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Understanding What’s in Your Food for Better Health and Nutrition with Cyndi O’Meara

We regularly buy our food from markets without a second thought. But to take charge of our health and nutrition, we have to ask: are these foods really good for us? 

From produce to sauces, our food can be chock-full of harmful chemicals without us knowing about it. Even if you are a more conscious shopper, the industry labels ingredients to take on deceptively natural-sounding names. Fresh produce can also be laden with pesticides.

So, how can we be more discerning about our food? 

Celebrity nutritionist Cyndi O’Meara joins us in this episode to discuss how we can watch out for harmful foods. She shares how food production and supply have changed drastically over the years. Her advice? Check the label. She also recommends being a nutrition activist by taking matters into your own hands and doing your own research. 

If you want to know more about eating real food for wellness, then this episode is for you! 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Understand how food production and supply have changed over the years and why we need to educate ourselves about it. 
  2. Learn how certain chemicals are clean labelled to become more natural-sounding ingredients.
  3. Discover how you can improve your health by changing your diet. 


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Episode Highlights

[03:29] Cyndi’s Background on Nutrition

  • Cyndi first enrolled in anthropology but subsequently shifted to nutrition. 
  • She saw how dietitians viewed nutrition—mechanistically. So, she decided to study human anatomy instead.
  • After university, she started doing nutrition consultations. She advised her clients to shift from the SAD (standard Australian diet) to real foods.
  • Her approach worked wonders for her clients. But forty years later, this type of nutrition shift is no longer enough. 
  • Due to the consumption of ultra-processed foods, many people's food sensitivities require individualised nutrition.

[09:40] The Food Industry’s Tricks

  • The food industry has become sneakier over the years. 
  • Many packaged and processed foods smell and look like real food even when they are not.
  • For example, vanilla flavouring can be the product of bacteria's consumption of a substrate. 
  • These substrates can be animal-, plant-, or even plastic-based.  
  • Many food additives are a product of synthetic biology. Listen to the full episode to learn more! 

[14:29] The Changing Landscape of Our Food Supply

  • The industry now uses genetic modification on microbes, not just on crops. 
  • Genetically modified corn produces toxins that cause bugs’ stomachs to explode, which we then consume. 
  • These toxins are harmful to the cells in our gut.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, there is a campaign to radiate fresh produce in groceries. 
  • Cyndi argues that this move would destroy the good soil-based bugs in these foods and sterilise the seeds.

[20:06] Becoming a Health and Nutrition Activist

  • Question the origins of your food. You can start by asking local farmers. 
  • Cyndi started the Nutrition Academy to promote local farmers and empower individuals to choose the food they eat.
  • Changing your food choices can be overwhelming. However, small steps are better than none. 
  • You can start with changing your breakfast and learning to prioritise real foods over processed ones. 

[26:57] Decoding Ingredients

  • Cyndi advocates checking all your food's ingredients. 
  • For example, quality chocolate should have no emulsifiers, as these kill the bacteria that protect your gut.
  • Many ingredients, such as rosemary extract, sound natural but are either synthetic or heavily processed. In the food industry, this is called clean labelling. 
  • Stop buying packaged foods. Instead, make things from scratch or buy from someone you trust.
  • Learn to read ingredients and make sure that there are no extracts, acids, flavours, colours, and sweeteners. 

[37:00] Start to Question and Think

  • A lot of clinical studies nowadays are being funded by industries with a vested interest.
  • Start to question information. Research credible sources for yourself. 
  • There is always a better way—make the effort to learn about it. 
  • Many people think that diseases come with age, but this is only because they've accumulated so many bad habits. 

[43:45] Improve and Change Your Lifestyle

  • Your body can heal and do wonders only if you change your habits. 
  • Make sure you manage your stress and do things to lower your stress levels. 
  • With our nutrition, we can affect which of our genes turn on and off.
  • Simple walks or touching soil can increase the good bacteria in your microbiome and boost your serotonin levels. 
  • Don't just stay isolated in front of your screen. Go out into nature to become healthy. 

[49:38] Longevity and Wellness 

  • In ancient cultures, people lived up to 100 years.
  • Nowadays, many people are suffering from chronic illnesses or have a disability. 
  • We need both a vitalistic and mechanistic view of health.
  • However, the health system tends to isolate our conditions instead of looking at the patient’s lifestyle. 

[56:16] Trust and Questioning

  • Advertising has led us to believe that if we’re not well, we need to take pills. 
  • We have to shift from a paradigm of trust to one of questioning. 
  • Do your homework and learn more about what you’re consuming.

7 Powerful Quotes

'I grow my own food. Because I think we're going to get to a point where people are either going to have to do that or put up with what the food industry is doing.'

‘You're an activist because you are choosing to buy from a farmer in your area.’

‘We didn't want to eat BHA and BHT. We don't want to eat MSG. We got smart. We would look on the label, (sic) it would have that, we'd say no.’

‘It's about reading the ingredients and making sure there's no extracts and acids and flavours and colours and sweeteners.’

‘Our body has the ability to fight. But if we do not feed it the right ingredients, if we do not give it the lifestyle it needs… and if we don't give it sunshine, if we don't give it love and connection, if we don't breathe properly, and sleep, then we are going to be in trouble.’

‘You look at a lot of the clinical studies that have been funded by the industry that's promoting it, and you have to ask yourself, ‘How independent was theirs?’

‘Once you have your philosophy, you don't fall for everything.’

About Cyndi

Cyndi O’Meara is a nutritionist, best-selling author, international speaker and the founder of Changing Habits, an innovative and impactful whole foods company. Cyndi also built The Nutrition Academy, an online course to teach nutrition based on vitalistic philosophies, anthropology, environment, and lifestyle. 

Her passion for nutrition also led to her groundbreaking book, Changing Habits Changing Lives, and her most recent work, Lab to Table. She is also an in-demand keynote speaker, especially after her What’s With Wheat? TEDx Talk. Cyndi and her businesses are multi-awarded in Australia. 

Interested in Cyndi’s work? Check out Changing Habits and The Nutrition Academy

You can also reach her on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.     

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To pushing the limits,



Welcome to Pushing the Limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential, with your host Lisa Tamati, brought to you by lisatamati.com.

Lisa Tamati: Hi, everyone, welcome back to Pushing the Limits. Today I have another fantastic guest with you. Cyndi O'Meara from Australia, from the Sunshine Coast, joins me today. Now she is a celebrity nutritionist. She's an author, she's an all around amazing lady. I can't believe that she's actually 61, because she looks like in her 30s. She's just an incredible bundle of energy and an incredible mind of information. So I do hope you enjoy this episode that gets really into the weeds on nutrition, on E numbers, on the chemicals and foods, on toxins, on things that you really really need to know about. So I hope you enjoy this episode. 

Before we head over to the show, just want to let you know about our BoostCamp. Now, this is not boot camp, this is Boost Camp. This is an eight week long online webinar series that Neil and I are running from the first of September, and we would love you to come and join us. This program is all about you all about upgrading your life, all about being the best version of yourself that you can be. It's about ageing like a winner. It's about longevity, it's about upregulating your brain and your mind and fine-tuning yourself to being more resilient. It's about health fundamentals. It's about understanding your biology, understanding what types of exercise to do and when and how, understanding your own body types, understanding more about your genetics, this is a really full on program that we'll be delivering live. And you can join us then we would love you to do that. 

