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In this episode, Lisa Tamati and Exercise Professional, Health and epigenetics coach Neil Wagstaff discuss the latest trends in the fitness industry, the latest shocking stats and how we can reverse them and about the power of power posing, stress management techniques and disease prevention rather than cure.
Shocking Health states & the latest insights from the Fitness Industry Timestamp:
2:52 The latest (and shocking) insights from the fitness industry In new Zealand
7:55 being a role model & brain health
9:20 Stress, stress manifestation, and stress management
13:10 the power of posture - Power poses
16:00 Anger vs Love & Gratitude
22:40 Preparing for healthy holidays
30:15 Working with us, And epigenetics
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Epigenetics Testing Program by Lisa Tamati & Neil Wagstaff.
Wouldn’t it be great if your body came with a user manual? Which foods should you eat, and which ones should you avoid? When, and how often should you be eating? What type of exercise does your body respond best to, and when is it best to exercise?
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Find out more about our  Epigenetics Program and how it can change your life and help you reach optimal health, happiness, and potential at https://runninghotcoaching.com/epigenetics
You can find all our programs, courses, live seminars and more at www.lisatamati.com 
Transcript of the Podcast:
Speaker 1: (00:00)
Welcome to pushing the limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential with your host, Lisa Tamati, brought to you by Lisatamati.com

Speaker 2: (00:12)
Hi everybody. This is how many here at the limits and this week I have my favorite person, Neil Wagstaff on the podcast who's been on here so many times. I can't count any walls cause he's my offsider at by running hot coaching our company. So welcome to the show Neil. Thanks Lis nice work as always hoping to find a person. That's cool. Besides my husband of course now Neil has just been up at the fitness awards, which, and New Zealand a fitness industry awards and it is also a three day conference alongside this and he has just come back with a Monaco award. So I want to congratulate my mate own winning the Monaco reward. Now this is for excellence and leadership and work ethic and there's something that has peers have nominated him for because he is a really major player in the fitness industry and fully deserves this award. So congratulations mate. Well done. Thank you. Right, thank you. He'd grown a little bit now. Now well done, Mate, the Monaco award at the FedEx, that's a really top notch thing to meet, to receive in the fitness industry. So we're really, really proud and I'm not surprised to be honest. I mean, you just absolutely mentioned this, you know so congratulations on that.

Speaker 3: (01:37)
The cool thing about the neighborhood as well, Lisa's and it's very touching to get it very, very cool, but it mentions the people around you. So it's really a great reminder to me that I can't be what they are. We can't do what we do without the people around us. So having, having good people around us makes a massive, massive difference. So, you know, for me it's not just about what I'm doing, it's about what we're doing and, and really thankful to the people that that we've got around us and I've got around me. So it's very, very cool.

Speaker 2: (02:07)
Yeah. And that just really shows how humble you truly are because a lot of it is down to you, but use your team is important. Last week I had on the show, dr Rob bell and he has a book called no one does it alone and that will no one gets there alone. And it's definitely true for this case as well. And we're always a team effort usually for everything. Even the races that I used to do, I used to think, crikey, here's me getting the middle. But without my proof I wouldn't be standing there, which could be meetings for the crew as well.

Speaker 3: (02:40)
It's about team. And it's anyone who says that they're on their own is often raise an eyebrow cause cause they've always,

Speaker 2: (02:46)
Yeah, PayPal of part. We're not so self-made. Right. So what we're going to, again, my aim on this podcast guys, we wanted to talk stuff that new sorn for the FedEx awards and Oh, conference, sorry. Because this is like a cutting edge of the latest and the fitness industry and he learned a whole lot of great things and we always like to stay up on the latest in science and the latest developments. So Neil, take us through what you learned on this incredible. A few days up more often.

Speaker 3: (03:23)
So the, we had a great real good keynote at the start of the weekend, which was where everyone comes together and goes to that. And the the, the chief executive, the heads up excised New Zealand. He gave me some guidelines which nearly had me falling off my chair on you. We were, we weren't where we needed to be from activity point and newsfeed. And it's when I heard the stats and the and looks at the numbers, it was quite shocking and often the, I found myself in a little bubble with the people I worked with. Cause we're all very active where we're at the gym we're at with our business, we're surrounded by people right to, for across New Zealand the world health organization guidelines. We are the 13th worst in the world for an activity 13th world worst in the world for our kids. 90% of our children don't meet the daily guidelines of 60 minutes of activities a day.

