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Dr. Mohammed is the Founder and President of ManaGene considered one of the most innovative leaders in the emerging personalized medicine and lifestyle genomics space. In August 2018, ManaGene merged with Youtrients (www.youtrients.me) to form a new company known as The DNA Company. The DNA Company represents the evolution of functional genomics and is focused solely on the optimization of human health performance. Dr. Mohammed is widely regarded as a pioneer in medical genomics and has been the recipient of multiple academic and industry awards. He is the holder of several patents in the general fields of molecular diagnostics and genomics research and is one of the most sought-after national and international conference speakers in the genre of personalized medical genomics.In this interview, Lisa and Dr. Mansoor dive deep into the power that lies in understanding your unique genes to change the outcome of your health performance. Some take the fatalistic view that if you have a bad gene or combination of genes you are powerless against them so it's best not to know but nothing could be further from the truth. Understanding your genes through DNA testing is like getting the user manual to your body and learning how best to care and treat it. The granularity with which you can start to understand processes and how these affect you and how you impact these is astounding. This is actionable knowledge that will help you make informed decisions regarding your health performance in such areas as your hormones, your cardiovascular risk factors, your methylation, your detoxification processes and even your mood and behavior, why for example some have a tendency to more problems around depression or PTSD than others.  Never before in the history of the human species have we had such deep insides into the way our intricate and complex bodies work.  This episode is set to blow your mind and the work of Dr. Mohammed and his team is set to change the future of the world's health. We have the opportunity for the first time to take control of our own destinies rather than falling victim to our genes through a lack of knowledge. Once you start to see and understand the power of functional genomics you won't be able to go back to the way you understood yourself and your body before. Your level of self-acceptance and the ability to help yourself heal and be healthy and whole will be taken to a whole new level. If you would like to get your hormones or your whole genomic profile tested you can find out more at www.thednacompany.com 

Hormone Report with The DNA Company If you would like to have your hormone test done, understand your genetics in regards to your hormones and would like to then have these interpreted by Lisa, please go to this link to get the test done. Lisa will then contact you once the DNA has been processed to have a consultation. Please note the consultation will take an hour and will cost $190, which is extra to the actual report.

The Report can be purchased here: https://www.mydnacompany.com/products/lisa-tamati-and-the-dna-company-female-male-hormone-profile

Please note The DNA Company is based in Canada and this price is in Canadian dollars. It may take up to 6 weeks depending on where you are located in the world for your results to get back to you.For any questions, please email lisa@lisatamati.com.

 We would like to thank our sponsors for this show: www.vielight.com Makers of Photobiomodulation devices that stimulate the brains mitocondria, the power houses of your brains energy, through infrared light to optimise your brain function.  To get 10% off your order use the code: TAMATI at www.vielight.com 

For Lisa's New Book Relentless visit shop.lisatamati.com/relentless_book When extreme endurance athlete, Lisa Tamati, was confronted with the hardest challenge of her life, she fought with everything she had. Her beloved mother, Isobel, had suffered a huge aneurysm and stroke and was left with massive brain damage; she was like a baby in a woman's body. The prognosis was dire. There was very little hope that she would ever have any quality of life again. But Lisa is a fighter and stubborn.She absolutely refused to accept the words of the medical fraternity and instead decided that she was going to get her mother back or die trying.

 For more information on Lisa Tamati's programs, books and documentaries please visit www.lisatamati.com 

Unlock your genomic insights with Your DNA 360 Report: Our functional reports are designed for action with insights not offered in traditional genetic testing. Decode your genes to inform the diet, lifestyle and environment choices that lead to an optimised you, visit lisatamati.com/dna

 Lisa's Epigenetics Testing Program visit lisatamati.com/epigenetics Get The User Manual For Your Specific GenesWhich foods should you eat, and which ones should you avoid? When, and how often should you be eating? What type of exercise does your body respond best to, and when is it best to exercise? Discover the social interactions that will energize you and uncover your natural gifts and talents. 

These are just some of the questions you'll uncover the answers to in the Lisa Tamati Epigenetics Testing Program along with many others.There's a good reason why epigenetics is being hailed as the "future of personalized health", as it unlocks the user manual you'll wish you'd been born with!  No more guesswork.The program, developed by an international team of independent doctors, researchers, and technology programmers for over 15 years, uses a powerful epigenetics analysis platform informed by 100% evidenced-based medical research.The platform uses over 500 algorithms and 10,000 data points per user, to analyze body measurement and lifestyle stress data, that can all be captured from the comfort of your own home 

For Lisa's Mental Toughness online course visit lisatamati.com/mindsetu to develop mental strength, emotional resilience, leadership skills and a never quit mentality -Helping you to reach your full potential and break free of those limiting beliefs.  