So what I want you to do is to head over to peakwellness.co.nz/boostcamp. Not boot camp, Boost Camp. B-O-O-S-T-C-A-M-P. I'll repeat that: peakwellness.co.nz/boostcamp, and join us on this program. If you didn't catch that URL, write to me, I'll send it to you immediately. If you want to upregulate your life, have more resilience, be tougher, mentally stronger, have more focus, have more control over your life, your biology, then do join us where we really, really stoked to have you come on board. 

Also, just a reminder, too: we have our Patron program for the podcast now, is open. This is a way for you to support this podcast. We've been going now for five and a half years, and every week I find incredible guests for you to listen to and learn from. This is like having a university in your pocket basically, with the best professors, with the best doctors, with the best scientists, with the most elite athletes, real high performance people. It takes an awful lot of work, I can tell you, and it's been five and a half years and I really need a bit of help to keep this on air. So we would really appreciate your support. You can join us for the price of a cup of coffee a month that really, these micro commitments that people do really help the show stay on the air. So if you like what we're about, if you like our mission, if you want to support this mission on helping people take control of their health, and be more in control of their life, then please head on to patron, P-A-T-R-O-N dot lisatamati.com. Right, now over to this exciting show with Cyndi O’Meara.

Hi everyone and welcome to Pushing the Limits. I am super excited to have you with me again this week for another exciting installment of the show. I have lovely Cyndi O'Meara with me, who is sitting on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Welcome to the show. 

Cyndi O’Meara: Thank you. 

Lisa: Fantastic to have you there. Cyndi is a celebrity nutritionist, author, runs a company called Changing Habits in Australia, which is all about educating people, from what I understand, educating people around nutrition and helping them cut through the mess of the noise that's out there and get them into the right mindset and the right things to be thinking about. So today we're going to do a bit of a deep dive into the world of nutrition. So Cyndi, before we get underway with some topics, can you just give the listeners who don't know you a little bit of background about you and what you do?

Cyndi: Sure. So I graduated, well, I started my nutrition education in 1980. But I actually didn't start as a nutritionist. I was doing pre-med at the University of Colorado and one of the subjects that I did was anthropology. I did a year of anthropology and cultural anthropology and I thought, ‘Wow, it was food that was really important in the survival of humans and so that we could have babies and keep going,’ and I was really intrigued by it and I thought, well I'll become a nutritionist. 

So I came back to Australia and I went to Deakin University and finished my Bachelor of Science majoring in nutrition to go do dietetics and at the end I went, ‘This is nothing like what I was taught in anthropology’. So in anthropology, I was taught hunter-gatherer, agriculturalists, paleo, herders — real food. There was no margarine, there was no low fat, there was no processed or ultra-processed foods. There was none of this, and this is what the dietitians were talking about. 

They were looking at more mechanistically nutrition, as opposed to what I was taught with culture and anthropology was to look at it very bio-holistically. So I decided, well, I couldn't become a dietitian. So I went back to university to RMIT. I did two years of human anatomy. That was, I kept cadavers for two years, I did all the -ology: the pathology, embryology, histology, parasitology, everything. 

At the end of that, six years at uni, I went, ‘I actually know what the human body needs, it needs real food, it needs what I learned in my first year of university.’ I could have stopped going to university, and done what I thought. I started to just do consultations, and I only did real foods. I didn't, I got them off the SAD diet, which is the standard Australian diet. We could call it the SNZD diet — too the standard New Zealand diet. The standard American diet and the standard UK diet — margarine, breakfast cereals, low-fat milk, bread, cheese, those plastic fantastic foods and gotten them onto real food. And the results were remarkable. So that was in the 80s. 

We now jump to 2021, 40 years on. What I am seeing is a vastly different population, and vastly different problems that we didn't see in the 80s. Now, it's almost like we need to do very individualized nutrition, because so many people have food sensitivities, food allergies, they have the antecedents of their life. So they may have been exposed to a chemical, they may have eaten ultra-processed foods and so they've wrecked their guts or, whatever is happening in—

Lisa: Yep, these products or something like that. 

Cyndi: Yeah, I only had to change their diet from the SAD diet to real food diet, and we’d get results. I can't do that anymore. So the thing is it we then have to dive deep to find out what is the root cause of what's happening, and what is the problem? I'm not just talking on an individual basis, here, I'm talking on a global basis. 78% of the US population has a gut issue. 50, I think it's 48 to 50% of their kids have chronic disease, one or more. In Australia, it's 38 to 40 with chronic disease. 

Now, when I went to school in the 60s, 2% of the whole population of Australia had a chronic disease. Now we have our kids at 38 and 40%. And New Zealand won't be any different, they will be about the same as Australia. If you get to 60, at the age of 60, which I am, I'm 61 this year— 

Lisa: Wow, you look amazing! You’ve done something right. 

Cyndi: Well, this is what I do, I eat real food, and I look the best I can. So at the age of 60, the chances of you having chronic disease, one or more, is 80%. So I'm in the 20% percentile. Because I don't do what the rest of the population do. I am not a statistic because I don't do what they're doing. If you want to be a statistic, you do what everybody else is doing. If you don't want to be a statistic, you do something completely different. 

That's what I learned very early on. Don't go with what everybody else is doing. Do something different. I would believe that that's you, Lisa. I have to tell you this, Lisa. We've already had the opposite interview where I interviewed you and what you did with your mum and your book. I went through a bit of a crisis in our family and that kept, what you said kept playing in my ear.

Lisa: Really? 

Cyndi: What you did. You think you're doing something that should be working and your mum just stayed on that level, and then she shot up? Yeah, that's what was happening with us. So I'm well thank you for your incredible resilience, your persistence, everything you did. 

Lisa: Someone to tell, someone to tell.

Cyndi: Yeah, and I guess that's what I've always been like, but you, your words were brilliant. Thank you. 

Lisa: And we all need people to come along and confirm that we're on the right track sometimes because we are getting bombarded with ‘This isn't possible’. I mean, I've just been working with a young man today. He's had a mess of brain injury and the doctors have told him, ‘You'll never talk, you’ll never walk, you’ll never do anything again’. He's already eight months into his rehabilitation, he's talking, he's starting to walk, and I'm helping him with different things now, and he will make a full comeback. I have no doubt about it, because he has a family that's behind him, he has a mum who thinks outside the box, and is willing to do whatever it takes, and those are the people that will get the results. 

This is why these sort of conversations are so, so crucial to have so that we start to understand, and you have the expertise in the area that I'm sort of, know a little bit about but I'm not a complete expert in nutrition side of it. So I'm really keen to dive in. And if I can help you with your family situation, please do reach out. I’d love to help 

Cyndi: We might just have a little conversation at the end of it. 

Lisa: Yes, we will. I actually was going to take you through the epigenetics, I've just remembered now, and go through that path with you. But I totally agree with you. What I'm seeing in our population now is, when I was at school in the 70s, it was obesity was a rare thing. You had the odd kid who was overweight. Now you look around, and it's like the opposite is having any kid who's not overweight, and people seem to see that this is normal. 

