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Boomer Anderson hails from the USA but has lived and worked in many countries and cities from Wall St to Singapore to Amsterdam among others.

After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Boomer pursued his first love (finance) through a successful career in investment banking in New York and Singapore. Always desiring to learn more and pursue his second love (health), Boomer left finance to found a successful clinical practice leveraging data to help entrepreneurs and executives achieve better performance through health.
He continues to pursue his joint loves of health and finance through early-stage startup investments, advisory roles, and public speaking. In his free time, Boomer enjoys experimenting with the latest in performance technologies, travel, adventure, and spending time with his girlfriend.

He had a  fast-paced career in investment banking and venture capital. Helping countries and companies raise funding. He lived life in the extreme both in the high flying career world and in his sporting endeavors, doing an extreme amount of traveling and long days and living on very little sleep thinking he was bulletproof until a serious heart condition stopped him in his tracks at age 30.
Since then he pivoted and in his quest to heal himself has become over the years an expert in health optimization, biohacking, data tracking in relation to health and much more. He shares his deep insights into the exciting world of the quantified self, the power of data and testing for health and the change in paradigm that is happening in the world on biotech. Boomer is also a podcaster and has a top 100 rated show many countries. His show is Decoding Superhuman and you can reach out to Boomer at www.decodingsuperhuman.com and follow him on instagram and facebook.
He is also partner in Dr Ted Achacoso's www.homehope.org which is a complete new system looking at the holobiont and metbolome for health optimisation.
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Transcript of the Podcast: 
Speaker 1: (00:01)
Welcome to pushing the limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential with your host, Lisa [inaudible], brought to you by Lisatamati.com

Speaker 2: (00:13)
Once again to pushing the limits before we get underway with this week's very special guests. Just like to remind you, if you don't mind doing me a big favor and giving this podcast or writing a review on iTunes, that would be hugely, hugely helpful and helps us show where the ratings and exposure so we get exposed to more people and more listeners so we can get our message out there. So really, really appreciate your help. If you want help also with your running or with your health optimization or you want help with mental toughness coaching, check out all our flagship programs over at Lisatamati.com. Hit the programs button and you'll be able to find out all about our running hot coaching, our epigenetics in the mental toughness mindset you e-course right now. Today's guest is sitting in Amsterdam and he is an incredible person who has a background actually in investment banking and finance. But has now done a completely one 80 pivot into health optimization. Someone who has a, she has a lot of interests with what I do, and I know you're going to get a huge amount of value out of this interview. So without further ado, over to boomer Anderson.

Speaker 3: (01:25)
Well, everybody needs to tell me to here and welcome back once again to pushing the limits. It's fantastic to have you with us again. I'm super excited for today's interview. I have a very, very special guest who is the host of something called a podcast called decoding superhuman. And you guys have to check this out. This gentleman is sitting in Amsterdam, which is a first for me. I haven't had anyone from my son's name. He's actually so welcome to the show boomer Anderson. Welcome. I'd really

Speaker 4: (01:54)
Release a thank you for having me. This is an absolute pleasure.

Speaker 3: (01:58)
Oh, it's so cool to have you. So boomer and I have connected other, the love for podcasting really and through an audio engineer of all things, Roy Roy, Roy helped me and taught me. And Burma is, it does stuff that's right up my alley. So very much a expert on human performance and in many seats is other word. And his, a podcast as a seed called decoding superhuman and has a very interesting backstory as well. So boomer, let's start with a little bit about we from who you are and your you know, your, your career before you got into this.

Speaker 4: (02:40)
Oh, how long did we actually have here? So let's start with the beginning, right. And then, because you mentioned that I love all things performance just like you do. And that's absolutely the truth. And it started from a very young age, you know, growing up I had the benefits of the son of a yoga teacher on one side and then a finance professional on the other. So I had this kind of eats me at East meets West growing up experience. And you know, I was been obsessed with performance from a young age, whether it was academics or athletics, it was always, how do you push it to that next level. We can talk about it later, but sometimes that hurts when you push it to the next level.

Speaker 4: (03:25)
And you know, that next level led me to go to college in Minnesota and then eventually work on wall street after two years in New York and I, I was in New York at times that people don't want to be in New York. Right? Like my first day on wall street was the day that Lehman brothers filed for bankruptcy and AIG gets nationalized. Oh my gosh. Hell of a first day. Right. And so my career path kind of changed forever. And after two years I've moved to Singapore where at a very young age I became the head of a, a deck capital market stuff covering South Asia. And so my responsibility was 14 different countries helping companies and governments raise money across the world. Yeah. That all sounds amazing and glamorous. And I had the pleasure of traveling to 40 countries over the course of four years, basically living on a plane.

