Want to know how to slow down the ageing process? Get my free e-book by subscribing here.

Follow Lisa Tamati on your Social Channels here:

Motivational Speaking

Lisa has been a motivational speaker for over 15 years speaking across hundreds of industries from corporates to the military to government agencies to charities & schools using her own personal brand of humour & resilience. Lisa uses real world examples from her career as an ultra-endurance athlete, serial entrepreneur, coach, author, media personality, documentary maker, biohacker & health activist.

Health Optimisation Coaching

Work one on one with Lisa. 

Lisa is a Genetics Practitioner, Health Optimisation Coach, High Performance and Mindset Coach.

She is a qualified Ph360 epigenetics and DNA company testing coach who can help you understand your genes and how to optimise your diet, lifestyle, training, sleep, personality traits, talents and predispositions to those genes. It's like finally having the user manual for your own specific genetics.

She has done years of research into brain rehabilitation, neurodegenerative diseases, hormonal health, thyroid issues, cancer, gut health, peptides, weight loss and biohacking and is the host of one of the world's top 200 Health and Fitness Podcast "Pushing the Limits" that has been going for over 7 years. 

She has extensive knowledge and an extensive international network of world leading doctors, scientists and researchers who can help you on your health journey.

She is well versed in such therapies as hyperbaric oxygen, infrared light therapy, intravenous vitamin C, photobiomodulation and more.

She is also a Mental Toughness Coach and can help with stress management, developing emotional resilience, goal setting, overcoming fears, building healthy rituals and leadership development

She can help you navigate the confusing world of health and medicine and can advocate for you. 

If mainstream medicine hasn't got the answers you for you  then book a consult with Lisa to see if you might be a good fit for one of her programs.

Epigenetics Testing Program

Wouldn’t it be great if your body came with a user manual? Which foods should you eat, and which ones should you avoid? When, and how often should you be eating? What type of exercise does your body respond best to, and when is it best to exercise? These are just some of the questions you’ll uncover the answers to in the Epigenetics Testing Program along with many others. There’s a good reason why epigenetics is being hailed as the “future of personalised health”, as it unlocks the user manual you’ll wish you’d been born with!

No more guess work. The program, developed by an international team of independent doctors, researchers, and technology programmers for over 15 years, uses a powerful epigenetics analysis platform informed by 100% evidenced-based medical research.
The platform uses over 500 algorithms and 10,000 data points per user, to analyse body measurement and lifestyle stress data, that can all be captured from the comfort of your own home see more…

DNA Testing Program - Get your DNA 360 Report

Through a simple sample of your saliva, we are able to extract the DNA information we need to provide you with a customized DNA 360 REPORT through the DNA Company

Their proprietary science-based genetic testing & research gives you a cohesive, meaningful, and personalised story of the cellular processes in your body—and what it means for your overall health and wellness.

Your comprehensive report gives you insight into your unique genome, the risk of any associated health concerns, and the strategies you can implement from a diet, lifestyle, and environmental perspective to optimise your life according to your DNA.

Includes 38 reports in six different systems from cardiovascular health to sleep to hormones, diet and nutrition, to mood and behaviour, immunity and detox. 

Lisa will be your health consultant and guide you through this incredible treasure trove of personal genetic information. 

Lisa's Anti-Aging/Longevity/Health Supplement Range

Make sure you check out Lisa's Anti-Aging, Longevity & Health Supplement range!

Lisa is passionate about bringing the best quality anti-aging and health supplements to our clients, supplements that have been tested, clinically proven and that have stood the test of time. Anti-aging & health supplements that we use for our own family.

We work with a number of top quality suppliers that bring the latest in cutting edge science to you.Make sure you don't miss out on supplements that will help you slow or even reverse ageing and help you perform at your peak for longer.

Lisa's Books

Lisa is the author of two international best selling running adventure books "Running Hot" and "Running to Extremes" and Lisa's third book titled "Relentless" will leave you speechless.

"Relentless" tells the incredible story of bringing her mum Isobel back to full health after a major aneurysm which left her with mum with massive brain damage at the age of 74.  This book will inspire, educate, empower and help you take control of your health!

Lisa latest ebook/interview series is "What Your Oncologist Isn't Telling You" for cancer patients wanting to learn about the metabolic approach to cancer.

Lisa's "Fierce" Sports Jewellery Range

Sports jewellery range designed by Lisa to inspire, motivate and empower. Lisa is an award winning goldsmith who trained in Austria. Her Retail outlets specialised in designer, one-off pieces using Paua-Pearls, Opals, Tahitian-Pearls, Greenstone, Amber and more.

This sports jewellery range is aimed specifically at athletes of all types.

Corporate Health and wellbeing programs
Corporate Health & Wellbeing

Customised Corporate Health & Wellbeing Programs

Customised Corporate Health and Wellbeing Programs

Contact Lisa and her team to discuss custom packages to boost your teams wellbeing and performance. From single events to multi-week virtual or live programs.