If our kids are already like this, and they're already developing things like prediabetes and diabetes before they even reach puberty, in some cases, this is like a mess of warning alarms. For me what's coming down the road as far as a health crisis and the cost that this is going to be on, you know, and human suffering, but also on the society. We have to start standing up and saying, ‘Hey, what we're doing isn't working guys, and we need to make some changes’. 

The real food is definitely we we need to be starting from and the processed foods, what is it that's in processed foods that is causing so much trouble? Because isn't like a spaghetti bolognese sauce that I buy from Domino's or something, why is it not the same as what grandma made when she got tomatoes out of the garden? Let's start there, and the weird sort of stuff, so to speak.

Cyndi: So in 1998, I wrote a book called Changing Habits, Changing Lives, and it was about the food industry and what food they were suggesting you had for breakfast, I'd say so breakfast cereal, and then I would explain how they make it, what's put into it, what is fortification? So I'd go through that, and then I'd give an example of what we could have for breakfast. Since that time, I have updated that book five times, because the food industry is not getting better as far as our health goes, but they're getting incredibly tricky, with additives and their chemicals to make you think you're eating food. 

So it might smell like food, look like food, taste like food, but it is, no way is it food. Let me give you an example of natural vanilla flavoring. This is just one ingredient. So what they've done is that they've figured out if they genetically modify a bacteria, and they put in the smell of the vanilla bean, so the smell of the vanilla bean gene into that bacteria, put it on recycled plastic, as a substrate as it's eating, it eats it, it will make natural vanilla flavoring. 

Lisa: Oh my God. So it’s coals. Really?

Cyndi: Really. 

Lisa: That's a new one on a completely left field. That's just one little wee, soddy flavoring. 

Cyndi: One ingredient: citric acid, you think it comes from citrus. They genetically modify a mold, put it on a substrate, the substrate could be animal-based, it could be plant based, it could be plastic-based. They're getting really, they're figuring out that there are bacteria that will eat plastic and produce something. So it produces like citric acid. A lot of our additives now are what we call synthetic biology. So they're genetically modifying microbes in order to make a vitamin, amino acid, or something that's going to go into your supplements or into your food supply or your medicine.

Lisa: Wow, that's frightening. That's frightening what you just told me there and I wasn't aware that that, to that degree, the genetic modifying of our food is so because you know, you stay away from genetic modified crops. This is about as far as my knowledge goes in that direction, to be honest. So you're saying that the additives and the preservatives and the stuff that they're using in there is actually, they're doing this genetic stuff?

Cyndi: Yeah, so they figured out that microbes, you know, nobody's gonna care about microbes, and don't like animals or rats or anything like that. No one's gonna care about microbes. They figured that if they genetically modify them, they can manipulate them to do anything. In the 1990s, a Japanese company manipulated, I think it was tryptophan. They use the genetic modification of a microbe and produce tryptophan, put it in tablets, sent it out into the market, and I think it was 150 people died and 1,500 people were injured permanently as a result of this tryptophan. 

They figured out that the bug produced a toxin to protect itself from the tryptophan or something like that. So it was pulled from the market, they soon quickly figured out what was causing it. But it was all covered up, nobody talked about it. I think in the 90s, that kind of calmed that genetic modification down, not as many people were wanting to do it, but now it's at full surge. 

Not everything is being made, of course, by genetic modification. Some things are being made with just making a bunch of chemicals and putting them together. So if I was to give you a strawberry flavoring, strawberry flavoring can have 48 chemicals in it. That strawberry flavoring and if one item is natural in that 48 chemicals, it's natural strawberry flavoring, not artificials.

Lisa: You’re kidding me. So they're just playing with these names and just putting in something natural in order to make it natural.

Cyndi: They are absolute masters at it and people don't realize. I'm just telling you one thing that is happening. So if we take it to the genetic modification of foods such as soy and canola and sugar beet and cottonseed, and things like that. If we go there, these are called either Bt, so Bt-Corn, which is a toxin that the corn produces. So when the bug eats it's a pesticide. When the bug eats it, its stomach explodes. That's still in the corn, when you eat it. 

Lisa: Oh my god.

Cyndi: What we're finding is that while it won't explode our stomach, what it does is it explodes the, it destroys the gut cells, which is one cell thick. So it starts to erode them, and you start to get gaps in your gut and allow protein, chemicals, and things into your blood, which you don't want. You don't want that. 

So then the other ones are Roundup Ready. So Roundup being ain chemical that has glyphosate  it. So Roundup Ready soya, Roundup Ready sugar beet. But now they're starting to realize that roundup is not doing what it should be doing on the pest; or not, it's a pesticide but it's more for grass and weeds and things like that. They're finding that that's not working anymore. Now they're producing 2,4-D ready crops, Dicamba ready crops. So Dicamba came into the spotlight I think was last year or the year before when there was a Dicamba ready crop that was sprayed, and all the spray floated over to a I think it was a peach or pear farmer's lands, and killed all of these trees. He actually sued, I think it was Bayer or Monsanto and I'm pretty sure he's won that case.

Lisa: That’s a big giant to take on.

Cyndi: Exactly. This is what is happening to our food supply. We, the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards. So Food Standards Australia, New Zealand have been requested by Queensland agriculture, for Australia wide; I don't know if they'll do it in New Zealand, but an Australia-wide food irradiation process on all fresh fruits and vegetables sold in the grocery stores. 

Now when you do that, what it does, is instead of you just cleaning your lettuce and, and doing a bit of a sterilization on it, which is what they do, whether it's organic or not, they have to sterilize it to get rid of any bacteria. So what they're now doing is they want to radiate it because it just doesn't get rid of the surface bugs, it gets rid of the bugs that are inside the food as well. But we need those soil based bugs, of course, they help us with our microbiome. So they're all of a sudden starting to say, we want to radiate everything.

Now not only will they kill every bug in our food, what they will also do is that they will sterilize the seed. You know, when on your compost tea, three tomatoes and your pumpkin and and then you've got this pumpkin growing out of your compost, even a tomato growing out of your compost or cucumber. That won't happen. 

Lisa: Oh my god, we're not going to have seed come, and who's going to control the seed like that? 

Cyndi: I do my own, I grow my own food. Because I think we're going to get to a point where people are either gonna have to do that or put up with what the food industry is doing. 

Lisa: And destroy their health. 

Cyndi: Yeah, and it's all ultra processed foods. So the whole vegan movement even, I can read you the ingredients of what is called ‘just egg’, and it's a bunch of chemicals. It's an ultra-processed food and it is not saving the planet, in actual fact is the worst thing for the planet.

Lisa: Jeez, oh my god, this is, I’m all terrified now.

Cyndi: I don't want to terrify you. What I want to do is make you aware of what's happening. 

Lisa: Oh, absolutely, yeah. 

Cyndi: Go to your local farmer, you go to your local farmers market, you support these small time farmers instead of Woolies or Kohl's or whatever you've got over there. Say, Breyer, I forget what's in New Zealand. 

Lisa: New World.

Cyndi: All you do is that you change the way you buy your foods, or where you buy your foods from, because then you become an activist by yourself. Don't care about anybody else. You're an activist, because you are choosing to buy from a farmer in your area. And I'm sure you already have some incredible region farmers in your area.