Speaker 4: (04:19)
And that entire time I thought I was healthy. Right. Because if you read men's health, have you read whatever it is, whatever those fitness magazines are, they tell you that diet and exercise are all that really matters. And you know, I was one of these guys who not following whatever the diet your was, I've probably tried them all with the exception of maybe being vegan. And then I was also very into a sport called CrossFit. And I pushed, I know there's a very, there's a very strong theme that I think reverberates in both of our lives is that I pushed everything to the extreme, whether that be work, whether that be play, whether that be exercise. And so, you know, I was the guy who was like, I'm going to work this investment banking career, get you know, from the age of 18 to 30 is getting four to six hours of sleep per night.

Speaker 4: (05:10)
And I'm going to try and work out like rich Froning because I had a goal of beating rich Froning and the CrossFit games delusional goal, but it was a goal. And so, you know, go bigger, go home. Right? And so this eventually has a wall that I hit, but I've had, and we can talk about that wall here in a second, but there's this constant reverberating theme of trying to elevate performance. I now consider it my mission in life to elevate the human experience through health. And I look at that through a number of different lenses and a result of the learnings on the journey, so to speak come up with a fairly elegant system in order to help others do this. Wow,

Speaker 3: (05:58)
That's a, that's a nutshell. A pretty amazing life. So investment banker in the finance world, I mean, that's a dream for many young people to get into that, that world was, is just idea for us. A short second. Did that burn the hell out of you? You know, physically, obviously traveling all the time, but also the meeting side and the pressure in that game.

Speaker 4: (06:23)
Sure. So let's talk about that because most of the rumors you hear about investment banking or Kennedy true. When I started in investment banking, I lived mainly in the office. And frankly that changed over time. But it was more, I lived with a cell phone instead of in the office. And you know, I've spent many a night where it was okay, you worked the entire night, go home, change your clothes and come back into work the next morning. I've slept in a desk. I've done many times where I've gone into this is actually embarrassing Lisa, and I can't believe I'm telling you this story. But like I went into, I went into the bathroom, put my legs up and fell asleep to get 20 minutes of sleep. Right? And so just like in those kind of extremes produce extreme results. And so you know, you, he pushed your body to the limits.

Speaker 4: (07:19)
And of course as you get more and more senior, there's the stress of you have to meet a budget, you have to worry about a coworker stabbing you in the back. All of these things. But the experience itself of, and I was helping companies and governments raise money and experience of itself, of being able to look at how a country funds itself and saying like, Hey, I had an impact on that. And there's one or two countries that I can point to and say I had a significant impact on how they fund themselves even till today is pretty rewarding. But yeah, the stress is ridiculous. And so let's talk about some of the warning signs, so to speak. Right. And so one of those warning signs I collapsed in my shower just from exhaustion. I've been to the hospital more than once for exhaustion.

Speaker 4: (08:11)
I've had parasites. I was traveling to places like India, Bangladesh, all these things, parasites. I was vomiting. I was, you know, falling asleep at my desk. All of this stuff. I was doing three, four and a half hour red eyes from DACA and going into the office the next day. All of these things you can add, you can look at it and say like, Hey, any, any person with any reasonable level of intelligence could have looked at this from afar and said, at some point this kid is going to go head first into a wall. But that kid wasn't willing to admit it. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (08:48)
Well you live in, you live in that world where it's expected, this hard performance is, you know, 24, seven, the labels of your anxiety must've terrific.

Speaker 4: (09:00)
Terrific. Yeah. And I've you know, it's something that I talk about openly now and it took me awhile to talk about it openly, but I've had issues with panic attacks you know, getting in front of people and you know, starting to sweat for no apparent reason. Just extreme nerves at an occasion. And then when you start breaking your circadian rhythm, cause I was traveling time zones all the time, right? Like I was doing, I went to Europe one year, 18 times from Singapore. So that's that's already a six to seven hour time change. I went to from Asia to the U S six to seven times in one year as well. And so you're talking about like my circadian rhythm was not existing. And so like I developed social anxiety, I developed anxiety around people and it just became this one big ball of anxiety.