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Transcript of the Podcast

Speaker 1: (00:01)

Welcome to pushing the limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential with your host, Lisa Tamati, brought to you by Lisatamati.com

Speaker 2: (00:13)Hey team. We're this week I have an absolutely superstar, the world's number one leading functional genomic specialists, Dr. Mohammed from Toronto and Canada. Dr Mansoor, Mohammed has two guests now. He is a scientist and entrepreneur in the field of genomics and is regarded as one of the most innovative leaders in the emerging personalized medicine and lifestyle genomic space. Dr Mohammed is a PhD and president and scientific officer at the DNA company and is really considered to be a pioneer medical genomics. He's a classically trained molecular immunologist who has received academic and industry awards, published numerous papers and holds patients in the general fields of molecular diagnostics in genomics. Now functional genomics is about understanding the DNA and how it behaves in every definition and this Dr. Mentor was very different than many of the other DNA companies that I've looked at recently and that he doesn't just look at the single litters, if you like, of the DNA, but it looks in combinations of genes.

Speaker 2: (01:22)And how they're playing out. And this makes him very, very different. This, he sees DNA like a language rather than a vocabulary and language that has grammar, sentence structure, Syntex and nuances. And you've got to be able to read genetic structure at the holistic level. Now I'm super excited about document's all his work and I'm studying functional genomics at the moment and it is the next level in personalized health. I'm really, really excited to bring this interview to you. It's taken me months to get documents or on this podcast and I'm hoping later on the year to get Dr. Mansoor Down to New Zealand for a lecture tour to speak to functional medicine practitioners down here as well as the public. So if you'd like to know more about that, please reach out to me and let me know. I'm just like to remind you before I hand over to Dr. Mansoor that my book launch is happening just next week over the time of this recording is the 6th of March and on the 11th of March.

Speaker 2: (02:26)So by the time this recording actually comes out, my book will be live. It's called relentless and it tells the story of bringing my mum back after a major aneurism myth. You're fighting for a life and lift her in and basically not much over a vegetative state. Massive brain damage at the age of 64 and what I did to beat all the odds and bringing my mum back to health, all of the CRPS I used, the protocols, the attitude, the mindset, the obstacles that we had to overcome, the problems that I've discovered in our medical system in on it goes. So this book is really, I'm, I'm so pleased to be able to bring it out. It's taken me two years to get this together and to bring it to the public, but I really want to pay it forward and I want to help thousands and thousands of other people facing difficult challenges to take them are hit on with the right mindset to overcome great obstacles.

Speaker 2: (03:18)So if you'd like to check that out, we can head over to my website. I have Lisatamati.com Hit the shop button and you'll see all of my books there and my jewelry collections. But make sure you check out the neatness. It's really going to be worth a read for anyone who has major medical problems at the moment. Or of course anyone who has a stroke aneurysm Alzheimer's dementia, and wants to know about brain rehabilitation or optimizing your brain function and who isn't interested in that as well as the whole mental attitude and mindset that it takes to do all this. So without further ado, over to Dr. Mansoor Mohammed. Well, hi everybody. Lisa Tamati here at pushing the limits. It's fantastic to have you back again. Now I am just grinning from ear to ear. I can't stop smiling because I've been waiting for this interview for weeks. I have a very, very special guest, Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, all the way from Toronto in Canada. Dr. Mansoor How are you going?

Speaker 3: (04:17)I am great, Lisa. And likewise, it's been something that I've been looking forward to, to the audience. Please forgive me. I'm a little bit sleepy from Jeff blog from last night, but Lisa has been pumping me up and so we're going to have some fun of this

Speaker 2: (04:31)Now. I know what it's like when you're a little bit jetlagged and you have a main very much in demand. So I'm just so excited to have a little bit of time with you now. Dr Mansoor, I do the whole introduction on a separate recording, but dr Mansoor, can you give us a little bit of background about your what you did your PhD in your, your, a little bit of a brief history of your back.

Speaker 3: (04:55)Sure. genes. Genetics has always have always been my love. The study of how this operating manual, just just thinking, just, just dialing it back and thinking that the human being, we've got this operating manual that by every definition of the word it behaves like an operating manual. And to think that it's there and to think that one date might be accessible and that we could read this and we could read it intelligently and just simply understand myself much less, much less. Anyone else has always been my love. And so I started, my PhD is in applied molecular genetics and immunology. So I was looking at the genetics of the immune system. I was very, very fortunate to have an awesome mentor. She was then the chair of molecular biology at UCLA invited me to UCLA. So I had an awesome couple of postdocs there where I got deeper and deeper involved in eugenics.

Speaker 3: (05:47)But a real pivotal point happened when I was done, invited to come to Baylor college of medicine and Houston, Texas. And it was that heavy time just about the human genome project, its, you know, sort of pinnacle. And I was asked because of the work that I had been doing with UCLA to come over to Baylor and start a company, the goal of this company was to begin looking at multiplex genomics. In other words, to really do the, you know, the barrage searches into the human genome. Not one gene at a time, but looking at the entire genome in pathway type manners. Now initially we applied this knowledge to cancers. We apply this knowledge to developmental disorders syndromes, Prader, Willi syndrome, autistic spectrum disorders and so on and so forth. And about 15 years ago, after many years of doing what I call disease genomics, looking at the operating manual, looking at when the operating money was broken out of what happens from a disease perspective.