Lisa: You think they are, they're not, how do you know that they're not using the same practices and the soils? And so, I mean—

Cyndi: You talk to them, they're passionate. Go to the farmers’ market, and you say, ‘Do you grow your food’? ‘Yes, I do’. Do you use any chemicals? ‘No’. What kind of farming do you do? ‘I want to actually do something called regenerative farming. Have you ever heard of that? Or I do organic farming or I do biodynamic farming, and this is how I do it’. 

They’re so passionate, they want to tell you. So what I do is, I grow a lot. But when I'm not growing some foods, I will go to my farmers markets, and I know my farmers now in the farmers markets. I've done the hard work. And I have something called the Nutrition Academy. And it's a bunch of people that come and do a year with me, and they become the people that do the research in their area. People come to them and say, well, which farmer should I go to at this market or that farmers market. 

I want to create a groundswell of activists who say, we're not eating genetically modified foods, or anything made with a genetically modified bug, or anything that has something ultra processed in it. We're not prepared to buy from the grocery stores, because they can't guarantee me where this is coming from. So I will find a farmers market and I’ll support, there are so many young people that want to be farmers, all we have to do as individual say, I'll buy a box from you, or a community supported agricultural box, I’ll buy a box from you every week, whatever you're growing, I’ll buy it. 

Then to supplement you go to your local, organic shop, your local fruit and veggie shop, ask them the questions. It's about us becoming inquisitive. If that's what you do this, please say you're inquisitive, you went there telling me my mum's gonna be like that for the rest of my life. Surely there's something out there. What is happening, medicine’s not working, they're telling me nothing's going to happen. So I'm going to go and enquire with other people. That's what I asked people to do with their food supply, is to enquire.

Lisa: It’s not obvious! I've looked locally, and I've just found one recently who's delivering certain times, a couple of times a week, and I have to get through, and you're like, ‘Lisa’s found somebody now’. But it's always out of the way, and it's extra work, and it's, you're busy and you whatever, and there isn't a lot of farmers’ markets in our area. There isn't, and I've been looking into a couple of farms here, and then they find out oh actually they’re not organic, organic, even though they, you know, say that, but their seeds aren't in there, you know, there's certain practices. So there's thinks little problems, especially when you live in a rural area, and there's not necessarily a bigger place where these people can congregate. But I'm downloading a little bit more, time to dig deeper. Time, to really get into it. 

Cyndi: Yeah, it will be somebody in your area, because this farm is everywhere, that they would love farming, and they would love to be able to sell their produce. But if we take it a step by step, and we do it like this, so let's say you're on the SAD diet, the Standard Australian New Zealand diet, let's just say you're on that. If you go from that SAD diet, and you just go to the fruit and veggie, meats, dairy section of your grocery store. That's a really good start. That's a great start. 

Once that's in your life, then you go well, I want a better quality fruit and veg and meat maybe, or dairy. Because that many dairy farms and lamb and everything in New Zealand. So you go well, I want to better quality this, where can I find somebody in my area. So it might be six months after you've gone from the SAD diet to the, at least eating fruits, vegetables, meats, and making your own food that you go, I want better quality. 

Then you go and seek out maybe a butcher that's doing the right thing or a fruit stand that's doing the right thing. So don't think you have to jump immediately. That's why I wrote ‘check it out’. Realize that it’s like, let's start with breakfast, then let's do salt, then let's do dairy, then let's do grains, then let's do nuts, then let's do seeds. Let's do chocolate, let's do— so it's a 52-week, one thing you change a week. Or if it takes you longer than a week to change them, that's fine, 53 weeks. Imagine when you start, where you will be in one year.

Lisa: Absolutely, it's the same with exercise is the same with everything, isn’t it. Just taking it, you don't have to jump right in at the big change, just start with one change, awaken it. That just makes so much sense in just putting in a bit more effort to find things and do things and maybe start growing, I started growing my own vegetables without having much success.

Cyndi: Greens in New Zealand grow incredibly. So it's about—

Lisa: For most people. 

Cyndi: Invest in greens, because they’re like a weed. 

Lisa: Yes, yeah, we've got some of those going. It's just making the time to do that, and to prioritize those, because I think I've definitely been aware of the whole processed food. So you stay away from the obvious things, but you've just taken it to another level as far as the genetically modified stuff. That's completely new to me, so that's really important. But starting where you're at, and improving it every week, and just taking on a little bit, because I'm a big fan of that in everything in life, because everything can be overwhelming. 

If you get overwhelmed, then you tend to do nothing. It's better to be walking for five minutes a day than to be doing no minutes a day. It's better to be getting good fruits and veggies, and later on you work on the other pieces, if this makes a whole lot of sense. Is there a program through, that you have as an educational online content type of thing as well?

Cyndi: It's in my book. So we renamed Changing Habits, Changing Lives to Lab to Table, because that's what it is, at the moment, it's about— 

Lisa: Wow, Lab to Table. So I'll put the links and stuff.

Cyndi: Stop being a lab rat and start making better choices for your table. And that's on Audible as well. So people can listen to it and just listen to one chapter and go ‘Right, that's what I'm going to do’. They can jump, they can go anywhere they want. They can start with chocolate, if they really want to. I just say well, where can I buy good quality chocolate that's got no emulsifiers? So an emulsifier is in most chocolate and emulsifiers kill the bacteria that makes the layer that protects you from the outside world, in your gut. 

Even that little thing that you do by looking at a chocolate that doesn't have lecithin, it's called soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin, or something that's an emulsifier, even if it doesn't have that, so I teach you how to find a good quality chocolate, if that's where you want to start.

Lisa: Chocolate’s important, so that's a great place to start.

Cyndi: Find the white salt out and getting some good salt that’s not refined, hasn't got anticaking agents in it, doesn't have free flowing agent in it. They don't, you don't realize it because nobody reads their salt packet. They don't read the ingredients. So I just tell you, this is what's on it, go to your pantry, have a look. If you don't believe me, go to the pantry, have a look at what they put in. They'll have potassium iodide in there as well because that's the chemical form of iodine but you want natural iodide. 

So an actual iodine is seaweed and New Zealand's got heaps of seaweed, you know. What I do is I make a salt with seaweed in it and it's called seaweed salt, and that's on the Changing Habits website and we do have a Changing Habits New Zealand website, so you can purchase it and and get it delivered to you not via Australia but New Zealand so I think it's changinghabits—

Lisa: .co.nz? Yeah, usually. Okay, we'll get, I'll get my team to— 

Cyndi: But mine is .com.au, and we have one of my graduates who runs that and does all the deliveries and everything from New Zealand. So that was one of my graduates from 12 months’ education with me. So these people come out knowing exactly how to help people. It might be a trip to the farmers market. It might be coming into your pantry and going through your pantry. I can go into someone's pantry and I can pull 10 things out. Let's say one is barbecue sauce, another one’s tomato sauce, another one’s hot chili sauce. In other words, I'll pull out all the sauces, and all the sauces will have tomato as the base. All of the sauces will have a citric or an acidity regulator, so citric acid. All of the sauces will have a flavor or sweetener. 

So the flavor is what makes the difference. It's not how you used to make your chili sauces or tomato sauces or barbecue sauces. This is an industry that has a base and then they just put a different flavor in, the sweetener might be a little bit different, the acidity regulator might be a citric acid, or it could be citric acid or it could be something else. And basically, you are looking at eating the same thing, just with a different flavor and a different texture. 