Speaker 4: (09:52)
And you just kind of look at different ways to deal with it. You know, at that point I was self-medicating mainly through alcohol, but it's so medicated through alcohol and CrossFit, you know, I was just looking for anything to escape. Right. And, and so like, I had this brilliant job and I, I don't think I appreciated it at the time, but I got this brilliant job and I was like just stressed. And you know, there were times when I was younger in New York where I just walked down on the street and pray that like a taxi cab would hit me because I would get some sleep in a hospital. Right. And it's just, yeah, I guess to answer your question, yes,

Speaker 3: (10:34)
It's a little bit stressful. It's a little bit stressful and to show up and, you know approach you for being open about this because this is the, this is what my podcast is known for and we tell the real shit here and we died and I've had panic attacks, I've had anxiety, I've had depression, I've, you know, been in shitty relationships. I've lost all my money and revoke myself. I've, you know, I've been there and the people know that the dramas that I've gone through, and I think the power lies when you share those shitty moments and you share the difficulties that you went through because the learning is in the air for the people that are listening that we have really can shortcut the people, you know, not repeating the same problems to go. That is the whole point. And to, to be able to you know, withstand that huge amount of pressure and to, to live at that high performance level. And I totally get your mentality of, you know, go hard and go home and extreme and and when you're young, you're Bulletproof, you're Bulletproof and nothing can break me. But I know in your story that came to a crushing sort of how to, at some stage it's go into that story a little bit.

Speaker 4: (11:47)
Yeah. So the silver bullet, so to speak, came shortly after my 30th birthday and I was one of these people. So for a very long time we were talking about how I grew up kind of East meets West and realize that health had a, an input in this idea of performance, particularly workplace performance. And I'm pretty nerdy when it comes to data. And so I actually calculated what was my return on health investment. So I would invest X amount in health per year and would get X amount growth in my bonus, so to speak. It wasn't a direct correlation, but it was just a way to justify what I was spending on these things. And I, you know, I'll caveat this by saying I wasn't necessarily spending it in the right way. I was spending on things that like Tim Ferris recommended or whoever, Dave Asprey in those days, actually it was the early days of day out.

Speaker 4: (12:38)
And Dave asked for even before them and as a part of this little esoteric forum on the internet called quantified self. And so I became very interested in the idea of if I monitor this data point about myself and it can be subjective or it could be something like my aura ring that I'm wearing now, you know, how do I take that information and apply it to perform better in my life? And again, for a long time I wasn't doing this in the right way. And so, you know, I was spending all this money and for my 30th birthday I was on the verge of resigning at this point from my job because you know, I done already gotten so much in investment banking and at that point everybody is quitting to build apps. And I was just like, I'm going to build an app.

Speaker 4: (13:25)
I didn't really have a good idea, but like I'm going to build an app. And so in the process of resigning, I went in and got all of these tests and one of those tests was actually calcium score and the calcium came back as positive. Now, as a 30 year old having calcium in your heart, I was at a 95% risk of a cardiac event. And so I had a blockage of my left anterior descending artery. Like any person who gets diagnosed with heart disease, what do they do? They give you a Staton? Well, the Staten induced chest pain so much so that I could barely walk down. If you're familiar with Singapore, there's this area called call your key and it's basically you go from Tanjong pagar over to my office and I was walking down that street and like gripping my chest in pain.

Speaker 4: (14:15)
And I said to the cardiologist at the time, you know, Hey, I think this has something to do with this stat. And he said, no, and you know, I don't fault him at this point because the education wasn't necessarily there, but now there are genetics that are associated with stat and the do chest pain. So I'd take, I stopped taking this, the Staton because it wasn't really a cholesterol issue in the first place. And really the pain went away. And so that was kind of the aha moment. Like, Hey, there's this data out there and I had it from my 23 and me test. That's not an advertisement for 23 meters. It was just like the easiest just to give them time. And I realized like, Hey, what else can I do with this stuff? And that was kind of how I went from, well there's a whole journey there on how do I make sure I don't die. But also as I was making sure I don't die, people were like, Hey, this is interesting. Can you do it for me? And that was really what became my, my transition.

Speaker 3: (15:22)
Wow. And now this is so interesting cause isn't it funny when you have either a personal evangelism, not my case with my, my family and my mum. That it just totally changes your, the lens that you're looking through. And as in you have a huge intimate thank you. That's very kind of listen to your podcast, but you have to have a huge intellect, you know, and I'm struggling half the time to keep up. But anyway. So you've taken that huge intellect that you applied, excuse me, to the finance world and you've gone, even though you're not a doctor or anything like that, you've gone into plot all that data and that ability to analyze data across into a new world now, which is what I find fascinating that you've made this transition and I've seen a number of other professionals through this as well who have suddenly gone into the world of health and understanding that the knowledge is now, you know, coming and out there and the, you've, you've gone across from the investment side now into the health side and quantifying it all and using data and using genetics and using all the other tools to now actually helping people with their health, then there'd be a good summary of what you're doing now.