Speaker 3: (04:13)
That's 90% of our children meeting the the activity guidelines of 60 minutes a day, which isn't a huge amount of time of physical activity. Our adults are just about 50% of meeting the guidelines of 30 minutes a day. That's, that's half our population who aren't meeting the activity guidelines and 30 minutes a day, which again isn't a huge amount of huge amount of time as well. And for obesity we're sitting at number three, number three in the home and the whole world. So well that what that after I fell off my chair, pick myself up and brush myself down, it really sort of hit home to me in a message I wanted to send from from this podcast today and for our listeners is, is share what you are doing. I know a lot of our listeners will be out to if they will be moving, but you will be an inspiration to those around you.

Speaker 3: (05:01)
You are in a position to teach and educate those around you. You are in a position and more importantly to teach and educate our children please, especially over the upcoming holding holiday period. Take the time to, to be that role model. Take the time to, to, to get active with the family, get out with the family that worry if you ended up in the next few weeks. If you're not hitting your runs. Exactly. Don't panic. But do make the time to get out with your family and get walking on the beach. Get walking on in the, in the local parks, walking on the local trails and get the family moving and just let everyone around, you know, handful and that is and let everyone around. You know what, what is going on in our, our community and our country because we need to get moving. We need to move or regularly we need to really address our health or a obesity epidemic and we need to do something about this quickly so that we're in a position to, to reverse that because there's a lot of choice, right? So it's out there, there's a lot of options, but they are clearly not hitting them up. They are not meeting the market school. So pretty that role model for that person.

Speaker 2: (06:03)
This is going to have massive consequences for our health system, diabetes and all the obesity diseases, any of escalators. There's always things that a knock on effect if that chosen one and not, you know, we used to, we used to have such active childhoods. I mean I had a wonderful childhood running around all day, every day. And that's not the case now. And those kids aren't learning those habits and those routines and it's going to be a disaster for the health. You know, the medical system and New Zealand and I mean this is not just New Zealand, this is happening obviously across the board. We all know

Speaker 3: (06:40)
Worldwide. It's a worldwide problem. There are, there are stats, but every, every country is facing similar things. And I mean, just look at how much on you and your family is spending on screens over the holiday period. Look at how much time you do in general. If you're trying to get something done at the and, and your family are on screens where you're trying to get something done, it's plans and so on. Take some time out where you are actually moving. It doesn't need to be high intensity, but get yourself and the family out, move in and just ask yourself, look at those stats. Are you one of the 50% that is meeting the guidelines or are you one of the 50% that is missing them? So if, if that's the case and with your children, you know, you want to, we want to really reduce that 90% so that children each day and really so much gets my blood pressure up. But this does because that there's responsibility from our schools as well as the responsibility from our schools to take this on board as well. And look at how much movement the the children are doing each day as well.

Speaker 2: (07:37)
Yeah. And as you've got three little kids who are extremely act the one, know how much you put into their activity and to keeping them on point. And you know, I come around to your place and you've got the kids ability with that doing their own thing. I mean, I was always surprised to come, come around and it's three and four year olds doing like little bell swings and stuff and sign little, okay. And what did he do? Like a 12K last year and he got beaten by us big sister this year I'm like, I'm running what, 15 Kai up the mountain or something,uin signing for little kids. Uit doesn't have to be that level guys, but,uyou know, you are a role model for your children and I will [inaudible]

Speaker 3: (08:20)
What you do and watch what you do and be there. And then the other thing I just wanted to add in this world, and you, you know better than anyone leads the importance of brain health. So the connection with activity and brain health is, is phenomenal. So this isn't just about movement. This is about development of, of of the brain as well. And from an education point of view and a learning point of view and an experience point of view. And as we're, you know, we're using more and more Lisa from RF genetics point of view, the rec geneticists program, the importance of mind with that and the connection of how we will develop our mind and use on mind is, is key. So this is a huge, a huge topic and something we're both very passionate about. But there's simple message out there is please, please, please think about what movement you're doing each day. Cause it's, it's not just about activity, it's not just about why it is about, it's about learning resilience, it's about the development of of the brain and mind. And it's about, you know, Atlanta children's become

Speaker 2: (09:16)
Good, good, healthy peoples who grew up as well. Absolutely. And that sort of goes into our next topic, which was around the stress and emotional the effects of stress on the body. Because this is another thing that it ties in very much. You hit another good, great point. Speech up there.