Speaker 3: (06:45)Then I sort of thought, okay, well that was fun. That was good. That was, but why should I not look at the operating manual? But nothing is purportedly broken, but just the operating manual. So then still we can tell presumptively healthy individuals how to stay healthy or how to get over the type of chronic illnesses. So this is what I've been doing for the last 15 years, studying, researching and applying the knowledge of the human genomic operating manual. So we've been, we can just simply understand it. How does the body work, which clearly there's an individuality to that, obviously. I mean, we are human beings. We all, our cells, our organs, our bodies, all have to accomplish the same jobs that we do. These jobs with nuance differences, some of us less optimal, more optimal, more efficient, less efficient. And when we can zone into that, when we can read this operating manual from that perspective, really Lisa miracles happened with the sort of insights that you get, the nuances that you can tease out. It really has transformed the clinicians. We train the patients, we work with the transforms, it empowers the individual to understand how their body works and what they might do to obtain that optimal health.

Speaker 2: (07:59)This is, and this is a super exciting and I can feel your passion coming through despite the jet lag for this area and it's now mind you, passion is of the last maybe two months or six weeks or however long it is now that I've been diving into this world and just going, Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, this is just, this is just the next level and the information that I've been searching for to try to understand because everything seems so generic. And this a personalized house and yeah, doctor man saw you the president and founder of the DNA company, which is offering direct to public and in conjunction with conditions. A couple of reports. So our full genomic report in a hormone report and I want to tease apart a little bit today, why should people even consider having a look at these, the sort of testing what benefits they can get out of it.

Speaker 2: (08:58)And I'd like to also tease a little bit about looking at other, like I've, I've looked at a lot of gene companies and that do gene DNA testing. And you had an analogy on a Bulletproof radio that I heard you on the same show who's amazing Dave and his work that was about the most people are looking at it DNA as a vocabulary and not a language. And that just seems them light bulb up in my head where I realized, okay, so it's not the siloed genes looking at them individually, but looking at cascades and pathways and combinations of genes as we are then interpretation has been missing today.

Speaker 3: (09:43)Oh, 100%. So I always say, you know, Lisa, anyone that is in the data business, regardless of whatever data you're collecting, data is really quite dumb. Data in and of itself doesn't mean anything unless you know what to ask of the data unless you know how to triage, how to approach the data. So when we use the analogy as DNA, the operating manual, the genome, it really meets all the classifications and descriptions of a language. Thus far we've been looking at DNA and genetics from a language perspective purely as a vocabulary exercise. The more words we know, the better we presume to think we know the language. And as much as that is important as per the analogy that I drew with on Dave, show a person simply knowing more vocabulary by no means mean they understand the language. And so when it comes to DNA, when it comes to genetics, when it comes to how this awesome operating manual, the architecture of it, it's not just about vocabulary, it's not just about the individual genes.

Speaker 3: (10:51)So here are the two layers implicit in your question that we do a bit differently and why we need to do that differently and why it's important that it's done this way. The first is this. When you're looking at the DNA, if the person are either genetic makeup, the vast, vast majority of companies right now, they're looking at things called snips, single nucleotide polymorphisms. In other words, they're looking at places which is absolutely important. They're looking at spelling variations in this operating manual. And of course these spelling variations, these single nucleotide polymorphisms will impart to you mean Jane, Paul, Peter, the same cellular job that we all want to do. These spelling differences can impact the efficiency with which we do that job and that is important to know, but while we're at that point of spelling, you see per any language, if I wrote a paragraph, I might have spelling errors in that paragraph, but there are examples where I may have inadvertently deleted a sentence or deleted a couple of sentences in that paragraph.

Speaker 3: (12:00)Now, if the analogy here is that the gene is the paragraph, so your operating manual are these 23 volumes. Think of it. Think of a 23 volume and psychopathic set these awesome, huge volumes. Now we're going to inherit two of these 23 volumes. One from mom, one from dad, and these volumes are properly arranged and when we open up any page, let's say we go to volume three from mum volume three from dad, we open up page four on each of those volumes and we look at paragraph five page four, volume three we, I see the same paragraph. We're going to see the same information from dad's gene paragraphs of genes and mom's gene. We're going to see the same information, but when we look really carefully, when we look at those paragraphs, really collect carefully, we might find that there's some spelling differences. Those are the snips.

Speaker 3: (12:57)We may also find that on either dad or mom's paragraph, a sentence was missing and I just taught this over the weekend. So I was in the auditorium and I said, okay, here's an instruction that was waiting for me coming to this auditorium to give this lecture, Dr Mansoor, go to auditorium B and to the left door approach to podium from the right side, press the enter button, begin your lecture. That's an instruction. That's a paragraph. That's an instruction and that's the equivalent of a gene. Now in that paragraph they make has been a few spelling errors or changes that may have confused me a little as to what the instructions are. But when I look at it carefully, I could sort of still figure it out. Okay. But if in that paragraph, the sentence that says go to auditorium B was missing at, of course there are multiple auditoriums, all of the other parts of the instructions are there.

Speaker 3: (14:03)But I can really be confused as to what is the ultimate thing that I'm supposed to do. It's called an indel. So in our genes, not only do our genes have slips, many important genes actually have places within them that I'm missing. So until we test for those type of changes, we're by no means getting the full picture of what is happening. The third thing is this, not only do we have slips, not only do we have in Dells, there are occasions where the entire gene is missing is show I'm supposed to show up. I got to the hotel where the conferences are and the instruction just telling me what it's just not even there. So here I'm in the lobby going, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. This example is a genetic phenomenon keeping the analogy, this is called this C and V copy number variation.