Speaker 4: (16:37)
Yeah, absolutely. I think the underlying theme there, and actually before I get into the underlying theme it's just funny, a story came to mind, Lisa, the other day I was talking to a friend and the friend said, you know, the best psychologists all have some sort of underlying psychological issue that they've worked on. And that's why they became psychologists, right? I never intended to be in this world at all. I was going, like I said, I was going to build an app because everybody built apps, right? And I got into this world because I had to fix myself. And as I was fixing myself, I did it in something that made sense to me, which was data. So very strict measurement, very much defining objective strategies and tactics and executing with a certain level of discipline. Cause like we talked about earlier, you and I take things to extreme, right? So you know, just taking it to a certain level of extreme with the discipline side of things. So I see things a lot better.

Speaker 3: (17:37)
Yeah. Amazing. So you've now actually made a new empower, if you like, around helping people with high-performance, helping people with their health issues using the lightest. And this is what I find fascinating and we're, I think the future is turning to the old model of you had to go to medical school to become a doctor, to become an expert in health. And that was pretty much it. You were a nurse, a doctor or a you ma. Maybe there was a chiropractor or a naturopath in your town or something like that, but they were, you know, re era. And there was this, this linear thing thinking to the medical model and that is dying. Thank God is changing. We made the allopathic medicine model, but we also need it to change and we need the what would you call them? Accelerate viewpoints because, and you don't necessarily have to have gone to medical school and to have some really amazing insights.

Speaker 3: (18:43)
I mean you just mentioned Dave Asprey, the who, you know, some of the things I agree with and some of them I don't, but like he has certainly blazed the path for someone who's not himself, a medical doctor who's also come from, can walk computer science and his case into the, to the world of health and applied that, that brain and that, that ability and so a new area and you see this happening again and again. So what are you passionate about now? So you have the podcast decoding, superhuman, you have some incredible guests on there. What is it all about for you now?

Speaker 4: (19:22)
Sure. I guess before I outline what I'm involved in, what I'm doing, let's construct the theme to have it all makes sense, right? If you look at my personal mission, at least to what it's become over the past couple of years, it's to elevate the human experience through health. Now what do I mean by that? Elevating the human experience making, are enjoying our personal lives, enjoying our work lives, operating a certain level of energy, being compassionate being in, in shape, in the sense that, you know, extending health span, all of that is elevating the human experience. And the best way I know how to do that is through health. And so when I say that, that's the, the underlying theme of everything that I do. Now, you just mentioned one thing that I do, which is the podcast and the decoding super even podcast is top 100 business and careers podcast on iTunes and several different countries occasionally the U S as well, but also it let's go kind of from left to right.

Speaker 4: (20:34)
I do have the one to one consulting business where I work with predominantly entrepreneurs and executives through a process called health optimization. I'll come back to that in a moment. I work with an organization called health optimization medicine and practice. And that's a nonprofit foundation founded by my mentor, Dr Ted Achacoso's, which is basically U S and now I'm opening up the European arm here and there'll be an Australia, there'll be an an that arm as well. And it's kind of going global now in 2020 and then I, I do have some involvements and a, a nootropic which is going to be launched later this month. And I can talk about that too. So there's, there's a lot going on and there's more projects in the waiting, but you know, people look at me and say like, Hey, are you doing too much? Well, I view it all as complimentary.

Speaker 4: (21:28)
I'm just sort of solving my problems along the journey. Right? And so if I look at the one-to-one business, I only work with executives and entrepreneur types whether that be in digital marketing or whatever industry it is, because I know that lifestyle and I came from that lifestyle. And so I can speak a lot to that lifestyle. There's certain lifestyles that I just can't speak to, I can't work with, but we apply a rigorous amount of data. And perhaps Lisa says, okay, if I go down the health optimization realm right now cause I'm interested in more than anything and this wraps. Sure. So let's, let's talk about health optimization. And so as I mentioned this is all something that I'm spreading the word on through an organization called health optimization medicine and practice homehope.org. And so and so that organization is designed to teach doctors and health practitioners on how to optimize for health.

Speaker 4: (22:29)
If we think about why we go to a doctor currently, and I have nothing against doctors, right? I have zero qualms with the medical industry at all. It's people go to the doctor because they're sick because they want to get better from some disease. They want to discover what diseases, et cetera. But who are you going to for your maintenance? Right? Who are you going to for the tuneup if you're that car, we don't have anybody that just does the oil change and sends you on your way. Well, health optimization, medicine and practice is that oil change. And so what do I do now with my entrepreneurs? My executives is, look, I, I still have and gather a lot of data. I'm very comfortable with data, but I also think because we now have the ability to test for a number of different things, it's the best way out there because not only can we just assign probability, which is what we can do with genetics, we can actually see where your cells are right now.