Lisa: I would have thought, I didn't know that citric acid, for example, was a bad thing, because I thought that came, because you're not educated in this area specifically. You don't know that some of the things that sounds like potassium iodide, that sounds like a natural thing. And so being able to decode that, and I bet they do that partly differently, too, so that you actually think it's something natural—

Cyndi: In the industry, it's called clean labeling. So people like me, got smart. We didn't want to eat BHA and BHT. We don't want to eat MSG. We got smart. We would look on the label, it would have that, we'd say no. So what they've done is they've renamed these. So BHA and BHT is called rosemary extract.

Lisa: Really? So you're just, you just have never sure, unless you really spend some time educating yourself.

Cyndi: Exactly. I read all the labels. So what they've done, rosemary extract is yes, it started with rosemary. But they pulled out one chemical out of the rosemary bark and rosemary leaf. With that, they do all sorts of processes to it, and it ends up as an antioxidant, a synthetic antioxidant, my way of thinking. But because it's an extract from rosemary, they call it rosemary extract, and you go ‘Oh, it's just rosemary extract’. Yeast extract, you think oh it’s yeast extract, but it's MSG. So what they've done is rename, every single natural flavoring is the same as artificial flavoring, they just added one little natural chemical, and well purchase strategies that they put in there. 

You might read turmeric, or curcumin, everyone does, or curcumin. 75% of all curcumin is made in the laboratory. It's not extracted from turmeric. The most of the population don't know what's happening. And that's why I go, just stop buying packaged foods. And you do have to make things from scratch, or you have to buy it with somebody that you trust. So it's about reading the ingredients and making sure there's no extracts and acids and flavors and colors and sweeteners. If it said tomato, onion, chili, sugar, salt, I'd be happy. I don't have a problem with sugar. I have a problem with all the other crap. 

You’re blaming sugar. I don't mean lots of sugar. I'd like to see Rapadura sugar, but they're blaming sugar on what I believe is a vegetable oil problem, and all these additives.

Lisa: Just interrupting the program briefly to let you know that we have a new patron program for the podcast. Now, if you enjoy pushing the limits, if you get great value out of it, we would love you to come and join our Patreon membership program. We've been doing this now for five and a half years and we need your help to keep it on air. It's been a public service free for everybody. And we want to keep it that way. But to do that we need like-minded souls who are on this mission with us to help us out. So if you're interested in becoming a patron for Pushing the Limits podcast, then check out everything on patron.lisatamati.com. That's P-A-T-R-O-N dot lisatamati.com. We have two patron levels to choose from, you can do it for as little as $7 a month, New Zealand or $15 a month if you really want to support us. So we are grateful if you do, there are so many membership benefits you're going to get if you join us, everything from workbooks for all the podcasts, the strings guide for runners, the power to vote on future episodes, webinars that we’re going to be holding, all of my documentaries, and much much more. So check out all the details, patron.lisatamati.com, and thanks very much for joining us.

Cyndi: One of the things that we do know about this genetic modification that's happening at the moment in the microbes is that there's a disease out there called Morgellons disease, you can look it up. At first the doctors just thought that everybody was a little bit weird and psychotic in a way, that there's sort of mental illness. But what would happen is like, on the, a cut would come here and you'd get a pink and an orange and a yellow and a red fiber that would just come out of your mouth or it might happen here or wherever you gotta cut that would be these fibers, colorful fibers. 

So the doctors all said, ‘Oh, you just been rubbing on carpet. You just, you've got Munchausen this disease,’ or whatever, whatever that, or you’re hypochondriac, you know, but what they're really beginning to realize is that some of these microbes, now these are microbes that make fibers. They're associating these microbes with this disease that has gotten into our microbiome. And as a result, they make them. That's their job. So I kind of figure if I'm going to eat natural vanilla, if that bug that makes natural vanilla flavor, does that mean, like, who's gonna smell like vanilla? You know, like, I just wonder. And I make a joke about it but in actual fact, it's, it's no joke. No, they are like nature. And so I choose not to support them in any way.

Lisa: No. And that takes a huge commitment. But that's, that's where we need to be heading towards and like you say, one step at a time.

Cyndi: Just one step at a time. And if in a year, you're doing that, or even two years, it's better than for the next 30 years or three decades, you've not changed and you have more Morgellons disease, or you're scared of a virus called COVID. It's actually called SARS-COVID 2. COVID-19 is the disease. Our body has the ability to fight. But if we do not feed it the right ingredients, if we do not give it the lifestyle it needs, such as exercises, you do running and yoga, and if we don't give it sunshine, if we don't give it love and connection, if we don't breathe properly, and sleep, then we are going to be in trouble. And we will become vulnerable to SARS-COVID 2 or whatever else comes along. Don't be scared of an invisible thing.

Lisa: Yeah, and this isn't mean, this is, you know, those are all my wheelhouse. And that's what I'm always preaching on every week is one of these health fundamentals that if we, in relation to the slide, as far as you know, if we were just focusing on building our immune system, and eating healthier, and doing more exercise, and things would actually be at least better off, even if we did manage to, you know, unfortunately contract it. And we don't want, listen, this whole journey that I've been on the last five years and listening to, you know, I've had hundreds of doctors, scientists, experts, like yourself, sharing their corner of the world's knowledge. 

I have absolutely no faith anymore in the authorities, or to be honest, I have no faith in the standards of medical care, I have no faith. Even though you know, like, clinical evidence, can be manipulated, and pushed in a certain way to make something look like it's good and it's safe. Then you look at a lot of the clinical studies that have been funded by the industry that's promoting it, and you have to ask yourself, how independent was theirs? There's just, there's just holes all over the place. And what I think you and I are, you know, with our different expertise as and trying to do is to get people just to question. Just to not take whatever is being thrown at you propaganda wise or whatever it is to actually question, do the research yourself, start to look at it. 

It is confusing and overwhelming at times. But when you take control and when you're faced with the big situations, like I have been in my life, unfortunately few times now, not just with mom's story. I've had to face and work things out. If it was up to the doctors, I would have no uterus. I'm about to go through IVF. I'm 52 years old. They told me four years ago, I will die if I do not have a hysterectomy because I had fibroids. Now why did I have fibroids probably because I was on the pill for 30 years. But that's another story. I refused to have my uterus taken out because I believe there was another way. It took me a year to work it out. But I found a way. I found another doctor who worked out exactly which of the fibroids it was a 10 minute operation that was gone. That was a year of suffering bleeding, anemia, blood transfusions every week, but I refused to have the hysterectomy because I wanted to preserve the chance to have a child. And now I'm 52 and I'm able to go through and I don't have it, I didn't die and I still got my uterus. I've only shared that story. 

These are the things we have to question. We just work things out and we're just given a white little pill and it's gonna make things better and go away. And I'm sorry, it's not how biology works. It takes time and it takes effort and it takes grind and it takes research. But if you're willing to do that, you're gonna end up looking, you know, like you do at 61. Not like most people who have autoimmune diseases, who have diabetes, who have heart disease, who have all of the horrible things that happened to us. 