Speaker 3: (09:33)
One of 'em, one of, one of my mentors who's, he's taught me a lot over the past few, few, few years, Angela Lee and she, she was delivering a session called issues in the tissues. So your tissue, basically the message is coming out of it. Your tissue as in your your muscles. Yeah, all my, all the connected tissue. Of course, your body will carry a lot of your emotion. So it's the structure of our body. You can have injuries and niggles that are caused not by necessarily by postural problems that are not caused by a lack of flexibility but actually caused by emotion. It's a simple comparison. There's a lot of lists. There's, I'm sure when we experience, when they get tired or stressed, they're anxious, they feel tension around their neck and shoulders. But that can manifest itself all over the body. So a couple of good examples and we've done some release work with some of our clients, one on one and some of the members here at the gym as well.

Speaker 3: (10:26)
I've had people who've actually released them, really some some of their body that burst things tears because that, that part of their body has been carrying, carrying the emotion. So something to be very aware of as well. If your body is tight, if it's restricted, it's feeling uncomfortable. And for those of you that are runners that are listening, it might might be the distraction just doesn't work. And you've got to address the emotion with the, with the good movement and the stretching and relaxation work. So release the, release the emotion. All of a sudden you'd be moving, moving a whole lot better in response to stress in our body. And this was a great point I took away. We've talked a lot, Lisa, about the flight or fight response. Okay. What angel did very well and just reminded me of as well, there's also a freeze, a freeze response.

Speaker 3: (11:10)
Now the freeze response is what a lot of us are doing in this day and age. We're no longer fighting, staying and addressing an issue and therefore we're getting, we're allowed, we're able to release all those stress womans. We're not flighting and running away and releasing all the stress hormones that we've built up in our body. We're actually freezing and submitting to it. Yeah. We're freezing in place, submitting to the stress, the stress response we've been given. And if that can't be released by fighting or fighting or the sudden that's just loaded into our, into our body and into our tissue, which then results in, in a pretty pretty tight body.

Speaker 2: (11:47)
Does that mean that when the boss yells at you at work next time you should fight back, keep yourself healthy or should you run away?

Speaker 3: (11:59)
Is it needs to be released so it has arrows released that a, again, to lay one on your boss probably isn't the best of it.

Speaker 2: (12:05)
Well, I don't go and punch a box. We're not saying that, but leave it out somehow. Yeah,

Speaker 3: (12:09)
Let us somehow, and if that comes out in a constructive discussion with your boss, then then great. Or if it comes out with a discussion with your partner at the end of the day or a loved one, then the imperfect, if it comes out through some exercise activity, then great. The key message here is it needs to be coming out because if it's not, and this can be, you know, we've, I've looked at a lot of the research on it and then there's the stuff that some people will be carrying from childhood and teenage years that is now causing and continuously built up kind of structural. Our body is a great representation of the emotional stress we've been through over the prayers previous years and managing that and releasing it is is key. She led in very nicely from there just talking about the importance as well of this in mind and have a control on motions throughout that they and how we feel about ourselves is the importance of power posts this which I know you understand really well and you use a lot of them.

Speaker 2: (13:02)
Yeah, definitely. The Bay sadness

Speaker 3: (13:04)
And I and a hundred position is you can leave this feeling by the end of the day, pretty, pretty uncomfortable depression all about ourselves. So changing that body position can have a massive physiological and hormonal benefit as well, which, which really changes how we feel. So what did you talk through some of the things you'd do?

Speaker 2: (13:21)
Yeah, I'll just give me a bit of an example of what the hell we're talking about with power posing. So just one example that I use on a regular basis. You know, do a lot of speaking on, on stages and sometimes big scary stages. And you know, when I start to feel the nerves and you know, I've been doing it for 13 years and I still feel nerves every time. I go somewhere quiet, even if it's in the, in the toilets or somewhere. And I do some power posing, which might sound a bit weird. I go around, you know, beating my chest and I, you know, Rocky top of the Philadelphia stairs there and saying, and standing in a really strong position in being what they call power posing releases to saw thrown into my body and makes me feel more courageous and stronger.