Speaker 4: (23:31)
And that's through the metabolome. So when we start working with a client, what we're doing is we're measuring the levels of metabolites. We're looking at things like nutrients and hormones, we're comparing those to optimal ranges. And I'll define what optimal ranges is in a second. And then we're balancing really through the idea of a network. So rather than just taking one esoteric biomarker and focusing on it, I'm looking to upgrade an entire network. Because if you take one esoteric biomarker, all you're going to do is just Jack the thing out of balance again. And so what we want to do, you don't kind of ad hoc overhauling network, you balance networks. And so what we're actually doing is we're measuring those metabolite levels and looking at nutrients and hormones and then we're balancing that by looking at really what your optimal formo levels as well as nutrient levels should be through a 21 to 30 year old.

Speaker 4: (24:30)
Now I'm not a doctor so I can't prescribe hormones and so what do I do is I focus on the nutrient side of things. There are certain things I can do on the hormone side and there's oftentimes where I pair up with physicians and do focus on optimizing in that way, but that is where we're looking at is how do we upgrade your network so that your nutrients are balanced and so that you're able to perform at your absolute best. Now there's no claims there. I'm not saying that this anything here is treating disease. We're not doing that. All we're doing is giving your body maintenance and that allows you to perform at your best for longer and with a longer degree of health span

Speaker 3: (25:11)
In longevity, and this is absolutely Misa below mix. This is a new term that since listening to your podcast and coming across dr [inaudible] in, in starting to delve into his world, which is sine amazing. And this is providing a new lens to look through and looking. So this is even an hour practice with our company. We do epigenetic testing and if we, we have certain limitations, we can't go outside of our scope of practice and we have to bring in sometimes physicians and other experience in areas and that can be quite difficult. Certainly lock in more streamlined way of doing that and could be the people to work with. A little bit limited here where we are. But this is a, another lens to look through and I'm, I'm really wanting to layer on, you know, you have the expertise in like you've done with the genetics tasting and things like aura ring and using different data points and now your board and dr Ted's whole way of looking at it.

Speaker 3: (26:26)
And I, I, I have to talk to you privately afterwards about what it to, to become involved with that because I'm quite excited. I'm hoping I'd have the intellect to do it, to be honest on listening. Like, Oh my gosh, that guy is intelligent. He's a, he's a ball. He's statistically one of the smartest people in the world. So yeah, the Turlock, he is literally one of the top people in the planet. So that's what I'm saying. Everyone can keep up with it. But so what are the, you're working mostly in these cases still on the one on one system or are you sort of doing this for, can people contact you to get help or how does they work?

Speaker 4: (27:10)
I generally work with the, and the website hasn't been updated in a while and it will hopefully be up to it very soon. But I generally work one-to-one with people and it's almost strictly referral. But on occasion I do take in new clients. And so what we do is we do measure that metabolome and that. So let's just define those terms. Right? And so if you think about genetics, genetics is really popular, really sexy right now as is that the genetics and genetics is really the blueprint of where you should be, right? If you think about putting together a building, a, it's the blueprint of where you should be. It's that architect has drawn something fancy up. And I had the pleasure of doing one of these presentations to a group here in Amsterdam and there's actually a construction person in the audience. And I asked him, how many times does the blueprint actually end up as the actual house?

Speaker 4: (28:02)
And much to my amazement, I thought it would be somewhere in the range of like 10 to 30%. So zero. And you think about that, what actually influences the building? It was environmental factors. It was the soil, it was material. They'll ability. Now if you passport that over into our lives. Environmental factors are certainly something that we face every day. Material availability in terms of the nutrients that we need the weather outside, whether or not you gain enough sun and that's really your epigenome, right? And so we can keep going further and further down. The Omix line is, Oh, mix is very trendy right now too. And we can eventually get to this thing called the metabolome. And so the metabolome is really looking at yourselves and seeing what is happening right now and what has happened. And so what do I mean by that?

Speaker 4: (28:57)
We look at metabolites again across nutrients and hormones and we can determine things like vitamin deficiencies but also looking at anything from neuro-transmitters, although that's a little bit less reliable to heavy metal toxicities. And so, and then once we have all that information, what we can do is very much quite clot, a precise roadmap. And each one of my clients gets with is basically like a 10 to 15 page, a nutrient and lifestyle plan. And what they do is we're able to come very close and become very precise as to what nutrients you need to balance that network. Because after all, we're coming back to balancing the network. I can give another analogy if you want. Sure. So if you think about humans as as a whole, we're actually a collection of organisms. And what is interesting about the term super organism is the term superorganism really just means your collection of the same organism.