If we can prevent some people going down that path, then you know, our job's worth doing. If we can help one person who's listening to this just to open their eyes, and you certainly opened my eyes today. I thought I knew a lot, but I know I don't know enough. I don't know enough. This is why I spend like hours every day studying. Every day is a study day, every day is a learning day, every day is a day where I get to connect with amazing people like you that can share another piece of insight that I'm like, ‘Wow, that's terrifying. But okay, let's do something about it’. Sorry I’ve gone on my slip ups. 
Cyndi: You did brilliantly, because this is what's happening is there will be people like you that are proactive in your health. Then there'll be people who don't want to change. They'll go get their uterus out, they'll take that pill, they'll never eat the right foods. That's okay, we can’t help them. But there is a group in the middle that are inquiring and questioning and saying there's got to be a better way. I just don't know where it is, how do I find it. So they're the people that I hope to get to, because people like you are proactive, you're already doing it, you don't need me. But it's the people in the middle that are going ‘I know there's a better way, I know I can do this, but I don't know where to go and I can't find it’. 

Then they get this aha. And from that, aha, they change their ways from the SAD diet to a different diet. And once they start to feel better, then they go and they start exercising, or they may exercise first and then decide on their food. Then there's this unbelievable effect that happens. Then they become vocal with their family and friends. That's what we want, is that we need them out there being vocal. It's all right, there will be people that don't want to change, and I don't want to even change them. That's just not my market. It's not my people. But I am here for the people who go, ‘Oh, I want to know more. How do I learn more?’ 

That's why I guess Changing Habits is really more education. Even though we do programs and protocols, and we've got food, my main thing is to educate you is to get you on a program or protocol, and then go, now that you've done that we feeling better, what are the things that you need to learn in order for you to progress as opposed to degress. If you think that you can come on a program or program with me, and go back to your old ways, and still feel amazing, you're delusional, you cannot go back. You have to keep going. So my thing is, if you're coming on that journey with me, please be prepared to be on this and to make major changes in your life that are sustainable, and for the rest of your life. 

It's not the one big thing we do once a year that makes the difference. It's those little things that we do every single day, like the five minutes of walking, the banana instead of the chocolate bar, or better quality chocolate instead of a chocolate bar because they’re all shit.

Lisa: Yeah. We gotta find some good chocolate. 

Cyndi: You've done a terrible job of making chocolate. You’ve bastardised the whole thing.

Lisa: Oh, no.

Cyndi: Yes. So this is what I want to achieve and the more people that are awoken, the less will have chronic disease, and the less will be vulnerable to whatever comes along. So we know just by the statistics that have happened in the last 16 months, that the people that are vulnerable to SARS-COVID 2 are those with chronic disease. People like you people like me, we're not even, there's not even a death rate amongst us. It just doesn't happen. But it does with people with chronic disease, and it's not the age group, it's your health. And yet they're putting us into age groups because that statistics what happens at age—

Lisa: You get all these diseases, because you've been doing all the stuff for so long and there is genetic components to it and pieces of the puzzle. I partly because I studied genetics, and I know that I actually have a, I'm missing one of the genes for respiratory protection. So I'm actually in a higher risk category, but I can know that and like that I can take my vitamin D’s and my magnesium, my things. Whatever’s going to help me be healthier and then be armed. I mean, my house is full of biohacking, gadgets, machines, things are back standing behind me. I'm ready for battle. Because I know that I can still go down because I have a genetic predisposition to certain things. However, you know, like I was an asmathic as a kid. Severe asthmatic, in and out of hospital all my childhood. 

But because I now have my inflammation in my body under control, I don't have asthma anymore. We didn't know that when I was a child, what was causing it. We cut out dairy but that was about it. My parents didn't know what else, things like gluten that we talked about back then and we lived next door to an orchard that was spraying everything everywhere. So goodness knows, but now I don't have a problem with asthma. Now is that because I've changed my diet, my lifestyle and all that sort of thing? Yeah, probably because I am missing that gene completely. So I have no sort of respiratory protection. So I am more prone to that. There's different aspects that we need to be aware of. 

One of the biggest, I think, things that, something that I'm big on is stress management, because stress is definitely going to, and this is something that I've been with personally, because I'm so driven and mission orientated. It's very hard not to have a high level of stress when you're operating. So anything that I can do to lower my stress levels, while still operating at a really high performance level, I’m into. That's the breath work. That's the meditation. That's the getting the sunshine that's having my little breaks, it's having my social time, all of those things that I've had to learn to prioritize along the way as well. Yeah, but again, I'm getting off topic. Oh, I've just lost your—

Cyndi: I'm using my shop in the background. You're saying the right thing. We do know, and you've already mentioned, and that's epigenetics. So what is happening above the gene that turns the gene on or off? There's nutrigenomics? Yeah. What is the food that turns a gene on and off? There's also metabologenomics, which is, what are the metabolites are made by your microbiome, which you are 90% genetically microbiome? What are the metabolites that are being made by the microbiome that are turning my genes off? What is the- like in nutrigenomics? I love it, because we know that when we go into a state of ketosis, that we're not only changing the metabolism of the brain and what energy the body uses, but we're actually affecting genes being turned on and off from glutamate together.

So these are the things that we are affecting as a result of just manipulating food, that's natural dynamics. Now, when manipulate what's happening in our body, with as far as the microbiome, if you go for a walk in the woods, and you come against some spore based bacteria, so such as bacillus, though you will breathe it in, you will touch it because you touched a tree, or a rock, or you've dug down into the dirt for some reason, or whatever, you will get this and it has the ability to increase your good bacteria in your microbiome. It can decrease the bad bacteria. This is going out into nature, we've shown this. 

If you go gardening in a really good soil, you pick up a certain soil based bacteria that actually improves your serotonin and will give you a feeling of calm and helps in mental illness, there’s psychobiotics out there that we know that certain ones improve serotonin, some improved dopamine, others GABA others noradrenaline. So we have this thing called metabologenomics now, where it switches it, you're not going down the excitatory path of good mind, but you’re going down the calming path of GABA just by manipulating your microbes. And that is nature, breathing as you know, both you and I love our breathwork. Sunshine does it.

So we are giving our evolutionary body the ingredients it needs to be the best. When you do not do this and you stay in a city. You never get out into nature, you don't see the sunshine, you've got screen on. You've lost those ingredients that the body has had cues for for 400,000 plus years. We're not an modern body we're still evolutionary.

Lisa: Our DNA is old.

Cyndi: We’ll never survive on the lifestyle that this modern world is giving us. We can still live in a modern world, don't get me wrong. But we have to let the body know that it can have these other ingredients. So hiking, you know like it's one of my favorite things to do is put a backpack on and go hiking for five or six days. Or nobody sees me no WiFi. And if that's not your bag, go out for the day. Go into a park. If you're in Auckland, you know go to what's beautiful for Cornwall Park. Pet the cows and the sheep. Just go breathe that beautiful old trees in.

Lisa: This is just so basic, isn't it? You know I lost my dad recently and people know the story a little bit. But he was 81 years old. My dad was unfortunately a smoker and that's what brought him in. I could never stop him smoking and that's what ended up being his demise but he was every day all day in the garden, out in the sunshine working physically hard, and he was 81 years old. Apart from what happened to him, which was an aneurysm of the stomach. So he had arthroscopic sclerosis from smoking, but he was powerful, strong, he was exhausted, at the end of the day, he would sleep fine, he had a natural rhythm to his life: get up, work hard, eat probably too much. And not always the best things, smoke way too much. But he had this natural rhythm and he worked all day. He was in the garden all day, and his hands were always dirty, and his feet always planted on the ground. And I really think that's why he got to 81 despite having smoked for 55 years, which is a disaster, obviously. 