Speaker 3: (15:03)We see because we were supposed to have two copies of that. Paragraph five page four, volume three. Sometimes believe it or not, when we go to page four we've opened up mum's volume three dad's volume three. There they are. We're going to read both of the instructions cause that's what yourself has to do at any given moment. When there's a job to be done, your cell goes and pulls the volume that has that instruction, takes down a mum's copy, takes down, dad's copy, opens up and reads the instruction. Now in the case of a CMV copying of the variation, we can open up mum's volume three page four there is paragraph one, paragraph two, paragraph three paragraph four paragraph six. Oops, wait a minute. Where's part of our five? It's gone. There's part of four. There's part of six. I look over a dad. He's got all of the paragraphs or vice versa.

Speaker 3: (16:02)Sometimes Lisa, both paragraph fives are gone. Okay. So the point of the first answer to your question, why we do things a bit differently is we're not just in the business of collecting data for data's sake. We're collecting data. Are you were doing gene testing to understand a process. When we designed genetic tests, we don't begin with genes. We begin in a whiteboard saying, what is the thing in the human body that we want to study? What is the thing that we want to study? Genetics, just good old fashioned medical textbook, human physiology. Do we want to study the way the newer chemicals are produced and bonding and response? Do we want to study how the human body makes sex hormones? Something we should talk about when it comes to human performance. So how does the male and female body makes progesterones androgens Astros? And then we mapped that out.

Speaker 3: (16:56)Forget genetics, which is not about how does the human body do that? No, of course, if the human body's having to do something, then it means there are genetic instructions for that film. So only when we map out the cellular, the cellular biology, the cascade, only when we met that out, then we come in and we pencil it. This gene is responsible for here. This gene is responsible for there such that at the end of the exercise, we've got a genetic test that already tells a story. The result from that genetic test is telling you the entire cascade. Step one, step two. We look at each of those genes that are telling us the story and we ask are these snips that are important? Are there entails that are important? Are the CNVs that are important because all three make a wow. And so the first part to the answer to your question is if you've been looking at genetic tests that are only reporting snips, you are dramatically limiting the variations that you and I and every other person have within our genome. So you're missing the nuances that are in your language to clarify the job to be done. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2: (18:16)Absolutely. So that actually puts them together in my head because I've been starting this, I don't know, like for example, the GSTT one gene and the detox and antioxidant pathway, one of those types of genes that can be completely done.

Speaker 3: (18:31)Completely. Totally said, absolutely. And of course it belongs to super family. So there are multiple G S T genes, but two minutes on that. If you're going to design the human body and you're going to say, listen, one day we're going to make this thing called human being and we're going to put him or her in this wonderful world, but mind you, he or she is going to have to deal with some toxic insults, both from without and from within. Where would you, and you know that, where would you put your detox defenses? Well, they're about four places. If you're an intelligent designer, you would put your detox, different defenses at least in four places. You would say, how and where do things get into the human body, dermal skin, the nose, nasal Bronxville lung, the GI track. Okay. So those are how things get it.

Speaker 3: (19:23)And unsurprisingly you would want to make sure your detox genes and the things that you'd want to make sure there's super active in those places. And then you, you'd also say, well look, at the end of the day, things are always going to get past borders inside of the body, their waste products. So then I'm also going to put a detox organ. The liver, when we go to the human body, this is where we find these detox genes expressing themselves. And each of the GST is have sub specialties. Some of them are more important in the nasal bronchial track, some of them more important in the GI track and so on and so forth. So when you know the story that you want to read about the body, you know how to read the manual and interpret, is the GST T one gene deleted or not? This is a massive implication to the human body.

Speaker 3: (20:16)Can you imagine the GSTT one gene is one of, if not the most important bio transforming antioxidizing enzymes in the body per its name and its gene and its enzyme. And if a person doesn't have it, literally it's not in mere manual. The GSTT one gene is on volume 22 and if that paragraph you have not inherited it from either mum or dad, you are missing an enzyme in your body. That is one of the most important detox. Now doesn't mean that you're not compatible with life, but it most certainly means you could not be the person who says, well you know what do you have a metals mean after all they're not that bad. Oh you know what, my uncle smoked until he was 80 years old. I'm going to smoke as well. Well you can't compare yourself to that person cause you don't have one of the most awesome detox genes.

Speaker 2: (21:13)You don't have a good defense mechanism. And so like the detox is actually the first port of call before the immune system even does this job. So I'm, I'm excited to get my tests back cause I haven't gotten gotten through the reports yet. I'm, I'm suspecting that I have a problem in my GC jeans because I'm a very young age. For example, I've been the next medic as a, as a severe asthmatic, as a child, and I'm very hypersensitive to smells and anything. So I'm like a Canary one C one, which is theta. Yes,

Speaker 3: (21:54)Very important in the liver. Key one PI GSTP one is the one that's really important in your nasal bronchiolar lung cavity. Individuals with a suboptimal P one are at extreme risk of early ectopic asthmas. They're the ones that if they go into the shopping mall, you know, the perfume resection, they've got to avoid the perfume resection. Right? Those are the GSTP ones.