Speaker 4: (30:03)
The actual term that I prefer to use and was taught to me of course by dr Ted and Dr. Scott, who I know you had on the podcast before, is called Hola biomes. And the whole of Vajente is really just acknowledging that humans are actually a collection of organisms and we can measure those organisms through things like metabolomics and the health of those organisms and allow that to be a balancing mechanism. And so let's just run some examples here, right? And if you look at our current cell, our current cell is constructed of a symbiotic relationship between mitochondria and a, an ancient cell, right? And so that symbiotic relationship came together. And so we are actually fundamentally a collection of organisms. Now add on top of that, you have things like microbes, you have gut bacteria, you have viruses, you have all of these things, and you have this external environmental influence.

Speaker 4: (31:02)
And there's this book in 1992 and I'll get you a link in 1981 or Nigeria to that came out that turned this, the whole of biome. And so you as a human are actually a whole lot beyond. And so we can assess this whole of ion to actually measure. And again, I am very much into data measure the health of you and sir use it as like a term of benchmarking, right? So you come in every, I like my clients to see me, you know, once every three to six months for testing. And then eventually we want to get them to once a year, but usually starts at once every three to six months. And then when they come in, we benchmark how your whole Obiang is doing, you know, how are, how's your gut bacteria? Do we have good bacteria balances there? Do you have any sign of parasites there? Are there any sort of factors that we need to look at on the nutrient side? And once we benchmarked it, we then start to optimize, right? And so it's what I find, I consider it to be the most elegant equation to human optimization author.

Speaker 3: (32:09)
Wow. So this is the nix label from just what you've been doing along with the genetic testing and coming out with data that, that producers and actually looking at. So how is the hollow buoyant and the metabolome actually tasted? Is it through blood? Is it through a combination of, you know, saliva, blood, urine, you know, how was it actually the data collected?

Speaker 4: (32:35)
Well, that's a very good question. And so fundamentally with any clients, I run three tests now. Those three tests are a blood draw, a urine sample, and a stool test. And those three are allow us to assess metabolites as well as bacteria in balances. And so we're able to gather the picture in a very simple manner.

Speaker 3: (32:58)
Wow. And then [inaudible] and this is now international, the home hardcore Donald. So you don't need specialist labs to chase that. Can you use your name?

Speaker 4: (33:09)
Yeah. You can't get in exactly. Walk down to your local doctor and say like, Hey doc, I want to test. You know, I want my I w yeah, first off, you know, you may get some pretty weird looks if you mentioned the word hold by aunt, but it's pretty hard to go down and say like, Hey, I want to go test eight. Oh, HDG. Right. Which is oxidative stress or DNA damage. Even that's pretty difficult to test at most local labs. What we, what we do is we use a specialist's lab around their global little bit less of a presence. They have a presence in Australia called Genova diagnostics. They're based in Asheville, North Carolina, which is where my parents live. So I get to go make the pilgrimage every so often down to their labs. But yeah, Genova diagnostics provides those tests. You can get a metabolome analysis from other labs. And of course we're looking at those labs. But this one we use current.

Speaker 3: (34:08)
Wow, that's amazing. Okay. So they knew you'd get these tests done and then you can, you can analyze them for these things and give them specific recommendations, both lifestyle nutrients in other interventions, I imagine. Absolutely. And this is, so this is all, you know, like we both agree that, you know, the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff approach is not where we want to be. In for our own health and for the health of our loved ones and the people that we work with. We want to be the, at the top of the class before the stuff happens. And this is the key difference in the approaches. And then a second difference is that our allopathic models are very pharmacological based. And you know, don't you believe that that money doesn't talk, you know, the money that pharma companies have at talks and, and that is influencing the decisions fate that your doctors are making.

Speaker 3: (35:09)
And it's also the way it's set up. And so this has been a very one sided, you know, and, and farmer pharmical logical intervention certainly has the place, but they have a way to bigger space in the world, I think at the moment and comparison. And I think , you know, like looking at hyperbaric and Dr. Scott shows, who's now involved with you guys is a, is a classic example of a therapy that works that doesn't have a pharmaceutical backing or no way to make tests because there's no way to make money out of it. They can't patient account, patient oxygen cause it's already there. You know, you've got situations, same with hormones, you know, by bioidentical hormones. You know, they haven't been able to paint it them. So they made some physical Mons for women and hormone replacement therapy and, and you know, that caused a whole lot of headache. So there's this, this is systematic problems in a boom boom, top of a, of a generations within the system. And a lot of it is, is very much a stick a bandaid on the, on the wound and not look at, well, where did the wound come from and why is it there and what's causing it, you know. And that's what we have more about and learning.

Speaker 4: (36:23)
Yeah. And, and I think, you know, even taking it one step further, because you know, looking at the wound and seeing where it comes from, that's a lot of what functional medicine is doing and they're doing well. What a health optimization does and health optimization, really medicine and practice is what we're doing is as you know, functional medicine, we'll look at that quote unquote root cause and what health optimization medicine practices doing it is seeking to just balance and perform that maintenance so that, you know, going down the line rather than having to basically take all of the life's maintenance and put it, you know, I, I come from finance, so like let's feature value all of life's maintenance into this one big event down the line, which in my case probably would have been a heart attack. Why don't we do little bits of maintenance over time so that health span happens.