Speaker 2: (14:06)
It's an actual physical thing. And I've talked about this before, like from sample, what the all blacks do, you know, to do the hacker before they go into the game. And that was done traditionally because they pumped up the, the, the main going into battle back in the day. And the Maori you know, back in the war days without tribal people, they would do the happiness to psych themselves up. And that's psyching themselves up as really releasing the hormones so you don't have to second to that level. But by doing a little bit of power pose in straightening up and even like putting a smile on your face when you don't feel like it, it actually causes a change in the difference in your hormone hormones that are being released into the body. And that will change how you feel. You know, that's a little bit of a fake it till you make it, you know, you put a smile on your face in, in, and after a couple of minutes you start to feel action.

Speaker 2: (14:58)
You'd better you stay in that Strider and you feel stronger. You hunched over all day. I was used to that at the chiropractor with my mom, which one? I'm getting his spine straightened out and I said, you know, I'm really struggling to get her to stand up straight. And you know, probably he'd bet cause with the Brian [inaudible] because when you have a, an injury of a snatcher, your body's response is to go into that fetal position is to hunker down and taped your, your heart and chest, your areas that are, that are vulnerable. So the Xena becomes a chronic situation, which you said you hunched over like this. So now I have to try and remind him of either to hold herself up nice and straight. And that's another example of the body's actually doing it to protect yourself and then instance, but it's no, no longer work with thing in the chronic state. So you will, posture has a massive influence on how you feel and how you act and the hormones that are running around in your body. So try it out.

Speaker 3: (15:56)
Very, very tricky. You've got to them about the good examples. If you think about anger, if you feel angry, then it's going to increase your heart rates and increase your breathing rate, your blood pressure, it will have your brain doughnut at great speed. You can have higher adrenaline and cortisol levels. Loving comparison. You're gonna release your your good hormones, your oxytocin, your dope mean blood pressure will come down and breathing rate will come down, heart rate will come down. And generally you're gonna, you're gonna feel good, less anxiety, less depression. So practicing love is, this is a very simple way to start feeling, feeling, feeling better about yourself.

Speaker 3: (16:33)
And we are having this discussion earlier on can actually make you and will actually make you put on weight. It will make you, it can make you can make you fatter and where might you fall? Whereas practicing love, you can, you can lose, you can lose weight. And if you think of examples in your life and sometimes the, the time with those of you listening where you fell in love, you would have probably felt, if you think back, it was one of your, one of your healthiest times, you felt great about yourself. You'd have been going for that period with your partner where you're, yeah, you're having fun, you're going to exploring the world together and it's good times. That's important to work on that in life. And it's important to work on that. So important in your relationship, not just for the stability, your relationship with this stability, your help as well. From a physiological point of view, there's cool responses and things going on in your body. You're getting released, serve, as I said, the oxytocin dopamine, which just makes you feel a whole lot better than excessive adrenaline and cortisol that you get with that you get with anger.

Speaker 2: (17:26)
[Inaudible] This, I'm actually Dr. Bruce Lipton, who I've talked about inversely on this podcast. He has a book called honeymoon effect, which is all about that. They in love sealing and had, had a sustain it and love feeling an all the both sides of that. And I had wait, wait, before the last block, the poor Lawson on the show the scientists or who's an expert in it and he was wearing a constant glucose monitor to see what his sugar levels were doing throughout the day. And he had a bad email comes through from his accountant. You know, how your anxiety level goes up when you get an email from your accountant. And it caused an angry response in him because this something in NEMA and he watched on his glucose monitor, his his blood sugar levels go through the roof even though he'd been fasting for 18 hours at this time as he did intermittent fasting.

Speaker 2: (18:21)
So in other words, his blood sugar went up without any food going into his mouth, just from the reaction from his anger. Okay. So that's how powerful this is. So when people say to you, stress is a killer, we see it very gladly and very like, Oh, you all got stressed and stuff. It is eye color. And it will cause you to put on weight and it will cause you to be more unhealthy and have problems. So if your blood sugar levels are going up and you've got problems with diabetes or prediabetes or have some insulin resistance going on, then is going to damage your body. Another reason to go for a run very quickly and get out and, and releasing that. But it's, it's that powerful. You have an angry response to someone in the traffic. You are not hurting the dude that you're giving the finger.