Speaker 2: (22:21)Wow. I'm obey. Fascinating to see if that's what comes back. And so if you want it deleted into them, we'll get onto hormones next because I really want to dive into there, but just to, to to look at the GST genes. If you don't have, you either have only one inherited GST, one gene, your mother or your father and you're missing the other ones or you're missing both altogether, are you more likely to have you're more likely to have toxins coming in that you can't deal with as well. And then your immune system is this way or auto-immune or part of the

Speaker 3: (22:57)Brilliant, brilliant question. Just before we answer that, I had mentioned there were two layers to differentiate yourself, so just so that we close the chapter on what we do differently. So I'm going to come back and, and so now we will take it forward. We just mentioned that there you have to be mindful of the three different layers of variations, snips in Dalles with pieces of the genome missing and CNVs where the whole gene may be missing. The other quick differentiator, bringing back the analogy of a language, bringing back the story of the human body, it's this, and I told the audience this, there was an audience of clinicians in Phoenix this weekend. I said, have you ever read a really good, you know, suspense novel and not suspense novel, the novel that the author's painting the character and you're thinking he's the bad guy, you know, and he's falling around the heroin and he knows he looks a bit shady.

Speaker 3: (23:51)And then until or unless you've read the entire book, you only find out that he was a protector or he was something. He was a guardian and words. He wasn't about that guy. Now what the heck does this have to do with genes? The second player, when we mentioned that we do things differently, we said that DNA is really a language by all of its definitions, with its nuances is this, there are many genes, Lisa, where if you were to look at that gene as a standalone and if you was to look at the genotype of that gene, in other words, what version do you have? You think you have either the best version or the worst version depending, and you may think you have the best version for example, but it is not until you look at a completely independent gene that has nothing to do with this gene, that the version of that independent gene wow colors, whether your actual optimal version of gene a will stay optimal or not.

Speaker 3: (24:52)Or conversely, whether you thought you had the suboptimal version of a bad guy, you read the full story, something else tells you what you fought was the bad guy was not the bad guy. Wow. And this is what it's called at peace basis. You see we're all concerned about epigenetics, which is important. FP genetics. How are we reading? Are we actually going to read that paragraph on the page or are we not going to read? That's at the genetics, but nobody's talking about epi. Stacy, this is Stacy. This is often, we've read the page after we've read the paragraph. We cannot yet make a conclusion until we read 10 pages later, 15 pages later, something there. We'll bring it to life. We'll color what we read on page three.

Speaker 2: (25:48)Yeah, so, so for example, if you're, if you're looking at a specific gene and it has an, that is say the faster for the sip, 79A1 gene and the hormone a kiss guide. If it's a fast one that's not in and of itself a good or a bad thing. It depends on the other things. It depends on the, so that's what you're meaning. So one of

Speaker 3: (26:14)The best examples of that is this, the BDNF gene, the BDNF gene, brain derived neurotrophic factor. What are the most important genes in the brain? Well, in the whole human genome that tells the brain how to secrete this awesome thing that heals the brain. You and I were having a conversation about a loved one, so that loved ones B, D and F was going to be hugely important. And how that loved one recuperated from the challenge that she had met BDNF. Now the beating of gene has an important variation. A snip this time, which is either a G version or a version. Okay. TheG version, Jews and George as in guanine is the optimal version of BDNF, the optimal version. So if you're a GG blessed, that's good. You are naturally predisposed. You have the in Harrods, the innate ability to make more BDNF.

Speaker 3: (27:13)And let me tell you that's a good thing. Any which way you slice it. Wow. An independent gene, the TPH to gene the trip to five hydroxylase gene to TPH, two gene, which is involved in how the body deals with serotonin. K two has a sip. It comes in a G version and a T version G as in George T as in Thomas. The G version is considered optimal but hold on. If you happen to be GG fatigue, pH two and GG for BDNF ostensively both those genotypes for each affair genes are optimal, but if you were GG for both, it creates a haplotype. It creates a combination that is an act risk combination and it is, it is the negative combination. It is the, it is the deleterious combination when it comes to certain aspects of human behavior. These individuals, when you're GGGG, they exhibit poor inhibition of negative emotional stimuli.

Speaker 3: (28:28)In other words, when something negatively emotionally affects them, their ability to kinship, the ability to say, you know what, I'm not going to focus. I'm not going to hamster wheel constantly play that over and over over again. They haven't, they have a hard time giving up that when something gets under their skin. So to speak emotionally, they have a really hard time getting over it so they have a strong imprint. The memory imprint, very strong EMI, emotional memory imprint and of course the stronger you EMI emotionally memory imprints, the easier you emotional memory recall EMR is because the deeper something is imprinted then the smallest cue. You have a love, you have a partner and you know you love each other to bits, but like human beings, you're going to have your ups and downs. I mean it's where human beings after all, and on one particular evening you were both getting on each other's nerves and she was wearing that beautiful red dress and that was the evening that you both said things you shouldn't have said and it hurts the person who has this phenomena.