Speaker 4: (37:25)
Right? And so I think going back to the finance analogy, it's like an annuity every year or every six months or even three months. You come in, you get your Tufts, you benchmark, you figure out where you are, and then you seek to optimize and balance or balancing networks here. And what we find is, is that people tend to perform very, very well, and you can start to measure these things, right? There's a, there's really cool clocks out there. I'm a big fan of the Horvath clock. I just enjoy it. And I know that these clocks are evolving every single minute. You know, people like chronometer my DNA age, a few others that are looking at methylation marks on the Nissan and the on DNA and determining biological age. There's also something out there called the grim age, which I'm super excited about because that one is,

Speaker 3: (38:13)
Oh, that's a new one on me. What's interesting, right? And this is

Speaker 4: (38:17)
Not for everybody, I'll admit this, but for people that are somewhat sadistic like me, this is apparently an a way to extrapolate a distance between now and first potentially more tality event, right? And so it's like now in between now and the time you die, but you can do stuff about it, right? And so I'm the type of person that if I have an issue, I want to be confronted with it. And so that, you know, I wasn't the kid who basically when I found out I had heart disease, I broke out a spreadsheet and figured out, okay, what's the average is a person dies and I put that day's number in my spreadsheet and that motivates me to, that motivates me to do stuff every day. Now that's not for everybody, right? And I recognize that I'm a little weird in that sense, but these are types of things that are out there that allow us to get not only not only just more, more data points, but also allows us to benchmark the success of our modifications, right? Because all we're doing is nutrients and lifestyle modifications, but nutrient, lifestyle modifications can be very, very powerful.

Speaker 3: (39:35)
Underestimated it, you know, like the basics and sometimes underestimated. We get into all this fancy stuff, but sometimes it comes down to are you drinking, are you sleeping? Are you getting sunlight? Right? Like, are you connected to nature? Are they saying those clocks? Or I'll have to get the links to that because I'm very sort of beach marking, biological age or, and, and you know, they, my age one, it sounds very interesting because that's something that's missing in our regime right now is being able to, is actually getting that macro for people and benchmarking and all these things cost. So it's always a cost way up. But it gives you something to aim for when you've got a line drawn in the scenes. I think

Speaker 4: (40:17)
I think absolutely. And I think a grim age is not yet commercially available. So the biological age is there are two companies that I know of that are producing them at various price points. The other thing that is really interesting and it's something that, yeah, the other one that I like for benchmarking is the promise 10 global. There's promise tents for everything, but it's just a simple survey and the statistics behind it are quite promising. So that's something, it's cost-free, but it's a great way to benchmark clients and their success rates.

Speaker 3: (40:55)
Okay. Okay. I'll, I'll be definitely get paid to get those links off here because a, a beach mapping system is what's missing and now, yeah, right.

Speaker 4: (41:03)
And what we, what we do, and it, sorry, I know I cut you off, is I gather a lot of data, right? It's like hell, I've said the word data. How many times?

Speaker 3: (41:12)
Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 4: (41:15)
So anybody that works with me has to be on board with that. And so whether that's from your wearable, whether that's from whatever survey that we send you anywhere from every day to every week you're, we're gathering data on you to make sure that everything that we're doing is working. Cause after all, like humans are complex adaptive systems to say we're not, is just categorically wrong. Right? And so when we look at a human as a complex adaptive system, we need to build in feedback loops. And so how do I get a person to, to sleep more than four hours a night? Well, I can't tell them to get eight hours a night just because the book says, right. What is actually physically happening there is, okay, let me show you your aura score every day. And you know, or whatever. It doesn't have to be aura. Let me show you that score every day. And that when that score goes up, how you feel and if you feel better than you subjectively just want to get more sleep. And so what we're doing is using the technology and leveraging the powers of technology and data to help assist in those behavior modifications.

Speaker 3: (42:20)
Brilliant. Because people need to have and some people to move that data-driven than others. Some you recommendations. And that's, you know, working with your epigenetic type if you'd like, as to how much science you need behind the information. I like you. I like to know the why and the Watson dig 10 layers deep down, stand up. Other people, maybe not so much, but having these beach max does give you a line in the, and it's like having, it's like if I say to you by my, you know, we're going to try a new up for a hundred K, you've suddenly got a line in the same and you've got a timeline and you've got a goal that you're going towards and therefore your teen Tom's likely more likely to get the us than if we don't benchmark that. And if we don't have that goal in place to help them in knowing where you started from and where you finished and then you can actually see, I came all that way and that's a really powerful thing I'd been on.