Speaker 2: (19:12)
So you're hurting yourself by having this emotional reaction. And when you understand that, you start to think about getting angry all the time because then you start to realize, wait, actually I'm not, I'm not doing any damage to anyone else. I'm doing damage to my own cells token when we have gratitude in their heart. And we, there's a great book by the HeartMates Institute which is all about developing this, this, this muscle of gratitude and in, in tuning in with the heart. And when you do this, it all sounds very airy theory, but it's absolutely based in science. When you have a feeling of gratitude, when you, if you're having a really bad vibe of what I do as I imagine I'm stroking my cat who I love Dealy and when I cuddle my cat it calms me down. So we know I'm having a response. I'll often think about my cat as stupid as that sounds, but that calms me down a little bit. Okay. Or it might be cuddling your baby or whatever it is for you or giving mom a hug or all these things that would actually help you feel more gratitude than you would like. Thankful for that personal, thankful for that, that little weight or whatever you have. And that changes your, your, your psychology and your actual biology immediately

Speaker 3: (20:31)
As well. The grass tutors practicing that on a daily basis. And there's some other good things I've just been writing down journaling or just talking with your family about three things that have happened that day that are good. It really does change your physiology and your body connection is key as well, so connecting with people you want to spend time with. That can be husband, wife, family, friends, have a look. Often there's people, especially at the stage of life, a lot of our listeners will be in having that connection with people that they want to because of other commitments with life, family, work. Take the time, especially in the holiday period, coming up to connect those people again and just see how different it makes you feel. That is the really is it's not just the, again as you say, an airy fairy thing is a very cool physiological response going on.

Speaker 3: (21:17)
Hormonal responses. You do that and bring as much fun and laughter and as you can often makes you feel real. I feel a whole lot better. Having fun in life is when it's there your, and again you look back into memory some times you remember you, you remember because of the amount of fun and laughter in those in those times, but you want more health, you want more control of the physiology, then bring these, bring these things in. Interesting as well Lisa. We've got about 80% advantage it sorts and in quite a lot data about this. 80% of our serotonin is is found and developed technical gap. So again, some another looking at as another one of our happy hormones. It's looking after your gut health is key. So the connection between gut health and one of our other, our other good buddies, Ben Moore and talked a lot about this as well is a connection between depression, anxiety and gut health.

Speaker 3: (22:05)
And general mood is, is huge and this is the reason if you've got issues with your gut, leaky gut or the food you're putting into your body is not as good as it could be. Then we're looking for stuff to make us feel better the whole time we're fueling ourselves with staff. There's going to flare up our gut and cause inflammation. Easy winds. And especially something to be conscious of coming into the holiday period is what we're putting in because it's a time we should be happy, should be fun, should be hanging out with your friends and families haven't lost. So put some quality stuff into you and you got, rather than stuff that's going to flare up, because that's going to affect the serotonin production, which then means from a happiness point of view that starts, that starts, starts dropping, dropping down.

Speaker 2: (22:42)
Yup. And I'll say on that point, you know, being that we're coming into the solace season and we're coming into Thompson, we're going to be having lots of fag family get togethers hopefully and, and lots of good food and alcohol and, and all that sort of stuff. And it's a hard time to be disciplined. And you know, a little bit of leeway and a bit of fun is it's cold. But if we go in a little more competed mean to Lee for those situations. If we think about, you know, on Christmas day and all the food that's going to be available, and what am I going to do on that day? So that you're not like hijacked by a surprise at all. Oh my God, they have Loma that I've been dreaming about for ages is sitting on the table. And it's not to say you can't have any, you know, like it's never a, you know, we all have treats now and again as well.

Speaker 2: (23:32)
The thing is to be prepared mean to me because when you make yourself aware of what's going to come, then you can arm yourself for bagel. It's like preparing for a race. And I talk about visualization a lot appearing for that battle coming. And this is in a way a willpower battle. And if you're prepared for it to more likely to have maybe a little bit of traits but not too much traits so that you feel sick afterwards, you know, and we all have that, you know Christmas afternoon, like, Oh, what did I eat that for? Remorse, you know? So if you go into it, being aware of it and then practicing this, you'll be easier. W our brains are just like muscles. When you start a new habit, when you start a new behavior, it's very, very hard at the beginning because you creating a new neural pathway.