He probably would have carried on for another, 20 or 30 years, if he hadn't had that unfortunate thing, because he lived in this natural rhythm. He was strong, powerful and fit, despite all of the stuff that he was doing wrong, but just that natural rhythm. I saw this, and I was like, wow. We are artificially stuck indoors, stuck sitting, stuck in front of screens, we need to make time to go out, have that sunshine, get that vitamin D. This is science now, like a lot of the stuff that ancient traditions were telling us to do. Everyone’s that's all woowoo and eerie theory, and there's no proof. Now science is starting to bring this proof out. That's really exciting for me, because then we start to see that these guys were right, there is acupressure pressure points and there is negative and positive ionization. 

There is all of these things that people have known for centuries, and, you know, millennia sometimes, and our old DNA just cannot survive if we are only in this artificial environment, not going to do well, we're going to be going backwards in our longevity, when we actually should be going forward. We've gone forward up until now, because we've had incredible surgeries and people know about germs and we've done some brilliant things. But if we can combine that knowledge of nature in our ancient DNA, and anthropology and all of that sort of stuff, and then combine it with the knowledge that we have today, there's the power. Because I truly think that within the next 20 years, we're going to be seeing people living much longer lives, like I don't think that you are going to retire anytime soon, like your average 60 year old would have done 20 years ago, now that's lifting up, right. Then by the time you are ready to retire, it will probably be 150. You know, because that's what's coming at us, the change that's coming is just phenomenal. If we can keep ourselves well enough, in the meantime, to benefit from all this knowledge that's coming down the line.
Cyndi: Yeah, and the longevity is important. But the wellness is also important, as you said, because most people been 15 years of their life, and that's the last 15 years of their life, in a chronic condition or with some disability of some sort. So if we can change that, by what we're doing. We've seen ancient cultures. And it has shown that these ancient cultures, as long as they got past the age of five, they could live to 100 110 120, the body is able to do that. It's just that back in those days, the problem was pregnancy right through to the age of five. But once you got past that, the ability to get to 100 was here.
We are now past that point. We can get most people past the age of five. Although, in chronic condition. That's what's scary is that they're going to have that chronic condition. And they're going to be beholden to the drug companies and beholden to the medical profession for the rest of their lives. I don't have a problem with the medical profession and the medications that they use, because they are life saving at times. But what's happened is that mechanism, which is you have a heart problem, go to your cardiologist, let's not look at your gut or you're leaving your son or anything like that. Let's just check out your heart. Oh, you've got this take that drug, you know. 

So that mechanism has taken over from the vitalism which is ‘Hey, let's check your whole lifestyle out. Let's see what you're doing what you're eating, your son, your connections, everything like that. Let's start changing them before we need to go down the route of mechanism’. Vitalism is prevention. But where mechanism is needed is when, like, let's just say you've been in a car accident, you've broken a leg, get to the hospital, you don't get them asking you about your lifestyle. Fix your leg. So they're both important. It's just that mechanism has taken over from this very natural, holistic vitalistic way of living. If we go back to that, then the need for emergency care is going to get less and less or chronic diseases. We’ll have acute problems that we might need another. 

This is where I'd love to see the narrative go at the moment and I'm watching your prime minister, as well as my prime minister. They haven’t said a thing about this. All they're doing is social distance, lockdowns, masks that don't work, the vaccine, that's the narrative. What happened, what, 15 months ago, just imagine this, that both our prime ministers said, right, we're shutting down McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, all foods that have got crap in it, we're stopping the genetic modification of any food coming into our country, because you're lucky you don't grow genetically modified foods.  Stop all of that, we're going to give you the time to go out and exercise and to give you money to go out and do this and get sunshine and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. If they've done that, can you imagine the state of health in New Zealand and Australia at the moment? It would be incredible. 

Lisa: That would not be appropriate. You will be pissing off a lot of big companies. And this is what you know, people need to understand, like we tend to think, and like, you know, don't get me wrong, I have a lot of fantastic doctors and things and scientists and things that I work with, who I love, and we need doctors and so on. But the narrative is that they have all of the answers and that they are the only people that have the answers. That isn't necessarily the truth. There are big powers at play. I'm going to sound like a conspiracy theorist when I say that, and that's a word that people use in order to label you and discredit you. 

But let's look at what is actually going on. Like in this case with the vaccine, I don't want to go into whether we should do it or shouldn't do it. But do you understand the forces behind this? The money that's involved in this? If I go to a used car salesman, he's gonna sell me that car and tell me the best things of it because he's got a vested interest in it. The pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in promoting their products. And this is not to say whether that's right or wrong, make your you know, your own decisions. I'm doing certainly doing my research, I certainly have my own belief system. But I know that if I talk too much about what I think, then I'm gonna get taken off here for starters, because censorship is real. Then the second thing is that there is big powerful forces at play here. It's not even like our government sitting there and deciding to do evil things. It's just the power and the mechanism behind it, and the way institutions are set up and the way it's all set up. That is leading to some really, really scary things happening out there without going into the weeds on it too much.

Cyndi: When you say conspiracy theorists, it's just you live in a different paradigm. So your paradigm is about questioning. It's about being inquisitive. It's about, you know, that food and sunshine and vitamin D, and all of those things are important for your health. Whereas what we've been taught for the last, I don't know, 30 40 years on television advertising is this. If you're not feeling well take a pill, keep marching on, don't stay at home, you can do this. Life's too short, let's do this. So that's been what people have been taught. Now they're saying the exact opposite. They're going ‘If you're not well stay home’. Which one do we go with? 

I think, when you're in the paradigm of empowerment, as opposed to the paradigm of non-empowerment, which is, my belief is what's happening at the moment is that most people feel very unempowered and they're scared of a virus that’s invisible, and they're listening to the government rather than going, ‘Hang on. Something's a bit fishy here. If Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have proven to work. Why do we make 7 billion people with a vaccine? Why does somebody who has 0.005% chance of dying from Coronavirus which is our young people? Why? Why is this experimental vaccine being pushed on them?’ 

When you live in the paradigm of questioning as opposed to the paradigm of trusting. Trust is important at times and hope and faith and all of those things. But if you are putting your faith into what is happening out there at the moment, I really feel there's going to be some regrets. They're already saying, like in Europe at the moment, I think I saw the death toll from the vaccine alone is 12 to 16,000. I just saw it last night. 

Lisa: And that’s not reported correctly, of course. 

Cyndi: No, and they say that’s 1% of what's really happening. In America, it's around 12. Australia, it's... what’s the number in Australia was it like, four or five hundred. But that's the death, that's not hospitalizations. That's not anything like that. 

Lisa: And that's not the long term situation. We don't even know the autoimmune or anything.

Cyndi: It's a completely experimental thing. I don't want to be part of that experiment, just to be part of the food industry's experiment or some drug industry experiment. I'm going to choose and be empowered enquire decide my fate. And if I've done the wrong thing, then that's my fault. I'm not going to blame anybody else. That's my fault that I have made this decision. 