Speaker 3: (29:36)Whenever he sees his wife, would that red dress down the road, everything's perfect. You, you're going up for a birthday party, you're both happy, it rises back up. He remembers that evening more than he should. It brings back to the surface and vice versa. This is that Paul, inhibition of negative emotional stimuli that lead to profound memory imprinting and therefore profound memory. Recall. The point of all of this and the reason I mentioned this is, and we're going to come back to the GSTT one, was to clarify, you see Lisa, it's not just about even the type of things you're looking for. What matters is the interpretation we sell the combination, we are reading the manual, not just flipping, picking words out.

Speaker 2: (30:24)This is we have a calmer is well we are the, the apostrophes are this is someone that is what they would be more prone to PTSD

Speaker 3: (30:36)100 that's the point actually and that is further exacerbated based on the no adrenergic pathway which dramatically increases the risk of PTSD. It is exacerbated based on how quickly they are removing their dopamine and noradrenaline via content. So what happens is you begin to pixelate a picture and you've got a low resolution picture and then the more intelligence information you put in, you start to increase the resolution of that picture. You start to get a clearer picture of the person that you're looking at. But to do so, you've got to know where to pick slate. If I'm trying to get a better look at what Lisa's face look like, I don't really be pixelating your toes. I need to pick slick your face and this, this ability to read intelligently. Lisa, I stress intelligently. Riyadh, human genome. Yeah, that's what we do. We do

Speaker 2: (31:35)That is absolutely insane. And they've vacations because yeah, I would have seen, Oh, you've got a G G G is good, but I've just understood that nuance, that combination of things. And now I can't wait to get my reports and my family reports so I could because this helps us also understand like the speed in which you are dopamine is processed and gotten rid off or the speed of which we're saratonin tone and all of these things have a fixed on your personality and that we're not 100% to blame for some of our differences.

Speaker 3: (32:12)Oh gosh, no. Gosh, no. In fact, what this needs to do on the one hand, it creates the empathy of appreciating, look, this is how some of this is their predisposition. Now, on the other hand, it is not to create a sense of fatalism. While that's the way I am, I know I have found and I have done. The only thing that I've done, probably somewhat unique and special Lisa, is I have reviewed thousands upon thousands of profiles. In terms of my in the world, most of my peers that work at the level I do would say Dr. Mansoor Probably reviewed the most genomic profiles in the world. I don't know if that's true or not, but I certainly have reviewed several thousand meaning meeting the patient, speaking with their doctor, looking at their health profiles and looking at underlining genetic phenomena to see if we can understand what's going on.

Speaker 3: (33:00)You know what I found, at least as a fellow, when you empower a person to understand a predisposition, you, you might think that leads to fatalism, but when you explain the functional reality, it actually does the opposite. It gives the person a sense of ownership and then they can finally say, you know, I have dumped with my entire life, I've been this way and I just, I didn't even know why it was that way. Now that I can even understand what's going on, it gives me some closure. Yes, but it now gives me something to appreciate. I can, I can envision how this is working, how my emotions are working. I can now go, you know what? As soon as I see that stimulus that would have got me on that slippery slope, I'm going to stop. I'm not going to go down that slippery slope because I know if I do, there's no coming back for the next two weeks.

Speaker 3: (33:52)So what we've found is that this crew all around it just creates empowerment. Which brings me now to the question that you asked about GSTT one and you are, your connections are on point, Lisa, the connection between the detox mechanism of the body. Here's the threefold, and of course it's a bit more complicated, but it's also remarkable. You can take complex systems, break them down to building blocks and keep the acuity. So there are three building blocks we need to look at when we connect detoxification pathways in the body and the immune system. And the, the only thing missing is the inflammatory system. So the triangulation between toxins and immune responses goes like this. The human body's insulted with whatever. It's insulted with the intentional, the unintentional of our daily lives, those toxins enter the body or they try to enter the body. Step number one, how individually efficient is that person at negating bio transforming, neutralizing those toxins either before they can enter the body, such as in the mucosa of the lung, the alveoli lumen, the the lining of the lung, such as the GI mucosa and so on.

Speaker 3: (35:16)And so what can we, can we neutralize it so the toxin doesn't even get into the bloodstream? And of course to the degree that it gets into the bloodstream, can we live a hepatic re detoxified so that at least it does not by you accumulate in the body so that at least it does not reach levels that are unsafe. First step number one now too, there are genes, there are whole gene families, their whole cellular processes, GSTs, glutathione, ionization, UGI, Ts, glucuronidation, methylation, self, phonation and acetylation. These are the major enzymatic steps linked to genetic genes that are responsible for bio transforming neutralizing things in our body, okay? So what we need to do is we say, what is the lifestyle environmental context of the person? What are they getting exposed to? I'll be living in a home that has written with mold, are they living and so on and so forth.

Speaker 3: (36:17)Okay, step number one, step number two, how good are they at individually neutralizing those toxins so as to not bio accumulate them to the degree that those, whatever. The answer to that question is we're going to have an individualization and with some individuals are better at getting rid of toxins and others are not. If a person is not genetically, innately efficient, optimal at getting rid of their toxins, then what happens? Well, what do toxins do? Toxins cause cellular inflammation, okay? And they cause inflammation via any number of methodologies. They can inflame cell surface receptors, they can get into the cell and create overproduction of oxidants as they can hamper the energy modules, the mitochondria. That's one of the places you'd never want toxins getting to. And of course they can get into the nuclear eye. They can get into the libraries of the operating manual and they can start to change gene expression.