Fill out the contact form below to learn more or email lisa@lisatamati.com for further information.

Have a question or need help? Be sure to contact us below!

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What our clients are saying

Vin Framularo - Connecticut

I would like to share how much the Running Hot Coaching group has significantly impacted my 28 year long running career. 🏃🏻

2 years ago I broke my back, and a doctor told me I would never run again, and it would be 2 years before I could walk. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Talk about sucking out one’s soul! When that’s what you know, and what you’re good at, it’s devastating.
But I didn’t listen to anyone except my supportive family. 12 weeks later I ran my first 50k. 🔥 I was just so grateful to be able run (and walk!), I went out for 8 miles that day, and just kept going.
It’s been a very long road to get back, but a fun one to just truly appreciate running and getting outside again.
Since then I’ve met some amazing characters.
Some of these influential characters were in person, and some were inspirational characters thru books and documentaries like “Desert Runners” and “La Ultra”.
One woman that really stuck out....as I was laid up on the couch and trying to get back to fitness...was Lisa Tamati. I thought “holy shit, that lady is such a positive badass!”...”I want to do races like her!”
I printed pictures of every race that day and stuck them to my “dream board”. My big goal is to absolutely crush the UTMB and take my family to a desert Ultra Race “vacation” 😆
I’m proud to be taking on my first step on that board...the Vermont 100 miler next weekend.... And some great Running Hot Coaching, of course 👌
You guys are are all awesome, and I appreciate you , and hope to represent the our Running Hot Coaching family well  👊🏻🔥

Laura Brown - San Diego

"Lisa Tamati isn’t just sharing information she has learned from others or books. 
She has learned her most valuable information from her own experiences! Fighting her personal mental battles/ Running Ultras through deserts.
 Her Podcasts are great! I love that she is able to give me advice on being an older runner! Lisa’s guidance on mindset is my favourite! I love that I can think my way through just about anything! 
She dosen't sugar coat distance running at all! 
She does give you the tools you need to PUSH through! 
Her podcast “Pushing the Limits” . Wow! Lisa n Neil together are an amazing team of coaches! 
I can’t wait to Read Lisa’s Upcoming book "Relentless"! Thank you Lisa 💪❤️🏃‍♀️!!!!"

Vin Framularo | Running Hot Coaching | Lisa Tamati

Review from our Run Weekend Attendees

Matt and Juliet Alexander

Lisa Tamati is our hero and meeting Lisa in person was on our bucket list, so when the Running Hot Coaching weekend came up we were presented with the ideal opportunity to do this.

My wife Juliet and I have read her books and then watched, read or listened to everything we could on social media - not in a stalker-ish sort of way either - which at 50 years old inspired us to take on and complete the Tarawera 50km in 2019. 

Lisa’s public profile doesn't prepare you for just how humble and down to earth Lisa is in real life. Just a small town New Zealand gal with a heart of gold and one hell of a positive outlook on life that is super catching. I think charismatic is the word that best fits but there are also so many more. 
My wife and I are what you would probably call an introverted couple. We are not performers, prefer to keep to ourselves and we are typically quiet & shy. 
Wham! Lisa unexpectedly grabs us, “We don’t shake hands here. We hug!”. 
Imagine our surprise and elation at being welcomed by our idol with a hug. The magic of our weekend started right there and then! Our defenses had completely fallen and we were ready to participate fully in this weekend’s programme. 
I’ll just put it out there right now. Neil Wagstaff you are a bloody legend! 
Neil is the unassuming rockstar behind the Running Hot Coaching System. 
A humble, hard working family man that was completely present for us all ensuring we, as individuals with very different needs, got out of the weekend what we came for. 
Coach Carlos has one hell of an inspirational “fat-to-fit” and beyond type story, which resonated well with me, that was gently teased out of him by Lisa. 12 Miler attempts in 12 months! 
So what did we get out of it you might be asking? 
The Running Hot Training weekend was entertaining, informative, enguaging, enabling and motivating. To sum it up in one word, “Bloody-Fantastic!”. 
The rhythm of quick paced informative seminars followed up with practical “how to do” sessions was spot on. 
The Running Hot Team are subject matter experts (SMEs if you like) and are clearly excellent teachers as well. We were not just talked at, we learnt. 
For me the take home message was more a take home method as I finally understood how “The Why” actually preludes the “how to”. Figure out your own “Why” and then the “How” will make more sense. 
Why do we run? Why do we do the drills? Figure these out then just go do it. 
We took the time to do a review because the Running Hot Team gave us so much to include in our own lives. Not just in running but our mind set for tackling all of life’s hurdles. 

Matt and Juliet Alexander | Running Programs Online | Lisa Tamati
Running Programs Online | Lisa Tamati
Marathon Training | Lisa Tamati NZ
Trail Running Coach | Lisa Tamati NZ