after treatment for breast cancer, I connected with Lisa as I was looking for positive influences from people who are long distance runners and understand our mindset. Lisa’s podcasts have been a key factor in getting me out of a negative space where I allowed others limiting beliefs to stop me from following my heart and what I believe is right for me. After 18 months of being in cancer recovery mode I wanted to get out of the cancer mindset and back to achieving goals that had been put aside. Listening to Pushing The Limits has put me onto other great podcasts, and in the process I have learnt so much and am on a pathway to a much better place with my mindset and health. Thanks so much Lisa for doing what you do and always being you.