Speaker 3: (37:23)So toxins do all of these things. Ultimately, you see Lisa 15 not even 15 years ago, 10 years ago, if you told that a medical conference, there's this concept of inflammation. You'd have a lot of professionals. Well, come on, you gotta be more specific than that. We actually now know that there is a phenomena called chronic inflammation, and regardless of what stimulated that inflammation, bat bacterial toxin B, it's an inorganic chemical. It be it a physical inflammation. It does not matter the way the sun looks, the way the cell begins to behave when it has been insulted with toxins, with exposures, remarkably is the same regardless of the stimulus. Because chronic inflammation has hallmarks that are similar regardless of the stimulus. Now at that juncture, when the cell is inflamed, when the machinery in the cell isn't doing the job that it's meant to do properly, that cell now starts to be like this pulsing red thing just by analogy.

Speaker 3: (38:35)In other words, the body is looking at it going, something's happening in there. It's not behaving the way it should. Okay, so now we're going to have two steps. The body now has an anti inflammatory set of steps to quiet us, to bring the cell back into line cause they Whoa, Whoa, hold on. You're starting to misbehave. There's too much inflammation. This is where it's selling the process known as methylation comes in. Cellular methylation can be viewed. It's a detox reaction by the way, but it is a cellular cascade that is radically responsible for bringing your soul from that humming, inflamed, you know, ticking bomb type of modality back down to acquire essence behavior. That's cellular methylation. Now, to the degree that you're able to do that, because suddenly methylation is a multigene cascade, multiple places where things could be not as optimal as we would like.

Speaker 3: (39:36)So to the degree that we then triage, we stratify the patients based on their detox potential. We then stratify them based on their anti inflammatory potential. Now, to the degree that we are not quite yessing that chronic inflammation, this is where the immune system can be activated. Immune system was meant to be activated in acute episodes, not chronic episodes. The more you ask the cell to produce antibodies, IgG, IGA is IGMs, particularly IgGs. The more you keep telling that the body pump out IgG, something's not working right, something is there, which is why chronic infections are now very well understood to be linked to autoimmune diseases. The infection did, did not go away, constantly demanded of the body to produce antibodies. And somewhere along the line those antibodies begin to forget what was the bacteria or what and what was the self. And now we just start shooting friend and foe alike. Wow. This is the triangulation that has become now a focal point of so many diseases. Some diseases being more relevant to the whole, you know, things like lying disease. Do you guys have lung disease down in New Zealand?

Speaker 2: (41:05)I think, yes, we do. And I think you know we have a massive problem with like thyroid, Hashimoto's sort of autoimmune diseases, crones, IVs. So this is, this is where the body is actually going in overdrive. So the, the original detox genes haven't been able to do their job because combination.

Speaker 3: (41:26)There's that one. Exactly. There's inflammation. Yup.

Speaker 2: (41:33)Yes.

Speaker 3: (41:33)Methylation didn't do the job that was supposed to do and now we're triggering. So there are meta-analyses meta-analyses that show the deletion of the GSTT one gene or overall poor Ghouta finalization has been strongly linked with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, IBD, strongly linked with ectopic asthma, particularly GSTP one in early childhood asthma. Then of course, if you, if you double down on poor math on poor detoxification with poor methylation, you really start seeing

Speaker 2: (42:10)Clinical outcome. Yes. Yeah. So, so if we then we, we, we find out all this about ourselves. We find out we've got either the good or the bad and the ugly. And these combinations are not ideal. Then how, you know, we've got this information now, now we want to know what the heck do I do about this? I can't change my DNA. Of course, all things that these reports that your company does, for example, where it can actually lead to some successful outcomes. Obviously avoiding cigarette smoke or exhaust folk tunes and things your GPS deleted. But, but beyond that, nutraceuticals, new nutrients what can be done to help people.

Speaker 3: (42:52)So it starts with, so the first thing I would have to say is we take our reports only so far. So the actual report, we take it to the point of explanation of what's happening. And there are certain recommendations, but the real magic must still come from a trained population, you know? So what, so what we do is through also training a certain class of healthcare providers. We might call them the, the new modern day biohackers. The healthcare providers who are really sniff, they're no longer just, you know, pill pushers. They're looking. So I just wanted to clarify. We take the reports, we explain the systems, we explain what's happening, but we also have to be careful so that people aren't jumping to conclusions and self-treating based. So you still want to have someone who understands the bigger picture. And by the way, that's the second part of what our company does.