Speaker 3: (43:13)
I'm really aware of, of the time you've, you've been super, super generous with your time today. And I am super excited to find out more. I think that dr Ted stuff is definitely on my horizon once I've gotten through some other qualifications that I'm doing at the moment. They might be the next one. Yeah, that would be, it'd be super awesome. And I'd love to stay super connected to you and what you're doing because I love, I love just being around people that have the, the, the knowledge that you have, the breadth of experience that you have and the dips that you go. You fascinating. Your, your show is amazing. So everybody must go and subscribe not only to this podcast, obviously pushing the limits but to, to decoding superhuman, decoding, superhuman. And in there any last words that you'd like to share, boomer to people out there what's your most important mission in life and what is, you know, a thing that's really important for you to get across and people like that you would,

Speaker 4: (44:17)
Yeah, sure. So let, let's start with that mission. So I mentioned it a couple of times, but it is elevating the human experience through health. And I look at the world and look, I don't need to go back and go into any sort of politics or anything like that. If I look at the world and just kind of the problems that we face or the

Speaker 5: (44:49)

Speaker 4: (44:49)
You know, where we need to go in order to, I get in a lot of discussions about the future of work, right? Just because that's what I get hired as a keynote speaker to do a lot. Let's talk about the future of work. And so when I look at the world and sort of elevating the human experience through health, there's a lot we can still do as humans before we all of a sudden get taken over by Skynet and go into this matrix type scenario. Right? And so I think people, you know, in terms of the mission, elevating the human experience through health in terms of the point I want to get across to people, start measuring if you are, no matter where you are, you don't have to be super human. You don't have to be, you can be like on the other end of the continuum, right?

Speaker 4: (45:39)
And just start measuring where you are. Start associating behaviors with a certain type of measure and get out a spreadsheet, get out a piece of paper, whatever it is. Assuming you're listening to this podcast, I assume you have some sort of modicum of technology you know, getting out a spreadsheet and start tracking this stuff and just started associating what you're doing with a feeling. And that's just a great way to start tracking. You can eventually get into all this really cool high level tracking that I've been talking about today, but really start measuring. That's something that will help you achieve your goals faster. And will really just make the whole journey a lot more, lot more fun.

Speaker 3: (46:22)
Yeah, a lot more fun and move a lot more little goals to aim for when you know what you're dealing with. And this is something, you know, that doesn't have any come naturally to me, but I'm definitely moving more and more in that way. We met, you've been super, super generous with your time. I really appreciate the work that you're doing in the world. I'm excited to see where it takes you and however we meet working with you more. So people can go to decoding superhuman.com which be your website and you can around, they can reach out to them.

Speaker 4: (46:53)
Sure. so www.decodingsuperhuman.com is the website. That's where you can find all the podcast episodes again, iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, every podcast destination there is. We released six episodes a month. And I will also, you know, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. I've basically gone through my new year's rerock of how I want to address social media. So you'll see me more in posting there as well. So I look in and please say hi like I am, I respond to every message is everybody knows so please say hi and let me know what you think of the opposite.

Speaker 3: (47:32)
Definitely reach out, check out the podcast, absolutely

Speaker 2: (47:36)
As a, as a master's, a minimum and ask the questions cause that's where conversations start and where you learn. So thank you very much, much. I really appreciate your time today.

Speaker 3: (47:46)
Awesome. Thank you so much. And one more plug. I guess if you want to check out the stuff that we talked about,

Speaker 4: (47:51)
About on the home hope side of things, just go to home hope.org yup.

Speaker 3: (47:56)
Yeah. Home hope.org. It's the website or

Speaker 4: (48:00)
We're working on launching the education foun

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My favourite running podcast by miles⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

This is the best podcast for long runs. Lisa is just so relatable, honest, funny and inspires me to push my own limits. Awesome guests (I particularly enjoyed the podcast with Kim Morrison) and a wide variety of topics covered. Thanks for keeping me running, Lisa!
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I am getting my mojo back with regards to my health and running after treatment for breast cancer, I connected with Lisa as I was looking for positive influences from people who are long distance runners and understand our mindset. Lisa’s podcasts have been a key factor in getting me out of a negative space where I allowed others limiting beliefs to stop me from following my heart and what I believe is right for me. After 18 months of being in cancer recovery mode I wanted to get out of the cancer mindset and back to achieving goals that had been put aside. Listening to Pushing The Limits has put me onto other great podcasts, and in the process I have learnt so much and am on a pathway to a much better place with my mindset and health. Thanks so much Lisa for doing what you do and always being you.