Speaker 2: (24:24)
But once you've done it fits B 60 times, it's just old hat in the brain is very much about conserving energy. And so it does want it the path of least resistance. And that means it does what it's used to doing. So you'll find after getting up every morning and having a routine, like a a morning routine and the right foods and you do it day in and day out and the first few weeks it's terribly hard. There's a whole lot of willpower involved that is dice like white becomes more retained and then it becomes easier and easier and easier to say no to the bad stuff because your brain is actually used to it. And it just follows that same path. It doesn't think a lot of time. It just does. And this is the danger things when you program in your body negative things or you program and all sorts of things it will ever work.

Speaker 2: (25:14)
And one other point on that the emotions that you attach to things, it's also a very important point. So I like, for example, if I, if I go for a run and my whole thought process in the half an hour before the random as I'm going out the door is I hate running. I don't want around, but I have to run. I have to go because it's all my program and I've got to do it. This is, Oh, I'm so lucky that I can run and I can't wait to get out the door and have some time to myself and to be able to breathe in the fresh year and sick the whole lives. People who can't do this and how lucky I am. Do you see the difference in that mentality? And that's in has a massive influence on how you will perceive your future training sessions.

Speaker 2: (25:58)
When you program negativity with your exercise or with your food, it becomes an automated response. So the next time you go for a run, before you've even sought about whether you want to or not, your Brian's going, ah, hat's the run. I don't want to do this. That's already got that preprogrammed emotion with that activity. So it's really, really important to program, even if you're faking it. Once again, I love running. I'm feeling positive about running. This is a privilege for me to do. And when you go out with that attitude, it will program your brain in that way. Then an associates exercise with fun in Asia and not exercise with, I have to, and I hate this and that will in the same goes with your food and say if you put food into your mouth, it's not optimal, but you are actually believing this is really good for my body. It will be better for your body than if you actually put good food in your mouth. But go, I'm hating this. This is awful because you were associating and neither before the hormones and everything else is still affected by it. So in other words, your mental game is as important as the food you're putting in is as important as the exercise you're actually throwing.

Speaker 3: (27:15)
Just the stuff on the mind and Brian leads is just easy wins as well as hydration. We talk about this loads and I continue to talk about it because it's just such an easy win. I still see so many people that, that aren't looking after their hydration. They're looking for something else to fix. But your brain needs water, your brain needs water. It needs hydration. Well thinking, well I'm feeling positive and being able to just really reinforce everything you've just talked about there. Then keep on top of your hydration, especially over the next, the next few weeks in the holiday period, think about your water. Think about what's going in. I dry the brain. The brain will feel a whole lot better. Therefore your mood will be a whole lot better simply because you're getting some good quality hydration to the brain tissue,

Speaker 2: (27:56)
Especially when these times where you know, alcohol is going to be a part of a lot of parties with people and it's also so hot and we're changing the seasons. We're going to need more water and keeping on the older people in your family because older people tend not to have the same system. Fix, hit make so they don't feel the need for the water because the Seuss doesn't work as well, but they actually need it. And then they go on Austin, have a cup of tea and think that they're hydrating. Whereas tea, coffee, alcohol are all do relaxation, take water away from your body. And I, my dad is a real bad one for this. How had a cup of tea, you know, I don't need to have some more water. Oh, I had a bit of a drink out of the hose models gardening all day.

Speaker 2: (28:37)
And it's like old dead. You know, you've been out 15 hours in the bloody sun cause he still doesn't see you're dividing and he hasn't had anything to drink. You know, and then he's wondering why his brain's not working. That's why, you know, it's not the nature. It's Stripe not having enough water. And in fact, a lot of the people that are admitted to hospital woods, dementia, older people actually come right when they put on a drug. So strike up demodulation. So if you're older, loved ones are not drinking what they should enough water just give them a chain to Rwanda. Coffees and teas. Very true

Speaker 3: (29:15)
Enough police. I'm up at the conference too to share what we do. So we were lucky enough to have the three talks while I was up there. It's the other coaches and trainers around the country. One I'm running skills and drills one a, a business one about how we've structured and set up our online training. And I'm also one on the runners warm up the importance of that and some good things that we use in our warmups both online and, and in our one on one and our big seminars we do as well. So it's really cool to be able to share that. And it was really, again, very humbling and very cool to see how much the 10 days participants were taken away from it. So it's just to remind everyone as well that we're, and it reminded me as well that some of the stuff we're doing is, is quite different. Is, is from our perspective and our client's perspective is a cutting edge and it's, it's, it's getting good results. So if you're interested in finding out more about it where, so people, people go to the website and get to least times you.com and find out some more about it and has the best ways to connect with dealers.