Speaker 3: (43:47)As per my travel schedule, I'm constantly traveling, teaching people, teaching auditoriums full of doctors who are now saying, listen, if I keep practicing medicine the way that I'm practicing, I'm just dealing with a disease population. I'm not healing people. Okay, so with that minor clarification, now we come to, let me paint a picture, paints a thousand words not to be, you know, blahzay here's what I like people to picture and here's what you would want to picture for yourself. Lisa. Picture slide. Okay, so there's a slide your screen, okay, and a circle. And then picture a circle on that screen somewhere on your screen. There's a circle. Now because you're a human being, your circle is going be on the screen. In other words, this is the screen of all human beings and your circle, you, your circle is somewhere on the screen or what does the circle represents? It represents your genetic makeup, which represents a part of your genetic makeup for whatever biochemical process we were studying. So this circle is Lisa's genomic pathway. Okay.

Speaker 3: (44:56)I want you to then think of an equilateral triangle that equal three sided triangle that just perfectly encompasses your circle just perfectly. Your circle is perfectly encompassed just right in that triangle. And the emphases of this triangle are labeled environment, lifestyle and nutrition. Yes. What we're learning and what we're recognizing more and more is other than extreme cases, other than extreme cases, and there are mind you extreme cases where a particular genetic combination was really just a real doozy. And in other words, we're going to see some, you know, with the best of efforts, we're going to see some probably deleterious outcomes. Fair enough. But other than those extreme cases, for the vast majority of us, the spite, any inefficiencies we might have if we find the right triangulation of lifestyle, nutrition and lifestyle, nutrition and environment. If we could figure that out and it perfectly matches, I would circle.

Speaker 3: (46:08)This is optimal health. So image, the image of optimal health is when you can find your genomic makeup, your circle for whatever you're studying and contextualize it perfectly within the right for you. For Lisa Laughlin, sir, not for Joanne Felisa. What is leases? Optimal lifestyle, nutrition and environment. Now the problem is, Lisa, when we begin working with a patient, obviously and clinicians with their patients, the vast majority of individuals, they do not know their circle. They don't know what's the economic influence. So they don't, and if you don't know your circle, your triangulation, choices of lifestyle choices, nutrition choices, and environmental choices offers skewed and they are not synergistic with your circle. So first objective of this, did you get that picture? Do you know when people say, well, it depends on your genes, your genes. It depends on how you're using your body. If you are, if you took, if you took five identical individuals, they were, you know, quintuplets identical, contemplative.

Speaker 3: (47:27)If such a thing exists in today, the same genes and you give those five people at 35 years old, the exact diet. But if those five, one of them was an ultra marathon runner and extreme sports enthusiasts, the other was a couch potato, I don't know, doing whatever the other was a, you know, an accountant who had a nine to five job. We can exercise worrier, but from Monday through Friday really just goes to work, comes home, eats, goes to that and so on and so forth. Even with the same jeans, you can put the nutrition and an obviously not expect the same outcome because they got to know the genomic legacy. You've got to know what is the lifestyle context, what is the nutritional context, what is the environment or context? If one of the things quintuplets moved from your gorgeous country and move to massive metropolis with, you know, air quality, that breathing for one day is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes in your beautiful country.

Speaker 3: (48:36)He or she may have gotten away with a GSTT one or GSTP, one suboptimal ability. He's living in those, you know, that wonderful country views. He's practicing otherwise good, not eating foods with pesticides and herbicides and so on and so forth. And he was going about life actually, not really realizing there was any suboptimal ability until one day his job took him to a big metropolis somewhere. He lost track of the quality of his foods. He's just so busy. He's day in, day out breathing the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes and then six months into this, all things ELLs as equal, his jeans are equal, but he now starts to show symptomologies that he would never have had any different environment and a nice clean environment. Right? So this triangulation is so important. Now coming back to the specifics, once we understand the pathways, we begin first with the dose.

Speaker 3: (49:31)It may seem simple, but it actually enters Lisa into, it's not just about the obvious things that you might imagine. I give the example, Lisa, and by the way, it's relevant to the GSTT one gene. Now, juice, TT. Let's focus on the T one. It's the big sister in the glue, the fine fabric. So GSTT one no, it's what's called a phase two detox pathway. Phase two detox. Because when it talks and enters the human body, we typically go through two steps. We take toxin a, we converted into an intermediate B. Yup. We take B further, convert that to C. C is what leaves the body, the B to C part of the transformation. That's where the GSTs come in. The a to B. This is where your cytochrome P four 50s come in. That's the phase one. Bio transforming enzymes. Now if I were to ask you something, when you say fiber to say, would it be a good practice for person to start drinking a nice cup of green juice?

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This is the best podcast for long runs. Lisa is just so relatable, honest, funny and inspires me to push my own limits. Awesome guests (I particularly enjoyed the podcast with Kim Morrison) and a wide variety of topics covered. Thanks for keeping me running, Lisa!
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I am getting my mojo back with regards to my health and running after treatment for breast cancer, I connected with Lisa as I was looking for positive influences from people who are long distance runners and understand our mindset. Lisa’s podcasts have been a key factor in getting me out of a negative space where I allowed others limiting beliefs to stop me from following my heart and what I believe is right for me. After 18 months of being in cancer recovery mode I wanted to get out of the cancer mindset and back to achieving goals that had been put aside. Listening to Pushing The Limits has put me onto other great podcasts, and in the process I have learnt so much and am on a pathway to a much better place with my mindset and health. Thanks so much Lisa for doing what you do and always being you.