Lisa: I'm trying to get Robert Malone on. He's on the podcast, I have to send you a link to an interview with Rob Malone in Britain, Weinstein. And another guy, Steve Kirsch, I think his name was. And it's all around the whole ivermectin, reboxetine. This guy's the creator of mRNA. vaccines, like he knows, he was the dude who created the technology, and he's going ‘Don’t do it’. You know? So? This is a guy who advises the FDA, who is telling the FDA that this spike protein is alive, it's biologically active, and so on, and so forth. I mean, all I can say people is, please do your homework, I'm going to tell you which way you know, just do your homework. And I've seen the censorship that's going on.
Cyndi: You can't see things unless you are directly linked with them. So you're going out doing your homework, and they're all being censored. If there's medical doctors, scientists that are going ‘Hang on, something's happening here’. Even the Vice President of Pfizer, the ex-vice president of Pfizer, is questioning what is happening? In an interview with Dell Bigtree that’s worth listening to. And he's just going, I loved working with Pfizer, this is what we do. But what's happening now, I'm really concerned about and he just goes through the whole thing as it unfolded for him as an ex Vice President, and a wise scientist.

Lisa: These are not people you wanna ignore. 

Cyndi: We have to question everything. Let's question our food supply. That's where I guess we started was, it's really important that you realize that those who control food, control the people, and if you want to be in control of yourself, you need to be the controller of where your food is coming from. Be very particular about who's growing your food, where it's coming from, is there terminated state technology in the food that you're consuming? Are you consuming genetically modified grown products and genetically modified, like synthetic biology products? So once you're aware of it, you can never unknow this. And then I'm very aware of it, and then you start to go. ‘I'm not going to be part of that experiment’. 

Morgellons is a perfect example. Perfect example. What happens when that natural vanilla flavoring microbe comes out with a citric acid? So it made me become more acidic? I don't know. I don't know. And they don't know. They don’t know either. We have to become strong with our microbiome and so that our microbiome can resist these bacteria. And I think that that's our only hope. Being 10% human and 90% microbe, you have to protect your microbes, or safety assessment on all chemicals, all food additives are only done on the human cells, not on the microbes. 

Now that safety assessment started in 1997, we know better, we should be changing safety assessment of chemicals. Glyphosate is a really good example. One, this one is a really good example. It's a painted antibiotic, if it's in your food supply, if it's if you're breathing it in, if you're using it in any way and there are 95 registered products in New Zealand, 596 registered products in Australia. So if you're using one of them with glyphosate, you need to dispose of it. What I would do is I would put it into a plastic bottle, I put the lid on it and I get rid of it some way that it could not be punctured. It's plastic. It's gonna be there for 1000s and 1000s of years.

Lisa: That was selling in their local hobby stores, everywhere. People are still using Roundup in their own gardens and have no idea what it's doing to our microbiome. In our food supply, you know, it's right throughout. It's that's really frightening because sometimes you can't even not have glyphosate. I had Dr. David Minkoff on the show, and he said, he's been testing every one of his patients for the last 20 years. If they have glyphosate poisoning, he's yet to find somebody who isn't hasn't, you know, that's pretty horrific. Their vitamin D statistics are going down and he believes his hypothesis is that glyphosate is one of the reasons that we're not processing our vitamin D or converting our vitamin D properly anymore, and that that's why that's going down quite strongly as well. So we don't know exactly. 

Cyndi: Mental illnesses increasing because the bugs that it's killing—

Lisa: Creating the serotonin in their gut.

Cyndi: They create the precursors, like it's just, and folic acid, you notice that folic acid in 2009, was it nine, yeah 2009, was now been fortified in our breakfast cereals and our flowers because we were lacking in folic acid. Well, we've been using a lot since the 70s. But in food since the 90s. And then in the desiccation process, which New Zealand does, I have done the research on that. So the desiccation process means that they're anything like sweet potato, potato, any anything that's leafy, like grains, or legumes that have been grown in New Zealand can have a desiccation process done to it, which is Roundup, glyphosate. So it kills all the riffraff so that harvesting is easier. But then it goes into our food, and then we eat it. Like you said, you've got a doctor that he has tested everybody, and it's just like—

Lisa: Yeah, it's everywhere. You know, we're all poisoned with this stuff. And so there's lots. Yeah. So very well, couldn't we, we could, we certainly need to get together on a private basis here. But I don't want to, I want to be respectful of your time. Thank you so much for the work that you're doing. Being a part of this movement, we're part of the same force, we've got different areas of expertise and you've taught me an awful lot today. I'm just like, ‘Well, a new direction to go and oh, my God, I'm going to be studying even more’.

Cyndi: Just read my book, you'll be fine. 

Lisa: Exactly. I will be reading your book. So tell us again, the name of the book, where to get it, where to get your website. So you know, all the sort of stuff that we need to know

Cyndi: Lab to Table is the book. There are two websites, it's Changing Habits. So it's either.co.nz or .com.au that I use. But I also have my Academy, so my 12 month education course, which is the thenutrition.academy. If you just go to that, or just look up the Nutrition Academy and make sure my name is there as well, send me an email, you will come to that and you'll see the education that we're doing. We do have an August intake and their August intake. It's like I saw what the girls put up. And like normally, it's about $5,000 to do the 12 month course, an early bird special on the intake is 3300 Australian dollars. 

If you've got American dollars or pounds, you're right, you've got a cheaper than the Australian dollar fee even at the moment. But this will help you go through the process of understanding an anthropological process and vitalistic process. Then with that lens, understanding food. Once you have your philosophy, you don't fall for everything. You'll understand carnivore, vegan, paleo, keto, and where they stand in our history and which one is best for you. Instead of going, ‘Oh, this celebrity is doing vegan, I should be doing vegan, it's going to save the planet’, you will actually understand the real narrative behind the vegan movement, which I have to tell you is dangerous. But it is vegetarian: okay. Vegan: not. You’ll learn all of that stuff and that's just in one module of 12 modules. So I love my Nutrition Academy. I love my students. I love teaching them. It's just my greatest love. And like you said, I don't know what you see. Being that new, educating people I'll do probably right into my 70s and then I might find out from my grandbabies.

Lisa: Yeah, you’ll probably do even longer than that. Cyndi, you've been wonderful. I really respect you. I think you're amazing. I'm so glad that our mutual friend introduced us Thanksgiving. Epic. We'll just keep this momentum going. I think I have lots more to learn from you and I can't wait to go and grab that book. Thank you very much for your time today Cyndi.

That's it this week for pushing the limits. Be sure to rate review and share with your friends and head over and visit Lisa and her team at lisatamati.com.

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This is the best podcast for long runs. Lisa is just so relatable, honest, funny and inspires me to push my own limits. Awesome guests (I particularly enjoyed the podcast with Kim Morrison) and a wide variety of topics covered. Thanks for keeping me running, Lisa!
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I am getting my mojo back with regards to my health and running after treatment for breast cancer, I connected with Lisa as I was looking for positive influences from people who are long distance runners and understand our mindset. Lisa’s podcasts have been a key factor in getting me out of a negative space where I allowed others limiting beliefs to stop me from following my heart and what I believe is right for me. After 18 months of being in cancer recovery mode I wanted to get out of the cancer mindset and back to achieving goals that had been put aside. Listening to Pushing The Limits has put me onto other great podcasts, and in the process I have learnt so much and am on a pathway to a much better place with my mindset and health. Thanks so much Lisa for doing what you do and always being you.