Speaker 2: (30:18)
Yeah, I'm pretty easy to find. I'm all over Instagram and Facebook at lisatamati on both of those. And he, he don't over to our website, at lisatamati.com Under the programs button you'll find epigenetics programs. We have running coaching our online run training system which we have over 700 employees. I think now we're wide on this program. It's a holistic program. It's based around health as well as just running and we're not high mileage coaches has been said quite a few times on this podcast. We do everything about Tom efficiency and avoiding burnout and injury, which is really, really important, especially is a lot of our people are busy executives and got kids and go crazy Koreans. And as you know, the stress levels can be quite high. So when you are trying to run long but also not blow yourself the pieces and having the right combination of the right structure is really, really important.

Speaker 2: (31:12)
So we're also also health coaches and epigenetics programs. So if the epigenetics testing is one of our major programs and in the coming weeks for going through the, doing some stations on AP genetics this is the most exciting thing since sliced bread. It really is, it's, it's the next level and science. This is a first time in history that we have had access to this information about our own genes and our own body. It's the combination of fisting different sciences who all put in new evidence. There's one on toll, hundreds of scientists around the world of the past 20 years have all worked on this. This is really Nick's label paper with you as ceiling. Like one of those people as I train, I eat right, I do everything right and I'm not getting the results. I can guarantee you it's because the stuff that you are doing is not white for your genes in this program will tell you exactly what to eat, when to eat it, how to eat it, what combinations.

Speaker 2: (32:10)
It'll tell you all about more dominant hormones and youth basically just want to have on your health and tell you so much about your personality. It's not just about food and fitness, it's all about the mind, how your mind works, how your personality works, how you developed in the womb. This stuff is next level. So we're super excited to be using this really cutting-edge toll. If you want to find out about that, if he's sick of not kidding results because the one size fits all fitness and is just not giving it to. Yeah. And we've been honestly frustrated with us for years. We've trained two people in sacrad saying giving the exact same thought and like completely different results. We know that every trainer in the world will tell you that, that and that experience, that client that doesn't get the results because of their genes because they're not doing the right thing.

Speaker 2: (33:01)
So if you want to reach out to us, talk to us about that. That's our epigenetics programs. And then the third program we have is all about mindset and meeting partners. Which we call mindset. Who is our online equal spirit. If you want to take your mind to the next level, Bulletproof yourself was mean too late, then that's the program for you then otherwise you can reach out to me and Neil anytime just by the website. Any last words today, Neil, before we wrap this one up, go and do something that really releases you. Get almost the day, can get someone to cuddle a kiss. I laugh and laugh loud and just consider what you're putting into your body. Yeah, sounds good. So it's wrapping up for this week and we'll see you again next week. Thanks guys.

Speaker 1: (33:53)
That's it this week for pushing the limits. Be sure to write, review and share with your friends. And head over and visit Lisa and her team at lisatamati.com

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My favourite running podcast by miles⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

This is the best podcast for long runs. Lisa is just so relatable, honest, funny and inspires me to push my own limits. Awesome guests (I particularly enjoyed the podcast with Kim Morrison) and a wide variety of topics covered. Thanks for keeping me running, Lisa!
Jinni S via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 07/02/19


My favourite podcast ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Helps me get through my boring desk job. Absolutely love this podcast. Great topics and advice that has helped me to better myself and my approach to running.


Two thumbs up ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Always great guests, great insights and learnings that can be applied immediately for every level of experience.


Motivational and Inspirational ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I am getting my mojo back with regards to my health and running after treatment for breast cancer, I connected with Lisa as I was looking for positive influences from people who are long distance runners and understand our mindset. Lisa’s podcasts have been a key factor in getting me out of a negative space where I allowed others limiting beliefs to stop me from following my heart and what I believe is right for me. After 18 months of being in cancer recovery mode I wanted to get out of the cancer mindset and back to achieving goals that had been put aside. Listening to Pushing The Limits has put me onto other great podcasts, and in the process I have learnt so much and am on a pathway to a much better place with my mindset and health. Thanks so much Lisa for doing what you do and always being you.